It's certainly not inconceivable for a decent Indy entry to be made at this point. KINGDOM was clearly a casualty of an overlong gestation and a conflict of vision between Lucas and Spielberg, as well as a sloppy, rushed production with a sea of on-set rewrites.
If they approach INDY V with a bit more care, I imagine it could turn out just fine. It's just a matter of how much they really put into it, and whether Spielberg's truly on board for the love of it. The last thing we need is another autopilot installment.
As ever, I think you're right: derided though he is, Lucas was obviously fully behind Indy 4 and passionate about his ideas (and I still don't think the aliens idea was a bad one at all); and Harrison turned in his best performance in years if you ask me. Spielberg turned up, and obviously put a lot of hard work in as he was directing the thing (!), but his heart didn't seem 100% in it, judging by the finished product. So if he has decided to have another bash, perhaps Tintin has awoken the adventure side to him, or he wasn't entirely happy with KOTCS and wants to do Indy more justice... for Shia to be talking about it it does seem rather positive, and I for one know I'd watch it a couple of times at the cinema and buy the DVD. C'mon guys- do it.
Oh, video of Shia saying it here: