Episode 01: The Eleventh Hour. Writer Steven Moffat.
Episode 02: Title TBC. Writer Steven Moffat.
Episode 03: Title TBC. Writer Mark Gatiss (Daleks & Churchill).
Episode 04: Time of Angels. Writer Steven Moffat (Weeping Angels, River Song, part 1/2).
Episode 05: Flesh & Stone. Writer Steven Moffat (Weeping Angels, River Song, part 2/2).
Episode 06: Vampires of Venice. Writer Toby Whithouse.
Episode 07: Title & Writer TBC.
Episode 08: Title TBC. Writer Chris Chibnall (Silurians part 1/2).
Episode 09: Cold Blood. Writer Chris Chibnall (Silurians, part 2/2).
Episode 10: Vincent & The Doctor. Writer Richard Curtis (Van Gogh).
Episode 11: Title & Writer TBC.
Episode 12 & 13: Titles TBC. Writer Steven Moffat.
Episode 14: (Xmas 2010) Title & Writer TBC (Assuming there is a xmas episode).
Some observations on the list:
-"Vincent & The Doctor", which may in fact not be the title, seems confirmable to a point; Richard Curtis has said he is writing an episode which features "Van Gogh stabbing a yellow monster"
-Gareth Roberts is probably some of the TBC if this is true, as his agent has confirmed he has penned two episodes this season
-By God Moffat's quite the busybody, isn't he? (Five episodes there, and according to Digital Spy Moffat has written six episodes this series, which technically the list is six counting the finale's credit separately)
-This now makes either two or three sources citing "The Eleventh Hour" as the premier title. I hope it's true.
-Chris Chibnall's return is confirmed. Whether or not he is actually penning the Silurian episodes I don't know. Still, the man who wrote 42 writing Silurians should be interesting, although I do think his work on Life on Mars were two of the weaker episodes of the series, so could go either way really.
-Vampires of Venice has such a delightful ring to it. I do hope, though, they either recycle the Space Vampires (something ca. Vampire Science wouldn't be bad) or the Haemovores. Doctor Who doesn't need more vampires with more origin stories.
-I do, for the most part, still find the list(s) hard to believe. Especially the Weeping Angels episodes. I mean maybe the Angels are responsible for the crash of the Byzantium, but I'm calling bollocks on that until I've seen pictures or the episode has aired. At the end of the day I'm still chalking most/all of the list up as fan conjecture making the rounds.