i agree! the IGN review was way too harsh and often unjustified as they weren't able to test all aspects of the game. I really wish people would do their own, proper research before
ting all over a game/film they haven't tried for themselves, just because a major outlet like IGN have already done the same.
I preordered this title - i'm a fan of the games but i don't get to play them very often, and although i'm only halfway through the Goldfinger level i'm liking what i see so far. Shame that Daniel Craig hasn't provided the voice, but the sound-alike is very good and it's one of the best likenesses in a Bond game, perhaps even better than GE: Reloaded. Judi Dench as M and Rory Kinnear as Tanner do excellent jobs and all the other likenesses have been recreated brilliantly, just how fans will remember them (except for Blofeld who seems to be a mishmash of Pleasence and Savalas, but no big deal). The online multiplayer seems pretty much the same as GE Reloaded which is fair enough but the graphics are solid, and there are plenty of classic Bond moments for fans to enjoy - the COD comparisons are indeed inevitable but these are very unfair, so it would be better to let this game be judged on its own merits rather than as a carbon copy of COD with Bond thrown in for good measure.