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Will Bond 23 Be Titled SKYFALL?

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Poll: IF SkyFall is the title of Bond 23...

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...which is, as at 7 October 2011, still a girthsome IF... do you think it's

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Ultimately, do you think this rumour is...

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#271 univex


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Posted 08 October 2011 - 03:40 PM

In light of what as been discussed/guessed/elaborated on what the meaning of Skyfall is/could be I´ve decided I like it, risking myself to be disappointed of course. But I don´t mind, it´s the nature of the game afterall.

#272 Royal Dalton

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Posted 08 October 2011 - 04:31 PM

Oh, no. Please, no. Bond doesn't need a damn ancestral home. He's not the Prince of sodding Wales. Can't we please - for once - have a good old-fashioned unpretentiously entertaining James Bond film like, say, THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN? No origin story elements, no unnecessary (and unFlemingian) background details, no personal missions, no peeling back the layers.... Please.

Dude, we've got Sam Mendes directing. No way in hell are we losing the "This time it's personal" aspect. Sadly.


I'm hoping for the best. But I have a sneaking suspicion this film is going to be a steaming pile of crap.

#273 univex


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Posted 08 October 2011 - 05:46 PM

Oh, no. Please, no. Bond doesn't need a damn ancestral home. He's not the Prince of sodding Wales. Can't we please - for once - have a good old-fashioned unpretentiously entertaining James Bond film like, say, THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN? No origin story elements, no unnecessary (and unFlemingian) background details, no personal missions, no peeling back the layers.... Please.

Dude, we've got Sam Mendes directing. No way in hell are we losing the "This time it's personal" aspect. Sadly.


I'm hoping for the best. But I have a sneaking suspicion this film is going to be a steaming pile of crap.

Wow, the forever optimistic. Really? A steaming pile of crap? Really? At this stage? Before we know the plot, before we´ve seen one shot of it, before the first press conference, before any real news, ..., ? Really?

Ok then :tup: To each their one I guess.

PS: Woddy Allen´s Mickey? Is that you? :P

Edited by univex, 08 October 2011 - 05:48 PM.

#274 Safari Suit

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Posted 08 October 2011 - 06:04 PM

I have no idea if it was actually debunked over the last 9 frickin pages, but Skyfall reminds me a little too much of Skyline, but maybe that's just me. And I guess the world wull have completely forgotten about that film by the time they start pumping out the advertising for this thing, if it hasn't already.

#275 00Kevin



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Posted 08 October 2011 - 08:30 PM

I don't think this is the title. If it is I would be a bit disappointed. Skyfall doesn't have a bond sound to it; it sounds more like the title of a poorly concieved video game or fan fiction story

skyfail, IMO

#276 mcdonbb



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Posted 08 October 2011 - 11:25 PM

I don't like the title if that is it... kinda wimpy and uninspired. Title would rank up there with Licence to Kill (yawn). I am however feeling better about the film.

#277 Pussfeller



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Posted 08 October 2011 - 11:56 PM

It will be kind of weird if this turns out NOT to be the title, considering how widely, and with what blithe assurance, it is now being reported as the title. I don't even think it's a bad title, but part of me is hoping that they eventually announce something completely different, just so the Daily Mail has to retract their reporting of a rumor as a fact. Oh, who am I kidding? They'd just go with "BOND TITLE CHANGED DUE TO FAN OUTCRY".

#278 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 09 October 2011 - 12:01 AM


No, they wouldn't credit the fans getting the title changed. They'd claim it for themselves.

#279 Royal Dalton

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Posted 09 October 2011 - 12:16 AM

Oh, no. Please, no. Bond doesn't need a damn ancestral home. He's not the Prince of sodding Wales. Can't we please - for once - have a good old-fashioned unpretentiously entertaining James Bond film like, say, THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN? No origin story elements, no unnecessary (and unFlemingian) background details, no personal missions, no peeling back the layers.... Please.

Dude, we've got Sam Mendes directing. No way in hell are we losing the "This time it's personal" aspect. Sadly.

I'm hoping for the best. But I have a sneaking suspicion this film is going to be a steaming pile of crap.

Wow, the forever optimistic. Really? A steaming pile of crap? Really? At this stage? Before we know the plot, before we´ve seen one shot of it, before the first press conference, before any real news, ..., ? Really?

Ok then :tup: To each their one I guess.

PS: Woddy Allen´s Mickey? Is that you? :P

Woddy Allen? :confused:

PS: Sorry for having an opinion.

#280 Pussfeller



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Posted 09 October 2011 - 12:27 AM

"This reporter learned today that the next James Bond adventure will be titled Too Deadly To Kill. Its previous title, SkyFall, was abandoned following its exposure by the Mail's own Muriel Dripp. The public outcry that followed this sensational scoop led to the creation of a new title more in keeping with established custom. It has been reported that senior Bond producers have quietly expressed their gratitude to the Daily Mail for alerting them to the previous title's unsuitability, and thereby preventing a major catastrophe for the storied franchise. Did the Daily Mail save James Bond? Only time will tell. Sources indicate that Too Deadly To Kill will pit James Bond (Daniel Craig) against a time-travelling Nazi (Ralph Fiennes) and his adopted neanderthal son (Javier Bardem)."

#281 univex


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Posted 09 October 2011 - 12:34 AM

Oh, no. Please, no. Bond doesn't need a damn ancestral home. He's not the Prince of sodding Wales. Can't we please - for once - have a good old-fashioned unpretentiously entertaining James Bond film like, say, THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN GUN? No origin story elements, no unnecessary (and unFlemingian) background details, no personal missions, no peeling back the layers.... Please.

Dude, we've got Sam Mendes directing. No way in hell are we losing the "This time it's personal" aspect. Sadly.

I'm hoping for the best. But I have a sneaking suspicion this film is going to be a steaming pile of crap.

Wow, the forever optimistic. Really? A steaming pile of crap? Really? At this stage? Before we know the plot, before we´ve seen one shot of it, before the first press conference, before any real news, ..., ? Really?

Ok then :tup: To each their one I guess.

PS: Woddy Allen´s Mickey? Is that you? :P

Woddy Allen? :confused:

PS: Sorry for having an opinion.

You know I meant to say Woody Allen. Besides, I love Woody Allen :) And Mickey is a rounded example of one of his best negativist characters. And of course you can have an opinion Dalton, I usually read them all. But I can criticize them as well, in some sort of humouristic way, to be polite and even friendly, with some sort of an emoticon to go with it ;) These are forums afterall, right? Cheers :tup:

#282 marygoodnight



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Posted 09 October 2011 - 03:37 AM

Bond 23 will not have a dumb name titled SKYFALL.

#283 univex


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Posted 09 October 2011 - 03:40 AM

Bond 23 will not have a dumb name titled SKYFALL.

Well, ok, if you say so. Who can argue with those strong and vehement arguments?

Edited by univex, 09 October 2011 - 03:43 AM.

#284 Quantumofsolace007



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Posted 09 October 2011 - 03:54 AM

we'll know within a month whether bond 23 is Skyfall or not.

though Personally I believe it is and am slightly sad they didn't go for a Fleming title.

#285 Pussfeller



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Posted 09 October 2011 - 04:08 AM

Bond 23 will not have a dumb name titled SKYFALL.

What kind of dumb name will it have?

I'm still holding out for "Card-Sense Jimmy Bond's Big Score"

#286 DaveBond21



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Posted 09 October 2011 - 06:23 AM

Bond 23 will not have a dumb name titled SKYFALL.

What kind of dumb name will it have?

I'm still holding out for "Card-Sense Jimmy Bond's Big Score"

My Sauces told me it's going to be Monkeyfinger.


#287 Cyclone49



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Posted 09 October 2011 - 10:55 AM

As far as non-Fleming titles go, I rather like it. Striking, and doesn't really fall prey to usual Bond title cliches. I think its probably best for them to ration the remaining usable Fleming titles too, rather than using them all up during Craig's run.

#288 WC


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Posted 09 October 2011 - 11:10 AM

I think Skyfall sounds rather bland personally.

We've had so many titles related to "death/kill/live/gold" etc, but surprisingly only one related to "spy"

If it weren't for an already well-known existing MI5 autobiography, and an unrelated BBC tv series with the same name, the title Spycatcher might've sounded like something Bondian and is a one word title too. Maybe they could come up with something similar sounding with another word at the end of "spy"? Even a similar variant on the rumoured title like Skycatcher would've sounded more mysterious than Skyfall. Of course, Spycatcher sounds better, but that's already been used.

#289 Skudor



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Posted 09 October 2011 - 11:16 AM

I'm still not super-keen on Quantum of Solace as a title! Especially the way they seemed to try and make it into a pun (the baddies being called Quantum) which actually made it meant less sense!

Yeah, I've never been a fan of how the baddies were made into Quantum, which just added to the confusion of the title (which I do like).

#290 marktmurphy



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Posted 09 October 2011 - 11:47 AM

I'm still not super-keen on Quantum of Solace as a title! Especially the way they seemed to try and make it into a pun (the baddies being called Quantum) which actually made it meant less sense!

Yeah, I've never been a fan of how the baddies were made into Quantum, which just added to the confusion of the title (which I do like).

Indeed; now the title means 'Baddies of Comfort'.
Which is just bizarre :)

#291 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 09 October 2011 - 12:02 PM

No it doesn't. They're clearly a teddy bear cartel.

#292 Shrublands



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Posted 09 October 2011 - 12:10 PM

Posted Image
The Quantum executive meeting.
“This organization tolerates failure, don’t worry, sleep tight.”

#293 Pussfeller



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Posted 09 October 2011 - 12:35 PM

Yeah, the producers seem to have proceeded from the assumption that no one would know or care about the literal significance of either word. As if "Quantum of Solace" were some recognizable but entirely idiomatic expression like "will o the wisp" or "spick and span", to which a new and arbitrary meaning might be assigned. I'm surprised they didn't go so far as to create an organization or entity called "Solace".

#294 marktmurphy



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Posted 09 October 2011 - 01:13 PM

Yeah, the producers seem to have proceeded from the assumption that no one would know or care about the literal significance of either word. As if "Quantum of Solace" were some recognizable but entirely idiomatic expression like "will o the wisp" or "spick and span", to which a new and arbitrary meaning might be assigned. I'm surprised they didn't go so far as to create an organization or entity called "Solace".

'Solace' is actually a more creepy sounding word than 'Quantum', in terms of an evil agency being called that; don't you think?

Then at the very least the title 'Quantum of Solace' could imply that Bond is merely touching the tip of the iceberg when it comes to defeating 'Solace': that Greene is just the smallest part -or quantum- of the company! :)

#295 Loomis


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Posted 09 October 2011 - 01:16 PM

I'm hoping for the best. But I have a sneaking suspicion this film is going to be a steaming pile of crap.

Same here. I'm picturing a cross between THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH and QUANTUM OF SOLACE, but, hey, who knows?

#296 Shrublands



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Posted 09 October 2011 - 01:16 PM

Yeah, the producers seem to have proceeded from the assumption that no one would know or care about the literal significance of either word. As if "Quantum of Solace" were some recognizable but entirely idiomatic expression like "will o the wisp" or "spick and span", to which a new and arbitrary meaning might be assigned. I'm surprised they didn't go so far as to create an organization or entity called "Solace".

'Solace' is actually a more creepy sounding word than 'Quantum', in terms of an evil agency being called that; don't you think?

Then at the very least the title 'Quantum of Solace' could imply that Bond is merely touching the tip of the iceberg when it comes to defeating 'Solace': that Greene is just the smallest part -or quantum- of the company! :)

A much better idea… and sensible too.

#297 Loomis


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Posted 09 October 2011 - 01:19 PM

'Solace' is actually a more creepy sounding word than 'Quantum', in terms of an evil agency being called that; don't you think?

Indeed. I've never really liked "Quantum" as the name of The Evil Organisation™. Seemed a bit random and meaningless and just a handy way of using the "quantum" part of "quantum of solace" - which it was, of course!

#298 PPK_19


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Posted 09 October 2011 - 01:20 PM

Yeah, the producers seem to have proceeded from the assumption that no one would know or care about the literal significance of either word. As if "Quantum of Solace" were some recognizable but entirely idiomatic expression like "will o the wisp" or "spick and span", to which a new and arbitrary meaning might be assigned. I'm surprised they didn't go so far as to create an organization or entity called "Solace".

'Solace' is actually a more creepy sounding word than 'Quantum', in terms of an evil agency being called that; don't you think?

Then at the very least the title 'Quantum of Solace' could imply that Bond is merely touching the tip of the iceberg when it comes to defeating 'Solace': that Greene is just the smallest part -or quantum- of the company! :)

Apart from the fact that 'solace' means comfort. A secret, deadly organisation called Comfort? Might as well call it Cute and Cuddly.

#299 marktmurphy



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Posted 09 October 2011 - 01:26 PM

'Solace' is actually a more creepy sounding word than 'Quantum', in terms of an evil agency being called that; don't you think?

Indeed. I've never really liked "Quantum" as the name of The Evil Organisation™. Seemed a bit random and meaningless and just a handy way of using the "quantum" part of "quantum of solace" - which it was, of course!

Quite; it's so innocuous that I'm sure you can find dozens of genuine, legitimate and boring companies called 'Quantum'. Which I'm sure they'd say is the point- that it can be hidden in plain sight; but it's not very Bond, is it? I suspect it was more because the letter 'Q' looks nice as a lapel pin! :)
'Solace' has the feeling of 'Spectre' I think; a bit disturbing. Especially since, being Bond villains, they're seeking the opposite of solace for the rest of us! Can't believe I've never thought about that before.

Apart from the fact that 'solace' means comfort. A secret, deadly organisation called Comfort? Might as well call it Cute and Cuddly.

Yeah, but we know to them it would mean the opposite.
A bit like how Quantum is the name of a massive, secret organisation, and it means 'tiny'! Might as well call it 'Tiddly and Miniscule' :) Only the concept of someone calling themselves comfort or solace when they're actually offering completely the opposite has the wolf-in-sheep's-clothing scary factor.

#300 Pussfeller



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Posted 09 October 2011 - 01:44 PM

I agree, "Solace" is the better word. It sounds like a deep sigh on a wintry night, and its emotional value is ambiguous and complex. "Quantum", on the other hand, is precisely the sort of word that dumb people find vaguely sophisticated, as long as it's used as a proper noun so that you needn't know what it actually means. Sort of like "azimuth".