I believe there are various folks ... who have already fallen for Deaver without a word being written; these may or may not be Americans - I am unable to decypher who they might be in the Bond community, and hence nationality, due to the anonymity of user names. (I've been around the "Bond community" for some years, know some real folk, etc
Sorry if the original punctuation of my original post doesn't make it clear.
Now, back to the kids.
Oh, I think there is a distinctive amount of (overhasty?) enthusiasmn regarding X around, sure. But I also think this is perfectly natural considering the circumstances. News on the film front will probably be scarce for the forseeable future, so fans are actually in a mild state of starvation. Any news regarding Bond would spark lively responses right at the moment.
Now we get the announcement (with a countdown, mind you) that there is a new adult novel in the works.
Reaction: FAN-TAS-TIC! (after DMC it was not very likely there'd
ever be a new adult Bond novel!)
Next we hear it's to be written by Jeffery Deaver, a prolific thriller writer in his own right.
Reaction: BLOODY FANTASTIC! (since John Gardner it always was someone that happened to be almost drafted, not a person whose own work would put him into a place to politely decline the idea)
But the wonders never cease. We hear 'Project X' stands for a whole series of present day novels by different authors.
Reaction: ... (actually, this is one of fandom's most often voiced ideas; stunning that IFP really has picked up on it!)
And on top of all that we hear now that X stands for a 'reboot'.
Reaction: F*C*U*K!!! (mind you, up to now the standard IFP strategy was 'ok, you write a continuation and we'll just see the rest...')
This is for the first time an attempt that goes
beyond the minimum effort. There is a basic concept hinted at, a schedule that reaches much further into the future than any previous effort, personally and conceptionally.
In light of all of that I can understand people getting somehow enthusiastic. I also can understand your (or anybody else's) initial discomfort and doubt about the idea of 'rebooting' Bond. As I've mentioned before, not so long ago I'd haven't been very positive about this venture myself. Still, after some pondering of the idea (strangely enough,
before X was announced) I started to see definite potential in it. I'm 42 myself at the moment, so I had to do my fair share of bending my mind around it (not being overly comic geek-ish I have to admit).
I still think rebooting is far from an easy feat. A complicated task that calls for some effort. But I also have confidence that it can be done. And the main thing about Deaver's X-1 of course should be that it convinces as a Bond adventure. If it succeeds in that regard I think it will be much easier to get comfortable with the reboot that the X-series also is.