He lacks charisma and always acts like he is sleepy. He talks like a less charasmatic version of George Sanders.
Interesting point of view. To me, the problem of Clive Owen as Bond 7 would not be the fact he acts as he was sleeping. The problem would be his age (46 years-old) and perhaps his fame (like Fiennes, Jackman, Bale etc...). Owen was the general public's favourite actor with Jackman in 2005 I think. But if the producers didn't choose him, they surely had their reasons. So, for being Bond 7, it's failed. But for Casino Royale, to me, he was the perfect actor, and I couldn't explain why. When I read Fleming's novels, I imagine an actor like Dalton or Owen, not Craig. And the lack of charisma is a subjective problem. People think Dalton lacks charisma, but in my opinion he doesn't. Everybody has a different opinion of "what's the charisma ?".
Don't get me wrong, I don't mean the first thing an actor must have to act Bond is an age or a physical. The most important thing is the talent, of course. But I consider both Craig and Owen have the same potential, and Owen looks more like Bond in my mind than Craig. It's a personal opinion, nothing more. He looks like Dalton to me. And as he's my favourite Bond actor...
By the way, C.L.I.V.E O.W.E.N = 5 + 6 and J.A.M.E.S B.O.N.D = 5 + 6.

More seriously and as a conclusion, I would say that, to me, Timothy Dalton, Clive Owen, and Michael Fassbender, are three actors who are in the same category : they are actors I imagine when I read Fleming's novels. It's just a personal opinion, and it's very difficult to explain why they are. They represent James Bond in my mind.