KOTCS definitely suffered from too many people pulling in different directions.
If they were to make another Indy they should sort out early on the direction to take it and if everyone can't agree call it quits- not get writer after writer to tweak until every one is partially happy. They haven't got time to twiddle their thumbs this time, maybe we will see something more pure and undiluted.
That said I view KOTCS as a fun two hours which loses a bit of traction mid way through.
Indy's return didn't add anything new (other than CGI), whereas, say, Rocky Balboa's did (or so I'm led to believe; I never saw the film).
You were led up the garden path, I'm afraid.
I'm all for this, but did it need to include Aliens, really. Let me rephrase that, did they have to include aliens as much as they did. We didn't need to see Jesus Christ to believe in the ark or the grail did we? So why show the aliens and a bloody spaceship!
But you're just comparing it to what came before. The relevant question is did it work in the context of the film?
It's true that INDIANA JONES AND THE CRYSTAL SKULL would have been a much, much better, snappier title (and it's my mental shorthand for the movie anyway)
If by snappier you mean shorter, sure. But it is rather mundane. I far prefer Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, which only really becomes a problem when you chain it to 'Indiana Jones and' the much like Raiders of the Lost Ark.
I always thought it would be interesting if they had taken turns directing the movies.
I think a Lucas directed Indy would be an truly interesting excursion if nothing else. Inevitably fanboys would be up in arms claiming it wasn't a legitimate Indy film though.
I've just got Lego Indy for the PS2*, and it's great fun, almost makes up for KOTCS.
If you are looking for any kind of depth in gaming, the LEGO series isn't for you. As an Indy fan I forced myself through, mainly to see how they handled the story segments rather then because of any enjoyment in the gameplay, which is outright repetitive- especially if you have already played LEGO Star Wars.
A'men. I agree with it all. And Really, Indy couldn't kill at least one Commie? At least fire his gun?
That would've been nice.
Edited by Mr Teddy Bear, 02 August 2008 - 06:25 AM.