Come, honestly now. After over 40 years and 22 films (with most of them having cool, clever titles) you think EON is going to call Bond 22 "007" ?
Exactly. If this was the 2nd movie of the franchise then maybe 007 would work. This is the 22nd film though. It'd be incredibly idiotic if you ask me.
Well technically, this 22nd film is the 2nd movie of the new bond franchise, so it could work. But its far too lazy on its own, im sure it will have the word die or kill added to it at some point.
It's not a new franchise. That's why I specifically worded it that way so I could get away from this sort of reply. As I said, if this was the 2nd movie of the franchise, it may not be so bad. But we're talking about almost 50 years of Bond movies and 21 films already and now they do 007? Ugh.. lazy is putting it mildly.
I don't expect this to be the title at all. I'll be shocked.
I knew what you meant by your wording, but i simply disagree. In my mind Bonds 1-20 made up the first franschise, no matter how much fanwankery logic us fans put in, it is essentially the same character continuing on, each movie existing in the same universe as the others.
Casino Royale marks the new Bond franchise, completely disregarding (continuity wise) what came before, but still keeping the stuff we enjoyed. So to me its a brand new franchise, starring a character we have all loved for 50 years and seen 20 times before.
So I have no problem with whatever they come up with for Bond 22's title, i could live quite happily with 007, its simple and to the point, but would make it more difficult to come up with a satisfying title for Bond 23, 24 etc.