I don't mind. But I don't know why this thread would be revived for a specific conversation about Miranda Frost's sexuality. Certainly it could/should have been it's own thread.Sorry, Zencat... this thread will never die...

Zencat's DAD review: "THE BEST BOND MOVIE EVER?"
Posted 15 January 2010 - 05:36 PM
Posted 15 January 2010 - 05:47 PM
But I don't know why this thread would be revived for a specific conversation about Miranda Frost's sexuality.
Which was probably...
Kind of bummed
Posted 16 January 2010 - 08:01 AM
Posted 16 January 2010 - 12:29 PM
Absolutely. Perhaps the best thing about DAD is that it gave rise to this wonderfully written review. A true CBn classic.Don't worry about it GS. People love seeing this thread pop up again.
Posted 16 January 2010 - 01:24 PM
Absolutely. Perhaps the best thing about DAD is that it gave rise to this wonderfully written review. A true CBn classic.Don't worry about it GS. People love seeing this thread pop up again.
I'll second that!
Posted 16 January 2010 - 04:34 PM
Like many Bond fans, I enjoyed DAD up until Iceland.
Then, it became Star Wars.
Just popping 'round to see what's been happening on here. DaveBond's remark is the bottom line, IMHO.
Posted 19 January 2010 - 09:42 AM
Posted 13 September 2010 - 07:38 PM

Posted 13 September 2010 - 07:58 PM
Hey, what the
happened? My review is gone.
Just the latest in adaptive camouflage.
Posted 13 September 2010 - 08:00 PM

Posted 13 September 2010 - 08:20 PM
Posted 13 September 2010 - 09:50 PM

Posted 13 September 2010 - 11:01 PM
To Hell with Zencat's review of the movie, what about the link to his review of my party?
I wish I could have been there
Posted 14 September 2010 - 12:46 AM
Well, thanks to Judo chop who quoted it in full, it's back.
We should main page this thing and use it to discuss how crazy we Bond fans can be immediately after seeing a Bond film.

Die Another Day didn't have that effect on me though. It's the only one. I didn't like it the first time I saw it. Not a fan of The World Is Not Enough either, but I admit to leaving the theater with a big ol grin. It's like a dream. "It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange."
Posted 14 September 2010 - 01:49 AM
OF course my opinions of BOnd movies (eg, the ones I like and dislike) are all being compared as Bond movies. AVTAK, MR, TWINE and DAD all rank toward the bottom of the series for me, but I will still take any of those over Titanic or Avatar!
Posted 14 September 2010 - 02:50 AM
Posted 16 September 2010 - 06:13 AM

Posted 17 September 2010 - 11:03 PM
1. The plane sequence
2. Halle Berry.
Posted 18 September 2010 - 01:27 PM
There are some other Bond films there that have had the same treatment. If I were to change the re-imagining now it would be to steal the above posters idea of removing Miranda. Pity, cause she's one of the sexiest Bond ladies ever.
While I enjoyed DAD zencat, I wouldn't rate it as highly as you do.
Posted 19 September 2010 - 08:04 AM
I watched this movie again yesterday, and it's been given a bad rap. It really is a good movie that falls short of greatness for two reasons:
1. The plane sequence
2. Halle Berry.
You forgott the surfing scene.
Posted 20 September 2010 - 04:17 AM
I watched this movie again yesterday, and it's been given a bad rap. It really is a good movie that falls short of greatness for two reasons:
1. The plane sequence
2. Halle Berry.
You forgott the surfing scene.
The opening surfing scene?
Posted 20 September 2010 - 10:50 AM
Well, well, well... the CGI is not good. Looks like a kind of early version that just was left in due to time or budget constraints.
I still think it´s fun. And very Bond-ish. 007 is in a life-threatning situation. And he uses what he has to escape that in a way that is also wink-wink funny. So... quit the whining, guys. This is a fun scene, over the top like the rest of the film, indicating a very distinct phase in the Bond films.
Posted 20 September 2010 - 03:05 PM
This is a fun scene, over the top like the rest of the film, indicating a very distinct phase in the Bond films.
Exactly. Adopt the time-honored strategy of parents everywhere and you can endure this scene by repeating to yourself, "It's only a phase...it's only a phase..."
I can never watch that scene without remembering the audience's reaction to it in the theater. An audible groan went up, as I recall. Probably the only time I've seen that reaction for a scene that was scored with the James Bond theme.
Posted 20 September 2010 - 03:10 PM
Posted 21 September 2010 - 09:47 AM
I agree. The CGI could be better, but the actual escape is very Bondian.I guess this is about the CGI glacier surfing scene.
Well, well, well... the CGI is not good. Looks like a kind of early version that just was left in due to time or budget constraints.
I still think it´s fun. And very Bond-ish. 007 is in a life-threatning situation. And he uses what he has to escape that in a way that is also wink-wink funny. So... quit the whining, guys. This is a fun scene, over the top like the rest of the film, indicating a very distinct phase in the Bond films.
No offense, but I've seen a number of Bond films in theaters multiple times and I've never heard a groan from the audience during any viewing, including during Die Another Day.This is a fun scene, over the top like the rest of the film, indicating a very distinct phase in the Bond films.
Exactly. Adopt the time-honored strategy of parents everywhere and you can endure this scene by repeating to yourself, "It's only a phase...it's only a phase..."
I can never watch that scene without remembering the audience's reaction to it in the theater. An audible groan went up, as I recall. Probably the only time I've seen that reaction for a scene that was scored with the James Bond theme.
Posted 22 September 2010 - 07:49 PM
I watched this movie again yesterday, and it's been given a bad rap. It really is a good movie that falls short of greatness for two reasons:
1. The plane sequence
2. Halle Berry.
Once again, the Bond fans rear their ugly racism in their attacks upon Halle Berry. I can't believe they are really that disturbed by the idea of a woman with African ancestry being the leading actress in a Bond female. This is becoming disgusting beyond belief.
Posted 22 September 2010 - 08:40 PM
Oh, I don't see any racism here. There have been plenty of African American Bond Girls who are beloved. Rosy Carver. May Day. If there's any prejudice at work here, I'd say it's against her superstar status. That seemed to clash a bit with the Bond universe.I watched this movie again yesterday, and it's been given a bad rap. It really is a good movie that falls short of greatness for two reasons:
1. The plane sequence
2. Halle Berry.
Once again, the Bond fans rear their ugly racism in their attacks upon Halle Berry. I can't believe they are really that disturbed by the idea of a woman with African ancestry being the leading actress in a Bond female. This is becoming disgusting beyond belief.
Posted 22 September 2010 - 08:50 PM
I watched this movie again yesterday, and it's been given a bad rap. It really is a good movie that falls short of greatness for two reasons:
1. The plane sequence
2. Halle Berry.
Once again, the Bond fans rear their ugly racism in their attacks upon Halle Berry. I can't believe they are really that disturbed by the idea of a woman with African ancestry being the leading actress in a Bond female. This is becoming disgusting beyond belief.
Posted 22 September 2010 - 09:25 PM
I watched this movie again yesterday, and it's been given a bad rap. It really is a good movie that falls short of greatness for two reasons:
1. The plane sequence
2. Halle Berry.
Once again, the Bond fans rear their ugly racism in their attacks upon Halle Berry. I can't believe they are really that disturbed by the idea of a woman with African ancestry being the leading actress in a Bond female. This is becoming disgusting beyond belief.
Seriously??? Race has nothing to do with it, I find Hally Berry to be a beautiful woman and she looked good in the movie, but she just kind of cheesed her way through the role. However as awful as she was, she was still better than Denise Richards and Tanya Roberts who happen to be white
Posted 13 November 2011 - 09:52 PM
Edited by glidrose, 13 November 2011 - 09:55 PM.