It occurred to me that we don't have a Star Wars thread (or at least not one that I could find). So here it is.
A few months ago I rewatched all 6 films in the proper order 4,5,6,1,2,3 and I realized a few things.
1. 13 years later, Episode I is not all that bad. Forgive Jar Jar Binks and the gungans and skip over the pod race and it's actually a pretty decent film (at least compared to Episode II).
2. Episode II is easily the worst. Nothing happens for roughly an hour and a half.
3. Natalie Portman is lovely, but is just plain terrible in all 3 films (and not particularly good looking in Ep3).
4. Any scene between Padmé and Anakin is just painful. The dialogue is bad and terribly acted.
5. Episode III is better than Return of the Jedi.
6. George Lucas cannot write dialogue to save his life.
7. Episodes IV and V are still far and away the best.
8. The special editions still need to burn in hell!
I'd rank the films:
Star Wars: A New Hope
Empire Strikes Back
Revenge of the Sith
Return of the Jedi
Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones
Curious to see how everyone thinks.