Interesting. Do you remember that there's an actor playing an isolation guard in the cast of Skyfall?
Not really. I don't pay much attention to the casting of extras.
Will the DECC double as Scotland Yard then? And 10 Trinity Square?
I'm guessing it will - the DECC would probably be the roof, and 10 Trinity Square the ground-level exteriors. All the interiors would be shot at Pinewood. So I think it will either be Scotland Yard, or some other government building. Possibly the Ministry of Defence, or even the MI5 HQ.
I’m guessing no.
No way would they use the building that was the original Scotland Yard and try to pass it off as New Scotland Yard. New Scotland Yard is a very famous building and the British see the outside with its very famous revolving sign almost nightly on the news. It would seem ludicrous for a film to show us a building that we all know hasn't been Scotland Yard since Adam was a lad and say it still is. It also looks
nothing like New Scotland Yard.
They are being very specific in recreating every street that circles the DECC across town. Why name the exact streets that form that block if they are not referring precisely to the DECC?
If it were doubling for the Defence building, why not give the names of streets that form that bock?
No, in my opinion, it's intended to be the DECC.