A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)
Posted 17 October 2011 - 01:03 PM
Posted 17 October 2011 - 01:30 PM
They're seriously calling this A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD? Good grief. All of a sudden, SKYFALL looks like the greatest title ever conceived.
The February release date also seems a very strange move. The plot sounds appalling (thanks, guys, another McClane-and-young-male-sidekick buddy movie, only this time it's his son - no, really, thank you), the choice of director stunningly unexciting, and the prison backdrop a gigantic yawn.
Basically, it seems as though they've gone out their way to create precisely the kind of movie that DIE HARD fans don't want.
I completely agree. February? Not a summer release? They are obviously going in for a quick fix in the "Liam Neeson-B-movie-action slots" (Jan/Feb).
And quite frankly, DIE HARD, the legendary trilogy, is a thing of the past. Now, the studio just wants to milk the franchise, squeeze it until they can reboot it.
I also hope that this title is just a working title...
Loomis, you were spot on with your assessment, so don´t worry.
Posted 28 October 2011 - 09:48 PM
That spoof Die Hard 12 video that someone put up, by the way, is absolutely brilliant.
Posted 29 October 2011 - 06:01 PM
The prison idea
McClane getting caught up in the uprising as the only westerner(hopefully)
and wouldnt it be great if they used Russian dialogue and subtitles and made it so McClane couldnt understand anyone?
Having his son in it.
However, if they have to make a 5th, this does sound way better than I would've expected;
Olyphant and Kev Smith aside, I hated 4.
Posted 25 February 2012 - 07:13 AM
Looks like John McClane Jr, aka Jack McClane has been cast...Australian actor, Jai Courtney, whoever the hell he is... Production starts in April for a Feb, 2013 release!! Meh..make of it what you will.. I've personally got high hopes for this...20th Century Fox just needs to avoid the mistake of releasing Live Free Or Die Hard as PG-13 in theaters..they did make a MUCH better UNRATED version available on DVD..DH5 needs to be R-rated like the good ol' days..
Posted 25 February 2012 - 11:18 AM
He's had a couple of recurring roles on "All Saints" and "Packed to the Rafters". These are very popular shows here in Australia (though "All Saints" ended a while ago), so the roles Courtney had are the kinds of roles that can make a career down here (for example, Heath Ledger appeared on "Home and Away" in 1997, his irst major role). Australian television is funny like that - if you want to make a career for yourself, you pretty much have to appear on one of several shows in some way. Courtney has done two of them.Looks like John McClane Jr, aka Jack McClane has been cast...Australian actor, Jai Courtney, whoever the hell he is...
Posted 25 February 2012 - 01:26 PM
Posted 26 February 2012 - 07:42 PM
You know, the more I'm seeing this, the less I'm liking it. The writer, Skip Woods, was not only responsible for THE A-TEAM, but he also did SWORDFISH, X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE, HITMAN and GI JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA. And in addition to MAX PAYNE, the director, John Moore, also did the remakes of THE OMEN and FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX and BEHIND ENEMY LINES. Just how many carriages can they line up on this trainwreck-in-waiting?
Oh, my, my, my. What horrors have I come home to? If we were really down to an either/or scenario, couldnt' they have found either a director or a writer with even the ghost of a rose on his plate?
Posted 04 October 2012 - 04:38 PM
Posted 04 October 2012 - 04:42 PM
Posted 04 October 2012 - 06:40 PM
Posted 04 October 2012 - 07:01 PM
Posted 05 October 2012 - 12:28 PM
Affraid to ask this,but could someone please explain to me "the 007 of Plainfeild New Jerssey"
Posted 05 October 2012 - 06:41 PM
John McClane is from Plainfield, New Jersey, and he's comparing himself to James Bond.Affraid to ask this,but could someone please explain to me "the 007 of Plainfeild New Jerssey"
Posted 05 October 2012 - 08:12 PM
Thanks Vauxhall!John McClane is from Plainfield, New Jersey, and he's comparing himself to James Bond.
Affraid to ask this,but could someone please explain to me "the 007 of Plainfeild New Jerssey"
Its Great to see Bruce willis giving a refference to our man
Posted 06 October 2012 - 07:34 PM
Looks iffy, I'll probably pass.
Posted 06 October 2012 - 08:04 PM
Posted 06 October 2012 - 10:10 PM
Looks really good, however can I just say, how can the same
happen to the same guy five times?
How can Bond survive so many men trying to kill him, with hardly a bullet even hiiting him once for the last 50 years
Ans: Its Just a movie
Posted 07 October 2012 - 09:03 AM
Posted 07 October 2012 - 09:54 AM
Looks really good, however can I just say, how can the samehappen to the same guy five times?
How can Bond survive so many men trying to kill him, with hardly a bullet even hiiting him once for the last 50 years
Ans: Its Just a movie
What's WRONG with you QOS4EVER? If you knew anything about Die Hard at all you'd know that's one of John McClane's most famous catchphrases! I refer you to this clip for confirmation.
Shaun was merely making a joke, he wasn't seriously thinking "they have no right to make 5 Die Hard films, realistically he'd be dead by now".
Jesus wept!
Edited by PPK_19, 07 October 2012 - 09:55 AM.
Posted 07 October 2012 - 01:02 PM
Posted 07 October 2012 - 02:12 PM
Posted 07 October 2012 - 02:28 PM
But I thought: enough is enough. Really, Bruce, let it go.
Now there´s another one. And you know what already turns me off it?
The same thing that hurt No.3 - it´s not just John McClane. It´s "also" McClane.
Maybe the new film is a good action movie. Maybe even a great one.
But the whole idea of DIE HARD was one guy trapped somewhere, having to face an army of thugs alone. DIE HARDER worked for me because it took that concept seriously.
And having him now fight together with his son (after using a potential son-in-law-figure and a daughter in No.4) is too much KOTCS for me.
Edited by SecretAgentFan, 07 October 2012 - 02:29 PM.
Posted 07 October 2012 - 04:58 PM
Sense of humour bypass. Common symptom of Daniel Craig Nuthuggers.
Oh. Pardon me ,
I hadn't realised that the earlier comment and yours pass as humour these days.
Posted 07 October 2012 - 05:00 PM
Posted 07 October 2012 - 11:08 PM
Posted 07 October 2012 - 11:37 PM
Looks just like any other freaking movie made today. All the bloody same.
Exactly, what I was thinking, Live Free Or Die Hard should've been the last one. Now, it's getting old.
Posted 15 October 2012 - 03:33 AM
Posted 22 October 2012 - 10:43 AM
Posted 22 October 2012 - 06:28 PM