A bit of a radical suggestion but, given how they've novelised other computer games (for example, The Force Unleashed novels) could one of the projects - and possibly Project X itself - be a novelisation of Bloodstone the (reported title of the) mooted computer game that's coming later this year?
Hey, that's an interesting thought. Unlikely they'd announce a novelization before the game, but I do like the idea.
In that case, I stand corrected. Cheers, zen, and sorry, MTM.
(Although I took Mark's question very literally, i.e. I thought he was asking whether there were any prior rumours of Young Bond as a concept [in which case I think the answer's no], and not whether the project that was eventually revealed as YB was heralded by any kind of IFP-has-an-exciting-new-project-in-the-works teaser, if you see what I'm trying to say.)
True. There was not a hint of the Young Bond concept, even though Charlie had finished the book prior to the announcement.
You know, as we near the date, it might be good to remember just how wrong initial fan reaction was in regards to the last two big IFP project announcements. We predicted doom for the Young Bond idea, and pretty much proclaimed DMC would be the greatest Bond novel since Fleming. Yep.