Not Newman's fault, since he needs to get cracking, just a mis-managed timeline.
You don't understand, do you?
In a senario where the score is delivered before the main theme has been worked on, then that's a mismanaged timeline...
But please do fill me in on my lapse in logic...
Simple - NOBODY has claimed that the score has been delivered before the song has been worked on.
Errr, you'll find that i never said they did...!
Re-read my posts which you've replied to and you'll find that the point i was making was that it's worrying that no artist has been announced, yet Newman was brainstorming ideas.
If this were the actual scenario, then it would indeed be a mismanaged timeline (on
Eon's part), since it's agreed here that the theme should
ideally be ready in some form for Newman to build his score around. As i said,
if this were the case then i wouldn't blame Newman for getting cracking with or without the theme, since he has
own deadlines to meet.
I made that point
before you piped in with your clue regarding the trumpeter which
suggests that i've no need to worry..
As I understand it, (and have already explained) I have reason to believe that the song is in fact finished.
...and the score is being worked on now.
Again, you'll find ii already replied to your revelation, saying that (if it's correct) it's great news as it would suggest that Newman did indeed have a theme to work with when he was quoted as starting to brainstorming.
Yes, and have been
throughout, thanks, as is clear from a scan of this thread