As opposed to you, who only seems to be capable of "contributing" a constant stream of abuse?
perhaps you should stop posting, unless you have something worth contributing to the topic at hand.
And here I was, led to believe that Canadians were known as a nation for being nice people ...You may have escaped the moderators with your skin intact once. That doesn't give you a licence to abuse other members at will.and in response to your Godzilla epic fail comment that was premature, you seem to remind of this song .
as opposed to yet again completely ignoring the topic at hand. let it go buddy, just let it go. try yoga or something.
i'm Polish Canadian so I guess that Canadian trait hasn't rubbed off on me. Yes Canadians are normally nice but when their being continually picked on they stand up for themselves. Have you never seen a hockey game before? When the gloves come off? you may escape the moderators by simply annoying and picking on me in an attempt get me to over reacted again with hopes that i'll be banned, but i'd think they would see you the same as i do. a poor sport. i hope that one didn't cross the line and i hope that wasn't to hard on you, i've been really trying to water them down. at least i'm willing to admit when i'm wrong.
i just found this song called "skyfall" by the band "neve" (1999-2001)
i don't know much about copyright laws but could that confirm, that the SF theme song will have a different name?
Nope. That will not prove a problem. Songs have the same titles all the time. A clash of rights is not about that and SKY and FALL are hardly trademark fact if anything, it only confirms that she wont be performing the SF theme song
just look at these lists of grammy winners in the past 50 years. if adele was chosen, she would be the first in the history of franchise to win a grammy and perform a bond theme song in the same year. then again there is a first for everything but i bet the producers are too cheap. anyone who has won a grammy and performed a bond theme song has only done so years after their win.
Nope again. Forget any lists about anything. You do realise that when music and film execs finally stamp who would be doing a Bond song for SKYFALL (everyone is assuming it will need a vocalist - it may not) I don't think they have the awards statistics of every major music award by their side when they make their decision.
And there ain't much cheap about the Bond producers.
i never said they do. good luck finding that quote, mate. Sean Connery would really disagree with you on that last comment but not the older Connery who i though i heard lives in some type of tax exile, i think in the Bahamas.
Edited by BourneAgainBond, 13 February 2012 - 03:08 PM.