No, it's not all that it "could" or probably "should" be, but it's still way ahead of the lame edition that came out last year.
I don't see any evidence to suggest it's "way" ahead. Slightly ahead, sure.
I'm in the camp that sighs about no EE probably ever coming
Same here.
but thankfully, CR is an incredible film even without that.
Agreed. The lack of an EE is not one of my gripes about how this new release seems to be shaping up, because I never expected an EE anyway.
I do wonder, though, why everybody's getting so indignant about getting "cheated" and whatnot. This has been the standard for nearly a decade: Theatrical release, DVD release, movie-geek DVD release 1-2 years later. This is nothing new, and nothing that should have been unexpected.
My complaint is not that there's an SE round the corner, which was something entirely expected and something I'd welcome if it looked worth buying. My complaint is that this SE seems to be a thin and halfhearted affair in terms of extras. If it had the in-depth docs, screentests, trailers, etc. that many of us would like it to have, as well as more than one commentary track, I wouldn't consider it a cheat.
Obviously, I'm aware that, for financial, legal, etc. reasons, The Powers That Be can't produce these DVDs to the exact specifications of Bond fans, but on the strength of what we know so far it's hard to see that this new release is anything to write home about.