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Success v Failure & "Which" Box Office?

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#211 stone cold

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Posted 07 November 2006 - 01:35 PM



#212 Bon-san


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Posted 07 November 2006 - 01:37 PM

Maybe she hasn't gotten laid in quite some time.

Perhaps GS is having trouble keeping up his end of the bargain?

This is completely unwelcome here. Please don't post personal insults. It's not what we're about here at CBn.

Thank you.

#213 blueman


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Posted 07 November 2006 - 04:11 PM

Hey stone cold, that's an awesome post, thanks for that. Cheers and enjoy the show!

#214 bond 16.05.72

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Posted 07 November 2006 - 11:26 PM

i dont want to comment any more on the dismaying sad fracas that occured over all this ..and i dont mean real bond fans trying to outrun their fears, doubts..i mean puerile, pathetic, immature unfunny, weak-minded homophobic, sociopathic dweeb wretches, saddo windowlickers who live online. i'm savouring Craigs silencing of these pricks. There are a few trolls left online and i'm sure the odd person will feel the need to creepily attack Craig personally in future..but i think film fans and normal and young people are hyped for this film, excited about this new Bond. there are many who will withhold judgement and i really hope they like it.

I was only a partial Bond fan who hated the last few Brosnan movies so much that i just didnt give a damn anymore.. DCs casting instantly made me sit up, ignited images of classic Bond in my mind - i was excited.. i'd never felt this kind of instantaneous buzz from a piece of news ( maybe batman begins )- DC and CR. It felt so right. I knew it in my gut. So when i discovered nervous Bond fans i was a little disheartened but knew the excitement would build as filming began and DC could prove himself. I prayed Craig would rock, for a year, i hoped the stupid tabloidy stuff would die down - i just found it so predictable and sad becasue he was a brave choice,a great choice, and a nice guy. However when i read the venomous bullying lameness from some quarters i became sort of mortally pissed off.. i had to fight these people. I had to say how much i believed in Craig. How much i admired him and respected him. That was why i joined this site.. not to fanboy out on Bond, but to show my belief and support for Daniel Craig. Im no film geek or web person. But he reinstilled a feel for Bond in me. I read all the books. He came alive again after years of being tediously cynically, meaninglessly represented on film. I am so happy right now - for him, for all of us. For all the negativity, worry and bad press - i think something extraordinary has happened. I think we have something so special with DC and the new Bond direction. Im thrilled with it. Its got its edge back, its swagger, its cool. Thats why rebirths have to be brave..all or nothing - nothing less than a return to greatness will do. I think DCs resolve to go beyond himself,and for the filmmakers to do that as well , has given this picture extra fire, extra energy. the anklebiting little freaks of CnB and the schoolboys on the web who write their pathetic tragic one-liners has just fuelled Bond and its filmakers. Who are these pussies anyway? - its why big productions are careful in their interactions with the net. its why studios ignore certain people and trust their instincts, as professionals and people who love and make films - because there is a acidic ignorance and bad-mindedness around in the media, and the web lets it too close for comfort sometimes. I think craig has dealt with it a bit too much in the press recently - its time to move on.

films are not the media..they are escapist, almost magical entertainment - especially bond no matter how real - i think films belong in this realm of the unreal, out of reach..the web seems to seek sometimes to bring everything down to its level, to disseminate to the point of no return.. fans almost eat up what they love. I like EONS slight distance - its the best way. but they have classily kept us up to date..to get enough of a feel for the filming and production. About the venom of CnB type people - I think the web's democracy goes to some peoples heads.. everyone should be able to speak freely, but there is a lack of responsibility for what is said that makes the value of that comment decrease. people cant hang themselves with their own rope in quite the same way they do in real life - they merely say their bit and slink off again. Thats all well and good but it certainly creates a fraglie community of opinion - easily stirred - a mass of information whos value is often hard to discern. thats why well run sites like this are a blessing. but bad news, bad press, bad mouthing - it all spirals frighteningly quickly online. more so that good news, hype etc.. it exists to regurgitate and parasitically break down everything. this can be hard to deal with sometimes.. you seek out what you are intersted in ( bond ) then are drawn into arguments, emotions that arent quite real. u cant be sure. when you turn off the computer u find a complete stranger has messed with your head!! its like a ouija board! anyway i digress..

i just get a good feeling now, like a fight has been won. the film is made..now everyone can make up their own minds. these forums will no longer resemble a roomful of people shouting at eachother in the dark. hopefully their can be some harmony, some making up - after the bloodbath of bond fans in the last year.

I think it does have asense of occasion - just this morning several people at my work have talked about the reviews..about how cool craig is. but despite all this i think CR will be a succes if it is a great film.. box office might take a hit - but thats what happens when you reintroduce quality into something. 2 weeks to go!!!

What a great post, you pretty much echo my own sentiments in your words, I have felt a duty to keep plugging DC to people and to have faith this guy is gonna change the way they think about Bond.

Only today I having chat with a work colleague about CR today, informing him about the rave reviews, He said he thought it funny that their making Bond gritty when everybody knows him for his cheesy oneliners, silly plots etc.

I pointed out to him that Bond wasn't always this way and CR would evoke Fleming's Bond more than any Bond film to date.

I think their is a large element of people out there who are going to be rather surprised at the tone of this film and how different Craig's Bond will be.

I really hope this repositions Bond as a contender again and not some also ran, Bourne & Bauer are great but Bond is the daddy and if Bond 22 carry's on where CR left off then maybe Craig will snatch the crown back and action film makers will see CR as setting the bar to a very high standard.

Edited by bond 16.05.72, 07 November 2006 - 11:28 PM.

#215 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 15 November 2006 - 11:34 PM

"Last Chance For Romance"

The betting window closes at midnight EST Thursday the 16th.

Here are my final offers to the detractors:

I will give you 2-1 odds that Casino Royale surpasses $300 mil world wide.

Even odds that it surpasses the average of GoldenEye/TND/TWINE

1-2 odds that it surpasses DAD's world wide total of $425 million.

Let's see if the biased fools from the 'anti-Craig' "wing" of their S&M club want to ante up!

Come on!

Edited the last two unnecessary words of the post--Bon-san

#216 Cody


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Posted 16 November 2006 - 06:17 PM

Is there a U.K. equivalent to BoxOfficeMojo, where we could see what it's made there before the U.S. release?

#217 Jim


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Posted 16 November 2006 - 06:24 PM

"Last Chance For Romance"

The betting window closes at midnight EST Thursday the 16th.

Here are my final offers to the detractors:

I will give you 2-1 odds that Casino Royale surpasses $300 mil world wide.

Even odds that it surpasses the average of GoldenEye/TND/TWINE

1-2 odds that it surpasses DAD's world wide total of $425 million.

Let's see if the biased fools from the 'anti-Craig' "wing" of their S&M club want to ante up!

Come on!

Edited the last two unnecessary words of the post--Bon-san

Yes, do come on.

You wouldn't want Mrs Jim to go unshod, would you?

#218 Dr. Noah

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Posted 16 November 2006 - 06:57 PM

Sportsbooks have the opening at $38 million. Get your money in, GS!


#219 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 16 November 2006 - 07:31 PM

Yes, do come on.

You wouldn't want Mrs Jim to go unshod, would you?

That's right.

The window closes at midnight tonite, New York time.

I aim to honour all 3 odds, $1000 up! Gravity's, where are you? Mrs. Jim needs new footware!

#220 lafemmefantome



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Posted 16 November 2006 - 08:00 PM

As someone who is new here and from the US, I do hope I can add more 2 cents to the question. Success v. Failure? Well here are some thoughts of mine and this comes from actually working in a movie theater for seven years when I was in college.

1. Daniel Craig can act and tonight I think I will get to see that as we are having a midnight showing. I'm not sure how many will be there. I'm not in Los Angeles so it's hard to say.

2. The release of the film shows a sense of belief of what the studio has in the film. Granted, most Bond films are released in the Winter to give adults a welcome reprieve from some of the other films that have been released.

3. The film has been screen numerous times for the critics and if I understand things correctly, THEY LIKE THE FILM!

Here's the thing...a good opening box office is important but also, you need to look at whether the film has "legs" that is...can it continue to pull in the movie week after week. That leads to another thought and that is whether the film will have a significant drop in US box office from week 1 to week 2.

4. The film's release does show some smart marketing in terms of the US. The film will have this weekend and the Thanksgiving Weekend to build up its box office total.

And finally for now, one of my students (I'm a high school teacher) just walked in and said..."I want to go and see that movie!"

So if "Casino Royale" and Daniel Craig can reach down to the teenagers, uh...imagine the possibilities or better yet...



#221 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 16 November 2006 - 08:51 PM

As someone who is new here and from the US, I do hope I can add more 2 cents to the question.

Here's the thing...a good opening box office is important but also, you need to look at whether the film has "legs" that is...can it continue to pull in the movie week after week. That leads to another thought and that is whether the film will have a significant drop in US box office from week 1 to week 2.

So if "Casino Royale" and Daniel Craig can reach down to the teenagers, uh...imagine the possibilities or better yet...



Welcome to the party, my dear.

Yes, legs and drop-off are important factors. They depend on things like 'word of mouth', 'critical acclaim', etc.

Remember that "International" will be important too, it traditionally being 2/3rds of Bond's total box office.

Since 2002, international currencies have appreciated v the US dollar PLUS there are significanly more territories and prints for CR than DAD in '02...hence, I expect "International" in US dollar terms to be thru the roof, blowing away the last Brosnan.

And yes, teens matter. They always have. So do pre-teens. Infact I was taken as a 6 year old to my first Bond...now I'll be taking a 10 year old myself...It will be the kid's 2nd theatrical Bonding experience.


Edited by HildebrandRarity, 16 November 2006 - 08:54 PM.

#222 Suivez ce parachute

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Posted 17 November 2006 - 01:52 AM

Since 2002, international currencies have appreciated v the US dollar

You can add "significantly" !

When I bought my French ticket for DAD, the accountants wrote "+5.8$" on their listings. When I'll buy my French ticket for CR, the same French price, they will write "+8.9$". Yes we're close to 50% of difference (min & max of EUR / $ since 2002 is even 0.83/1.36).

Now, for your information, in France all the box-office data for movies are not given in money, but in numbers of viewers.

I find it more revealing to realize about 14% of France went to the theaters to see Goldfinger. No way another Bond will ever top that, we're in territories only the most successful French film of the year can hope to reach. Not even Harry Potter could reach that in 2005.

In one site, I found that Golfinger was seen in theaters in the USA by 50.6 millions of US citizens. How large do you find this figure ?

Edited by Suivez ce parachute, 17 November 2006 - 01:52 AM.

#223 Johnboy007


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 01:54 AM

I'd assume that was nearly 1/4 of the population at time.

#224 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 17 November 2006 - 04:27 AM

Since 2002, international currencies have appreciated v the US dollar

You can add "significantly" !

When I bought my French ticket for DAD, the accountants wrote "+5.8$" on their listings. When I'll buy my French ticket for CR, the same French price, they will write "+8.9$". Yes we're close to 50% of difference (min & max of EUR / $ since 2002 is even 0.83/1.36).

Now, for your information, in France all the box-office data for movies are not given in money, but in numbers of viewers.

I find it more revealing to realize about 14% of France went to the theaters to see Goldfinger. No way another Bond will ever top that, we're in territories only the most successful French film of the year can hope to reach. Not even Harry Potter could reach that in 2005.

In one site, I found that Golfinger was seen in theaters in the USA by 50.6 millions of US citizens. How large do you find this figure ?

Welcome Suivez,

Yes, the Pound and Euro and Yen and Canadian and Australian dollars have appreciated anywhere from 25 to 50 percent v US$ since Nov '02.

And even though in France data is viewed in "admissions", Hollywood always translates it into 'gross' in USD. (Imagine the very significant increase for CR's box office gross in USD from Euroland and the UK EVEN if admissions remained the same in relation to DAD!!!)

To add to your Goldfinger paragraph, Thunderball actually exceeded it significantly. US admissions to Thunderball was approximately 70 millions tickets sold. By comparison, the two biggest Moores, TSWLM and Moonraker, had ~ 22 to 23 million admissions (tickets sold) while the average Brosnan was ~ 23-24 million admissions/tickets.

Thunderball was the Star Wars (1977/78) of its day and, in America, was bigger than Goldfinger.

#225 Qwerty


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 07:00 AM

Now on the CBn main page...

Run time of Casino Royale may be a factor

#226 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 17 November 2006 - 11:45 AM

Thanks for the link Qwerty.

Two things that they do not mention that will offset screens and run time are:

1) Children's ticket prices are almost half that of adult ticket prices in the US and Canada;

2) I know for certain that theatre owners will decrease showings for HF after 8 pm and replace many of the 9/9:30/10/10:30 pm showings with CR or other more adult-oriented movies as theatre owners will scramble to optimize their "mix" to maximize their own individual revenues and have full rooms.

Bond, as a result, will take this weekend's box office. Remember, children enjoy Bond too. Mine grew up on helpings of Thunderball, Moonraker and Octopussy DVDs and saw Die Another Day with me at the theatre as a 6 year old.


Edited by HildebrandRarity, 17 November 2006 - 11:49 AM.

#227 RazorBlade


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 12:00 PM

Thanks for the link Qwerty.

Two things that they do not mention that will offset screens and run time are:

1) Children's ticket prices are almost half that of adult ticket prices in the US and Canada;

2) I know for certain that theatre owners will decrease showings for HF after 8 pm and replace many of the 9/9:30/10/10:30 pm showings with CR or other more adult-oriented movies as theatre owners will scramble to optimize their "mix" to maximize their own individual revenues and have full rooms.

Bond, as a result, will take this weekend's box office. Remember, children enjoy Bond too. Mine grew up on helpings of Thunderball, Moonraker and Octopussy DVDs and saw Die Another Day with me at the theatre as a 6 year old.


I'm going to take my granddaughter. And I'm dragging 2 friends who normally wouldn't go see Bond. Ha reminds me of the heady days of rounding up people to go see SERENITY.

#228 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 17 November 2006 - 12:10 PM

Thanks for the link Qwerty.

Remember, children enjoy Bond too. Mine grew up on helpings of Thunderball, Moonraker and Octopussy DVDs and saw Die Another Day with me at the theatre as a 6 year old.


I'm going to take my granddaughter. And I'm dragging 2 friends who normally wouldn't go see Bond. Ha reminds me of the heady days of rounding up people to go see SERENITY.

Now there's the spirit!

How old is your grandchild? Hopefully not too young to get traumatized by the 'nasty' bits. LOL

#229 Tinfinger



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Posted 17 November 2006 - 12:50 PM

In my lifetime, I have never heard of a Bond movie getting the kind of reviews this one has. It's unreal. I'm a bit skeptical, but might end up seeing this one this weekend. Still not wild about the reboot, but may go see what all this fuss is about this weekend

#230 DLibrasnow



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Posted 17 November 2006 - 02:47 PM

I predict that both movies will do well at the box office.

But that HAPPY FEET will be the number 1 movie of the weekend.

Just checking the showtimes in my area it's evident that HAPPY FEET has a lot more showings scheduled than Casino Royale.

I expect that the tentpole theory will help push up Casino Royale's figures with people unable to make it into HAPPY FEET.

#231 JimmyBond



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Posted 17 November 2006 - 05:07 PM

I predict that both movies will do well at the box office.

But that HAPPY FEET will be the number 1 movie of the weekend.

I don't know about that. Happy Feet's getting a lot more mixed reviews than CR got. Most critics are calling it life less and dull. A feeling that I get while watching the previews for it.

#232 Bucky


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Posted 17 November 2006 - 11:23 PM

it will be close. while happy feet has a shorter run time i think more people will go to later showing of casino royale then happy feet

#233 Daltonfan



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Posted 18 November 2006 - 02:59 PM

There's an early box office report based on matinees and bookings here and it's looking good. They're predicting that both Casino Royale and Happy Feet will take more than $40m for the weekend and the Casino Royale UK first day figure is 50% higher than for Die Another Day.

Edited by Daltonfan, 18 November 2006 - 02:59 PM.

#234 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 18 November 2006 - 03:26 PM

I've always stated that Casino Royale would be big globally for many different reasons on different threads. I even think CR will open number 1 in North America.

When it's all said and done Casino Royale will go down in history books as one of 5 or 6 fulcrum points in a cinematic legacy, while HF will be a mere footnote amongst a series of footnotes about childrens' CGI movies released in 2006.

In time Casino Royale will be regarded as a highly critically acclaimed film which was a bona-fide world-wide box office hit. HF will not. It's that simple.

#235 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 18 November 2006 - 11:33 PM

An update:

1 CASINO ROYALE....Sony / Columbia.......$14,750,000

2 HAPPY FEET.......Warner Bros...........$11,750,000

3 BORAT............Fox....................$4,900,000

Number 1 on opening day. The first measure of "Success", i'd say.

Would'nt you?


Edited by HildebrandRarity, 18 November 2006 - 11:35 PM.

#236 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 19 November 2006 - 05:14 PM

I understand that Royale continues to be number one going into Sunday with over $30 million after Saturday.

If it comes within 1 or 2 million of DAD, then this will be just OUTSTANDING given the significantly longer run time.

Amazing. Just as I was expecting.

#237 Jet Set Willy

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Posted 19 November 2006 - 05:15 PM

I understand that Royale continues to be number one going into Sunday with over $30 million after Saturday.

If it comes within 1 or 2 million of DAD, then this will be just OUTSTANDING given the significantly longer run time.

Amazing. Just as I was expecting.

Just as I predicted too....... :)

#238 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 19 November 2006 - 05:21 PM

Casino Royale's word of mouth is SUPERIOR to DAD's so i'm expecting the print and visual ads going into the 5 day long weekend to trumpet the critical acclaim.

Regadless, CR will outgross DAD worldwide and Brosnan will be relegated to historic nostalgia status.

We have our new James Bond.

Having grown up on Connery, I cannot tell you how pleased I am that we're over the hump.

#239 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 03 December 2006 - 01:54 PM

It's the third weekend of release and I thought i'd visit this thread to share some thoughts.

First of all, as I had mentioned, the huge appreciation of the Pound Stirling and the Euro and the Yen since Nov/Dec 2002 means that the International take of CR will be significantly bigger in US$ terms than DAD.

Even this week, the US$ plunged to a brand new low against the major currencies.

What this means is that even if admissions remain constant in the UK, Euroland and Japan between CR and DAD, the big appreciation of these currencies will show an equally big appreciation when translated back into US Dollars.

You can see this in UK box office which has already passed DAD in US$ terms. If ticket sales are higher, then that will add additional fuel.

Does anyone know what UK admissions were for DAD? And where CR admissions are after 2 1/2 weeks?

Second, eventhough US Domestic has shown CR to be number 2 over the previous 2 weekends, it actually has been:

Number 1 on opening day (Nov 17), on the 20th, 21st, Thanksgiving Day (Nov 23), the 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th and Friday Dec 1.

So, in the US, Casino Royale has been Number 1 on 9 out of 15 days and is showing decent staying power.

That's pretty damn successful. Because of the reasons I mentioned in the first post on this thread as well as the decline in the US dollar in the last 4 years, it would not surprise me to see CR tally between $550 million and $600 million by mid winter.

#240 English Agent

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Posted 03 December 2006 - 04:41 PM

..........I have been tracking the boxoffice run of CR and have noticed
the same things as you, i.e. that CR has been at No 1 in the US more days
than HAPPY FEET, its just that HP's audience is really strong on Saturdays
and Sundays, hence the film comes out top over the weekends, and probably
will on the 3rd weekend in the US.

What people don't seem to realise is that CR is keeping pace with HF despite it being shown in 400 less theatres, which is quite a large deficit.
What really counts though is CR's own boxoffice tally, and when we see the
weekend results soon, this will give us a good idea of what figure the film could reach by the end of its run.

Incidently, i know the pound is very strong against the dollar at the moment, but people in the UK have been flocking in droves to see CR.
I predict that this weekend in the UK will yield around $8mil and take
the tally to around $68mil so far, which is terrific.

In terms of admissions, unlike most European countries which list the
number of admissions for films in their boxoffice charts, the UK for some
reasons doesn't.
A few months ago, some research was done by 'Channel 4' (i believe) to list
the top 100 films in the UK based on admissions.
DAD was in that list and had some 8+ million admissions.
The top Bond film was THUNDERBALL which had 15.6 million admissions, and
was in the top 20 films of all time in the UK.
To check this i believe the list may still be on the internet, also check
the UK film council site.

regards: boxofficeman (english agent)