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Success v Failure & "Which" Box Office?

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#121 Auric64



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Posted 02 November 2006 - 07:55 AM

Not banned; just moderated. Consistent breaches of the forum rules.

And the difference is? :)

Do you want to find out for yourself...? This can be arranged...


Banned is inability to post at all.

Moderated is ability to post but with moderator preview. In other words, editorial discretion. In other other words exactly the sort of thing that happens with newspapers, magazines and the like.

Oddly enough, he/she/it doesn't seem to have taken to it.

Is Dr. Noah banned because of the racist remark I mentioned earlier, or for something else?

I`m not trying to muck rake here: I simply would like to know for future reference. No one knows they have over stepped the line until it has happened.

What kind of things would be moderated previewed?

Are we talking personal insults, (either to forum members or celebrities) or what exactly?

Forewarned is forarmed.

Personally, I would love Dr. Noah to take to this moderator preview, if only to give us his/her opinions of CR when it arrives in the cinema.



Edited by Auric64, 02 November 2006 - 07:56 AM.

#122 Jim


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Posted 02 November 2006 - 07:59 AM

Forewarned is forarmed.

Have a read through the forum policy at the head of this page; you'll see the sort of stuff there.

#123 dee-bee-five


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Posted 02 November 2006 - 08:10 AM

[quote name='Harmsway' date='2 November 2006 - 01:53' post='638011']
[quote name='Gravity's Silhouette' post='638008' date='1 November 2006 - 19:47']
G.S. and I don't see eye-to-eye about a great many things, but he's not unintelligent. I enjoy the anti-Craigitude he brings to the table.

Strangely enough, so do I. I think he talks b*lls most of the time. But it's well-argued b*lls.

[quote name='Jim' post='637487' date='1 November 2006 - 07:04']
Must this pleasure never end?

Anyone else feel their brain shrinking, ever so slightly?

The story so far:

N guesses that this film will make more money than the previous one.
X guesses that it will make less.
There are a number of side-wagers.

Have I missed anything? I wouldn't wish to misrepresent what has been a gripping read.

Shame on you, Jim. You've left out my thrilling account of standing outside the stage door after one of Derek Acorah's stage shows in Grimsby (he has to make it where he can after being fired from Most Haunted), where I asked for a psychic prediction of Casino Royale's box office. After Sam had entered him and he'd gone into a trance, Derek proclaimed that Barbara Broccoli was the reincarnation of Boudicca (although he mispronounced it as Boudicea; unless that was the Scouse accent). This I took to be confirmation that Casino Royale will attract more viewers than a big screen version of Will & Grace starring Chevy Chase and Halle Berry and I have wagered my entire fortune on it. How could you leave that out?

#124 Auric64



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Posted 02 November 2006 - 08:32 AM

Forewarned is forarmed.

Have a read through the forum policy at the head of this page; you'll see the sort of stuff there.

Thanks for the heads up, Jim.

I had a look at the forum policy and the only one I could see which Dr. Noah might be held responsible for, was the "Racism or any such characters.".

The only problem I have with that, is that Dr. Noah`s comment regarding the Jeffrey Wright incidient was printed a long, long time before he disappeared from the forums.

I would also like to talk about the "Needless arguments" coming under the forum policy as well.

Surely all/most of the posters have had "Needless arguments" on here, no? What two people constitute as being a "discussion" (heated or not) may be a "Needless argument" to others. I know, because I`ve had that levelled at me when I have carried on trying to put my point across to one Dr. Noah, when we had one of our many spats together.

Does the "Needless arguments" one stand up on the forum policy and, if so, can you give an example as to what the Cbn staff deem "Needless" as opposed to others here who would not?

Again, not trying to stir anything up, I just would like to know.



#125 dee-bee-five


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Posted 02 November 2006 - 08:58 AM

He can re-start his crusade any day he likes. I've kept proof of his involvement with the site - believe me, it's proof - and I am also fairly media-savvy. :) As he handed over the site to Ms Brayton within about an hour of me saying this here last time, I don't think he's very likely to come back.

Stopping Deanna will be difficult. She has connections. You cannot merely intimidate her. You may have to kill her. Does that......discourage you?

Dinovelvet asked:

Would you care to elaborate on that?

Sure. Mario apparently held political office at one point. I know for a fact that he was an advisor and consultant to Rudy Giuliani because...well, because he told me, and because I checked up on it.

Let's be clear on one thing: I wouldn't be saying any of this had some people not figured it out already. SpyNovelFan's dogged tenacity was apparently the reason that he decided to get out of CraigNotBond, though a few others, such as JetSetWilly, had figured out parts of it from the start.

Up till the very end Mario thought that he couldn't be traced back to the site, but I believe he was in deep denial. At this point there's nothing to be gained by lying and everything to be gained by setting the record straight.

So anyway, in case some of you all don't know the full story, I'll try and tell it to you in a brief, concise manner. I knew he was sort of gun-shy about being associated with the site, and had a vague notion that it was because he was involved in the New York political scene. Bottom line: he didn't want that site either hurting his consulting business or hurting his electoral chances (still not sure whether he's currently running for any local office or not).

I mean, running CNB is not the worst thing in the world. It's not like he sent explicit emails to pages, or screwed his interns.

I had a running dialogue with him, but I never submitted a single article or piece of art to the site, though it was my intention at first. When he debuted the site I was so disgusted with the casting of Craig that I wanted to help with the site anyway that I could (within reason). Problem was, Mario's vision for the site was never the same as mine. I wanted to present some real arguments against Craig's hiring, and didn't want any of the tawrdy art and tasteless, trashy, almost tabloid-like comments and pictures that were on his site. It looked like it was being run by a couple of 15 year old boys, which was, for some bizarre reason, just the way he wanted it to look. Hence, I never got involved.

At the very end of his involvement with CNB, two things happened:

#1 Deanna Brayton did a radio interview where she presented herself as a Bond fan, but exposed herself as having almost no pre-Brosnan Bond knowledge at all, and it infuriated me, and I told Mario that. That began to finally turn me against CNB. She in turn fired off a nasty email to Mario telling him to have me 'shut the hell up' about her on these forums. That's quite ironic, because I've had a few uninformed mutants around here alleging that I work, or worked, for CNB, which was never the case.

#2 When he was trying to exit the whole thing and give it to Deanna, he did offer it to me first, but I turned it down (remember, I had experience running 007forever.com for 5 years, and got it featured, for all the right reasons, in Yahoo Internet Life, Entertainment Weekly, etc..), as the damage that had been done in CNB's name was too great. I had wanted the site to be professional and respectful...the ASSOCIATED PRESS of anti-Craig sites, where disillusioned fans could get together and talk. Like I said, by the time it all went down, he'd run the site and the name into the ground. It was radioactive, and I wasn't about to touch it. But most importantly, he asked me to lie for him...to tell other people who might come asking that the Mario Bruno who was running that site was located in California. Spoken like a true politician: getting caught, and then trying to leave someone else holding the bag.

This doesn't mean that I wished ill upon him. But my feeling was that 'if you do the crime, you got to do the time'. It was his drama, he needed to act in it. As John Hammond once said, "I don't blame people for their mistakes, but I do expect them to pay for them". He spent months ridiculing Craig's looks, with some of the meanest comments and pictures I've seen since the Democrats attacked Linda Tripp's looks back in 1998, and now, for him to expect me to just bail him out and help him suffer none of the consequences, was unrealistic and unfair. Plus, there was nothing I could do to help him anyway. I wasn't going to tell more lies to help him get out of the ones he'd already told (interestingly, when I first contacted him about helping with CNB, he lied to me and told me he wasn't Ali Kerim Bey on the MI6 forum, when in reality he was), ***PLUS*** I don't tell lies. Now that doesnt' mean I offer the truth to those who have no need or right to it. For a while I didn't answer Jet Set Willy's direction questions about Mario/AKB, but eventually I did. And even though JSW and I got off to a rough start over at the MI6 forums, I never, ever lied to JSW. That's just something I won't do, and Mario seriously overestimated my anti-Craig prejudice, thinking I would just do whatever he asked of me because I was against Craig.

And finally, if Deanna is still monitoring my comments....babe, you don't have the right to criticize the Bond fans, or even Craig. I may not like Daniel Craig (remains to be seen), but when you start attacking the fans or treating them with contempt, or showing off your ignorance of Bond history, you're attacking family, bitch, and family takes up for one another.

Goodness, that was all a bit intense; though one cannot fail to be impressed by your apparent integrity, even if one does disagree with you about DC.

But isn't it all a bit angsty for a series of entertainments? Much as I love the franchise and the character, I can't image ever getting so worked up about it like that. I'd rather enjoy it all.

#126 CM007



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Posted 02 November 2006 - 11:02 AM

[quote name='kneelbeforezod' post='637967' date='2 November 2006 - 00:21']
[quote name='JimmyBond' post='637674' date='1 November 2006 - 16:22']
[quote name='Brock Samson' post='637611' date='1 November 2006 - 08:24']
[quote name='Harmsway' post='637263' date='31 October 2006 - 16:47']
[quote name='CM007' post='637250' date='31 October 2006 - 15:24']
And the film ain

Edited by CM007, 02 November 2006 - 11:02 AM.

#127 Shrublands



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Posted 02 November 2006 - 11:59 AM

[quote name='Gravity's Silhouette' post='637966' date='2 November 2006 - 00:17']
#2 When he was trying to exit the whole thing and give it to Deanna, he did offer it to me first, but I turned it down (remember, I had experience running 007forever.com for 5 years, and got it featured, for all the right reasons, in Yahoo Internet Life, Entertainment Weekly, etc..), as the damage that had been done in CNB's name was too great. I had wanted the site to be professional and respectful...the ASSOCIATED PRESS of anti-Craig sites, where disillusioned fans could get together and talk. Like I said, by the time it all went down, he'd run the site and the name into the ground. It was radioactive, and I wasn't about to touch it. But most importantly, he asked me to lie for him...to tell other people who might come asking that the Mario Bruno who was running that site was located in California. Spoken like a true politician: getting caught, and then trying to leave someone else holding the bag.

This doesn't mean that I wished ill upon him. But my feeling was that 'if you do the crime, you got to do the time'. It was his drama, he needed to act in it. As John Hammond once said, "I don't blame people for their mistakes, but I do expect them to pay for them". He spent months ridiculing Craig's looks, with some of the meanest comments and pictures I've seen since the Democrats attacked Linda Tripp's looks back in 1998, and now, for him to expect me to just bail him out and help him suffer none of the consequences, was unrealistic and unfair. Plus, there was nothing I could do to help him anyway. I wasn't going to tell more lies to help him get out of the ones he'd already told (interestingly, when I first contacted him about helping with CNB, he lied to me and told me he wasn't Ali Kerim Bey on the MI6 forum, when in reality he was), ***PLUS*** I don't tell lies.

Back on the 17th of August, just after CnB vanished, Gravity's Silhouette told us:-

[quote]QUOTE(Gravity's Silhouette @ 17 August 2006 - 21:29)

It was very, very sudden. Extremely sudden. I got home about 15 minutes ago, checked my email, and got a message from him (the administrator) saying that Craig's comments about being hurt by the press coverage and asking for a chance from the fans had changed their minds. So, that is that.[/quote]

To which I responded

[quote]Well that

#128 spynovelfan


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Posted 02 November 2006 - 12:33 PM

Oh, Christ. I read some more of this thread. Please, Lord, forgive me.

Stopping Deanna will be difficult. She has connections. You cannot merely intimidate her. You may have to kill her. Does that......discourage you?

Who said anything about stopping her? She'll be ignored, especially with the absurd domain name she now has. No one is going to talk to her or even reference her site: all references will be to the original one, which did at least have someone with a bit of a clue about how the media works behind it. Yes, I said 'did' - the site is dead now. (Note for Ms Brayton: this is a joke referencing a novel by Ian Fleming, a British thriller-writer prominent in the 1950s and '60s. He created a character called 'James Bond'. You might want to read a few of his books sometime).

Let's be clear on one thing: I wouldn't be saying any of this had some people not figured it out already. SpyNovelFan's dogged tenacity was apparently the reason that he decided to get out of CraigNotBond, though a few others, such as JetSetWilly, had figured out parts of it from the start.

I wish I'd thought of it earlier and spared us all this crap. He was very easy to track down.

I mean, running CNB is not the worst thing in the world. It's not like he sent explicit emails to pages, or screwed his interns.

True, it's not the worst thing in the world (that's Fishermen's Friends). But if you knew what he did for a living, you'd know that his career would be over if it came out he set it up. There was a lot of homophobic content (which is why I bothered trying to find out who he was). Considering that a little website about a casting decision attracted coverage from major international news broadcasters, as did obscure Bollywood actors' entirely bogus claims that they would be cast in this film, I'm pretty confident that the same would happen with this. I think he got out for a very good reason.

It looked like it was being run by a couple of 15 year old boys, which was, for some bizarre reason, just the way he wanted it to look.

Not that bizarre: he wanted it look like it was a spontaneous amateur fan-created site rather than an orchestrated campaign by a political mover. It's a better story for the media, and it helped him cover his tracks.

the ASSOCIATED PRESS of anti-Craig sites

Yes, you're an intelligent and knowledgeable Bond fan. I enjoyed your old website and it had some terrific journalism on it. And yes, you sometimes bring something to the debate here. But these six words demonstrate why I can't take you seriously (and feel a bit dirty even writing all this). The ASSOCIATED PRESS of anti-Craig sites? This is fandom taking itself *far* too seriously. And it's no less disturbing than the site we're still unaccountably wasting time discussing (mea culpa).

Oh, um... back on topic... the opening weekend's box office in Norway will shatter all previous records - or I will shoot myself. That do?

#129 kneelbeforezod


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Posted 02 November 2006 - 01:02 PM

Also on note you state that my Grammar is rather Poor...well did you ever think to yourself that no every single person in the world speaks English as a first Language.

In that case, I apologise.

#130 Jim


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Posted 02 November 2006 - 01:06 PM

Goodness, that was all a bit intense; though one cannot fail to be impressed by your apparent integrity, even if one does disagree with you about DC.

But isn't it all a bit angsty for a series of entertainments? Much as I love the franchise and the character, I can't image ever getting so worked up about it like that. I'd rather enjoy it all.

Oh, but isn't it all so gloriously fraught?

All for the sake of a film that'll be on "two DVDs for one" price deals before you can blink.

I hope they never discuss globalisation, or Third World Debt. The fallout could be fatal.

#131 kneelbeforezod


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Posted 02 November 2006 - 01:08 PM

Yes, you're an intelligent and knowledgeable Bond fan. I enjoyed your old website and it had some terrific journalism on it. And yes, you sometimes bring something to the debate here. But these six words demonstrate why I can't take you seriously (and feel a bit dirty even writing all this). The ASSOCIATED PRESS of anti-Craig sites? This is fandom taking itself *far* too seriously. And it's no less disturbing than the site we're still unaccountably wasting time discussing (mea culpa).

Couldn't agree more.

I too enjoy the presence here of GS, and have no problem with him telling us that story, it's just the content of said story seems so absurd. You'd think they were protesting against the war in Iraq, not the casting of Daniel Craig.

#132 spynovelfan


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Posted 02 November 2006 - 01:20 PM

All for the sake of a film that'll be on "two DVDs for one" price deals before you can blink.

Before you can blink? That's a bold assertion. Care to back it up with links to strange websites and perhaps a few photos comparing Daniel Craig's height to a DVD case? I think it'll be at least three blinks before this film goes to a two-DVD-for-one set, if not four: you mark my words. Care to put your money where your mouth is?


#133 Jim


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Posted 02 November 2006 - 01:29 PM

All for the sake of a film that'll be on "two DVDs for one" price deals before you can blink.

Before you can blink? That's a bold assertion. Care to back it up with links to strange websites and perhaps a few photos comparing Daniel Craig's height to a DVD case? I think it'll be at least three blinks before this film goes to a two-DVD-for-one set, if not four: you mark my words. Care to put your money where your mouth is?


Only a coward would write that. Or an uninformed mutant (sic).

I say no blinks. I never lie. I see no need to gamble with you.

I want this thread to be the Reuters of Fatuous Guesswork.

#134 Bon-san


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Posted 02 November 2006 - 02:47 PM

Only a coward would write that. Or an uninformed mutant (sic).

I say no blinks. I never lie. I see no need to gamble with you.

I want this thread to be the Reuters of Fatuous Guesswork.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

So true.

Also, 'we mock that which we do not understand.'

Perhaps you should be knighted.

#135 00Twelve



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Posted 02 November 2006 - 02:59 PM

Not a bad scale Gobi, but I'll say it'll be a good success if it just breaks $100 million here in the states.

#136 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 02 November 2006 - 03:26 PM

I had suspicions that he's actually HildebrandRarity. One did appear as the other was banned.

Who, Noah? No JimmyBond, i'm not him.

I do, however, find it laughable that a supposedly legitimate 'consultant' and a politician (read 'scum') would waste his time engaging in such filth over a series of movies...unless, of course, his business wasnt 'busy' enough OR he was not a 'consultant' but a plain liar.

(The consultants I know, work 12 to 14 hour days and have no time for that type of activity.)

Either way he sounds like a scummy loser.

I talk to people in New York daily and i've asked all of them if they know of a Mario Bruno. We joked about how this individual had set up a trashy tabloid website and ridiculed him as being an individual who has no life.


If his business was not 'busy' enough then...it'll likely be less busy now.

As for political office...well the vast majority of politicians (regardless of stripe) are scummy liars ... so he's aiming the correct way.

What goes around, comes around.

Welcome to the Casino Royale Club, Gravity's Silhouette. I'm sure you'll be buying your ticket in 3 weekends.

Edited by HildebrandRarity, 02 November 2006 - 06:29 PM.

#137 CM007



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Posted 02 November 2006 - 09:26 PM

Also on note you state that my Grammar is rather Poor...well did you ever think to yourself that no every single person in the world speaks English as a first Language.

In that case, I apologise.

Appology accepted and no hard feelings...Amigo

#138 JimmyBond



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Posted 02 November 2006 - 10:06 PM

I had suspicions that he's actually HildebrandRarity. One did appear as the other was banned.

Who, Noah? No JimmyBond, i'm not him.

Hopefully no offense was taken, because I certainly didnt intend any. I was merely thinking out loud. You do take the offensive a lot when debating, as he did, that was the only "connection" I made (perhaps a bit of a stretch I know).

#139 Publius



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Posted 02 November 2006 - 10:10 PM

Hopefully no offense was taken, because I certainly didnt intend any. I was merely thinking out loud. You do take the offensive a lot when debating, as he did, that was the only "connection" I made (perhaps a bit of a stretch I know).

As interesting as Noah was, I don't think he would've started this thread or even posted in it, aside from making jokes about GS.

#140 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 03 November 2006 - 07:11 PM

Hopefully no offense was taken, because I certainly didnt intend any. I was merely thinking out loud. You do take the offensive a lot when debating, as he did, that was the only "connection" I made (perhaps a bit of a stretch I know).

As interesting as Noah was, I don't think he would've started this thread or even posted in it, aside from making jokes about GS.

No offense taken, JimmyBond.

And Publius, there was a definite reason why I started this thread.

I was fed up with the negativity towards DC/CR in the Happy Feet v Casino Royale thread and I wanted to goad a certain someone who I thought was being deceitful and overly negative into either:

- Stoping the trash talking and actually laying down a $1000 bet on the movie's box office outcome;

(Which he didn't do to my chagrin because his bias againt Craig was clearly influencing his better judgement)


- Exposing his formal anti-DC agenda given his quite unusual and repeated bashing of Craig.

(Which he finally got pressured into doing thru my goading/ridicule of him throughout this thread.)

Honestly, and I mean this in the most level way I possibly can, he really was being deceitful and I was suspicious of some sort of agenda but could not put my finger on it. My curiosity led to this thread and he fell into it faster than I was expecting.

Now we know (unless he's lying (because he's been admittedly involved with liars)) what he was all about. I'm sorry to say, but he was involved with the scum.

He may appear all apologetic now, (whether he really is or not, we'll never know) but let's not forget they did make Daniel suffer needlesly. And for what?

In the end these people (the Moron chap from NY and the Donkey Brozzy lover tramp) are nobodys and I hope they melt into the obscurity they are.

Hopely, also, Gravity will come to his senses and give Casino Royale a fair shake like a normal individual would...and then judge the product after it's been consumed.

Edited by HildebrandRarity, 03 November 2006 - 09:28 PM.

#141 Jet Set Willy

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 10:52 AM

Let's be clear on one thing: I wouldn't be saying any of this had some people not figured it out already. SpyNovelFan's dogged tenacity was apparently the reason that he decided to get out of CraigNotBond, though a few others, such as JetSetWilly, had figured out parts of it from the start.

For a while I didn't answer Jet Set Willy's direction questions about Mario/AKB, but eventually I did. And even though JSW and I got off to a rough start over at the MI6 forums, I never, ever lied to JSW. That's just something I won't do, and Mario seriously overestimated my anti-Craig prejudice, thinking I would just do whatever he asked of me because I was against Craig.

Interesting post, GS. And I for one can vouch for everything GS has said here regarding our conversations.

I didn't know AKB/Mario's background until now, but I'd love to know Brayton's background too. That would make interesting reading, I'm sure.

(any chance you can shed some light on her, GS....?) :)

Edited by Jet Set Willy, 05 November 2006 - 11:04 AM.

#142 CM007



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Posted 05 November 2006 - 02:35 PM

Interesting post, GS. And I for one can vouch for everything GS has said here regarding our conversations.

Thanks. Furthermore, this isn't the first time I've spoken about this matter, but it's probably the first time since August that I've mentioned it. It's not been a secret. I told ZenCat everything in PM the day that CnB imploded, as well as JSW, and maybe one or two other people, plus the forums. Everything has been transparent. Maybe too much so.

I didn't know AKB/Mario's background until now, but I'd love to know Brayton's background too. That would make interesting reading, I'm sure.

(any chance you can shed some light on her, GS....?) :)

I can't shed any light on her, and wouldn't want to. Some things are better left hidden in the darkness. I don't know her. She wasn't part of the original team at CnB from what I've gathered. Then again, there was no team. It was just Mario. Not sure how he managed to throw people off the trail by making them think two-15 year old Czech girls were behind the site.

This link will give you a bit of biography on Mario: http://www.gothamgaz...041011/204/1117

He was, at one time, the President of the Seergy Republican Club, which helped elect Republican candidates in New York State political office such as Pataki and Giuliani. Most of this I've found by just doing a basic Google search using kew terms like Mario/Bruno/Giuliani/New York/Politics and following the links from there.

Mario seemed like an overall decent fellow, though I don't appreciate being asked to lie for him. Maybe the success of CnB was too much, too soon. I don't know. I do know he chose a route for the site I was never comfortable with, therefore couldn't contribute. He read my comments over at MI6 and CBN and thought I'd be an asset for the site; I agree, I would've been. However, the site was just too mean-spirited...and too focused on getting Brosnan back, which was never my agenda. Never, ever, ever. Loved Brosnan, but it was a good time to go.

But, like I've said before, he got real concerned that the site could be traced back to him, so he dumped it IMMEDIATELY. He said someone on the forums was poking around (He said it was a reporter. SpyNovelFan, are you THAT reporter?) in his personal business, so he had to cut ties with the site. Offered it to me, I declined. We know who took him up on his offer. Personally, I thought he overreacted, but he's in politics, so he knows that world better than I do, and how his constituents might react to finding out he was running the site (personally, I don't think they'd care).

What,AKB was Mario :P well I

#143 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 05 November 2006 - 04:34 PM

He read my comments over at MI6 and CBN and thought I'd be an asset for the site; I agree, I would've been.

I was so anti-Craig.

How does it feel to know that you made some innocent guy suffer? Does it make you feel good? You guys happy? Did it make your insignificant little lives any better?

#144 CM007



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Posted 05 November 2006 - 05:02 PM

He read my comments over at MI6 and CBN and thought I'd be an asset for the site; I agree, I would've been.

I was so anti-Craig.

How does it feel to know that you made some innocent guy suffer? Does it make you feel good? You guys happy? Did it make your insignificant little lives any better?

My Life ain

#145 stromberg


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Posted 05 November 2006 - 05:24 PM

[quote name='Gravity's Silhouette' post='640425' date='5 November 2006 - 18:10']
[quote name='CM007' post='640381' date='5 November 2006 - 14:35']
What,AKB was Mario :) well I

#146 Jackanaples



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Posted 05 November 2006 - 05:26 PM

He read my comments over at MI6 and CBN and thought I'd be an asset for the site; I agree, I would've been.

I was so anti-Craig.

How does it feel to know that you made some innocent guy suffer? Does it make you feel good? You guys happy? Did it make your insignificant little lives any better?

What's funny is that their (the CNBers) reaction to the casting of Daniel Craig was the first indication to me that CR could be a fantastic movie. I felt strongly that if this particularly loud, rather obnoxious faction of fans hated him and virtually everything about CR, that it might just turn out to be the Bond film I've been waiting all my life for.

From the reviews so far, it's pretty clear that CASINO ROYALE is heading for huge box office returns and instant classic status. Daniel Craig himself looks set to be not just the James Bond of his generation, but also the 'Sean Connery', if you get my meaning. The man is about to become a major movie star.

In the end, he (and Barbara Brocolli) got the last laugh. I imagine if you asked him, he'd say that the strong opposition to him just made him work harder and in the end made his success all the sweeter.

Edited by Jackanaples, 05 November 2006 - 05:29 PM.

#147 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 05 November 2006 - 05:58 PM

It was actually AKB that I first emailed, asking him if I could help out with his site.

Yes, but how does it feel to know you were involved in making some innocent guy feel some undeserved pain? Did you feel good? Did you enjoy the fact that he suffered? Did it make you happy?

#148 Jet Set Willy

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Posted 05 November 2006 - 06:13 PM

It was actually AKB that I first emailed, asking him if I could help out with his site.

Yes, but how does it feel to know you were involved in making some innocent guy feel some undeserved pain? Did you feel good? Did you enjoy the fact that he suffered? Did it make you happy?

I'd leave it now, HR. You've already made your point. I think GS knew where to draw the line with the Craig-bashing. He was against the casting and new direction set by EON, but he never endorsed the behaviour and material of CnB (he said so himself). If you want to ask these questions, point it at someone like Brayton, who I'm pretty sure has no morals whatsoever. GS shouldn't be tarnished with the same brush just because he opposes Craig.

#149 luciusgore


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Posted 05 November 2006 - 06:20 PM

I'm interested in knowing more about Brayton too. Her Web site was just so incredibly mean spirited and destructive. In my view, she owes a lot of people an apology. A couple of thoughts. CNBers:

- Wrote fake press releases about Craig and gay issues
- Posted at least one fake review of the movie on IMDB

We're talking lies here. Not posting real releases, highlighting real problems, but making things up, deceiving people. I thought the IMDB review was real first time I saw it, now realize it was a fake.

No doubt about it: They owe alot of people an apology. It's inappropriate to fire off fake press releases, post fake reviews, etc. just because you don't like a castind decision. They claimed CR would bomb. It looks like it will a Thunderball-sized smash.

Edited by luciusgore, 05 November 2006 - 06:33 PM.

#150 HildebrandRarity



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Posted 05 November 2006 - 08:25 PM

It was actually AKB that I first emailed, asking him if I could help out with his site.

Yes, but how does it feel to know you were involved in making some innocent guy feel some undeserved pain? Did you feel good? Did you enjoy the fact that he suffered? Did it make you happy?

I'd leave it now, HR. You've already made your point. I think GS knew where to draw the line with the Craig-bashing. He was against the casting and new direction set by EON... GS shouldn't be tarnished with the same brush just because he opposes Craig.

Fine, I will leave it for now. GS, however, is a deceitful person and I wouldn't be so easily fooled by him as even now he starts a thread that links to a blog which says:

"I'm not too excited to see Daniel Craig possibly ruin the Bond franchise"

Who's blog do you think he's linking to?


Edited by HildebrandRarity, 05 November 2006 - 08:26 PM.