Corrupt... a wish!
Posted 29 November 2014 - 11:57 PM
I wish that the title of Bond 24 was made known to us right now!
Posted 30 November 2014 - 12:15 AM
Granted, but absolutely everyone hates it, so they go back to work generating a new one, and we still have to wait.
I wish I could go back to Hong Kong, Bangkok, Amsterdam and Rio - places I saw before 007 ever got there.
Posted 01 December 2014 - 03:23 PM
Granted... you have to travel to those locations as you are running from government authorities in a big conspiracy that you are unknowingly a part of.
I wish we had confirmation of a press conference by now...
Posted 01 December 2014 - 05:58 PM
Granted...EON release a press statement today confirming that they will be confirming the confirmation that a press conference has been confirmed to take place at some point before Bond 24 hits theaters..
I wish that EON would do something fun with the Bond 24 title like make us fans have to unscramble the letters in a word jumble or match numbers to letters in order to reveal the title.
Posted 04 December 2014 - 12:40 AM
Granted, EON send coded messages much in the same way that the Zodiac Killer did. However, also like the Zodiac, EON lies and the messages do not reveal anything.
I wish it were noon tomorrow. The suspense is killing me!!!!!!
Posted 04 December 2014 - 12:51 AM
Granted... you are magically transported into the future, but it's bad. You've been robbed and mugged and have to figure out what happened during the time you lost, Hangover style.
I wish the Monica Bellucci rumor turns out to be true and isn't just a wishful thinking situation.
Posted 04 December 2014 - 02:11 AM
Granted... you are magically transported into the future, but it's bad. You've been robbed and mugged and have to figure out what happened during the time you lost, Hangover style.
At least I'd know the details of Bond 24, haha.
Granted, she's replacing Craig as Bond.
I wish that we find out Emily Blunt in fact will be playing the female agent in Bond 24.
Posted 05 December 2014 - 01:46 AM
Granted...EON issue an emergency, last-minute press release when Lea Seydoux has to back out of the production and then travel issues and contract dealings delay production of SPECTRE (it feels good to finally stop calling it Bond 24) to the point where the release is pushed to Jan. 2016
I wish that EON decide to do the occasional clapper-board pics and video blogs (I for one, actually liked the pictures) as we journey through the production of SPECTRE.
Posted 05 December 2014 - 02:37 AM
Granted...EON issue an emergency, last-minute press release when Lea Seydoux has to back out of the production and then travel issues and contract dealings delay production of SPECTRE (it feels good to finally stop calling it Bond 24) to the point where the release is pushed to Jan. 2016
Honestly, that's only 2 months. Haha
Granted, but the pictures are only of Sam Mendes screaming because his coffee has the wrong amount of sugar and soy.
I wish it were opening night for SPECTRE (I agree Dove, that does feel good haha). God the wait is already killing me!
Posted 05 December 2014 - 05:33 PM
Granted..it's opening night for SPECTRE...The theater is ready, the crowds are lining up outside in anticipation, the popcorn, sodas and candy are flowing, everyone gets settled in their seats. The trailers finish, but then as the opening Sony/Columbia pictures logo starts to roll, the projector breaks down.
I wish that in the snowy Austrian scenes of SPECTRE, we could have Nina's "Do You Know How Christmas Trees Are Grown?" playing in the background somewhere as a nice nod to OHMSS.. Yes, I know that was Switzerland, but still the Austrian village evokes nice memories of Murren.
Posted 05 December 2014 - 09:37 PM
I wish that in the snowy Austrian scenes of SPECTRE, we could have Nina's "Do You Know How Christmas Trees Are Grown?" playing in the background somewhere as a nice nod to OHMSS.. Yes, I know that was Switzerland, but still the Austrian village evokes nice memories of Murren.
Granted, but then it's followed by Bond entering a ski lodge and have Miley Cyrus twerking with him while singing "Deck the Halls," thereby ruining all of our childhoods.
I wish for a steamy scene in SPECTRE involving Miss Monica Bellucci.
Posted 05 December 2014 - 10:40 PM
Granted - in a scene very reminiscent of GlodenEye Bond encounters Bellucci in a sauna, but the steam is so voluminous that you can barely make out that there's a person behind the voice, thereby ruining all of our puberties.
I wish I knew what to get my lady for Christmas.
Posted 09 December 2014 - 08:50 PM
Granted..you finally figure out what you want to buy your lady for Christmas but at the last minute the prices get jacked up as there is a sudden demand by everyone else trying to buy their girlfriends/wives the same item.
I wish that I could have a cameo role in SPECTRE..
Posted 09 December 2014 - 08:53 PM
Granted... your character dies an honorable death as a unfortunate passerby during a shootout, only to find your scene was left on the cutting room floor at the premier.
I wish for a scene in Bond's flat in SPECTRE.
Posted 09 December 2014 - 10:35 PM
Granted, after the main title sequence we rejoin Bond taking a massive s*** after a night out at an Indian restaurant.
I wish Loelia Ponsonby would make her big screen debut in SPECTRE.
Posted 10 December 2014 - 12:53 AM
Granted. But her line of dialogue is, "Mr. Bond, there is a sheriff here to see you. A Mr. Pepper?"
I wish that Felix Leiter returns for at least one more Bond movie with Craig.
Posted 10 December 2014 - 04:52 PM
Granted... Felix returns in Bond 25...but sadly Jeffrey Wright declines to reprise the role and so an aged John Terry is re-cast instead.
I wish that we could have a fight sequence between Mr. Hinx and Bond that takes place at the Colosseum in Rome, done in the style of Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris' classic showdown in The Way of The Dragon (aka Return of The Dragon).
Posted 15 December 2014 - 07:17 PM
Granted. They hire the Asian guy who doubled for Bruce Lee in "Game of Death" to double for Bond in the fight scene.
I wish Bond and Blofeld turn out to be foster brothers in B24/SPEC.
Posted 15 December 2014 - 07:48 PM
Granted, but it also turns out the Lucia Sciarra is Bond's long-lost sister. A fact he only finds out AFTER they have had sex.
I wish SPECTRE has an instant classic end credits song.
Posted 15 December 2014 - 09:45 PM
Granted...we get this heavy metal version of the James Bond Theme...https://www.youtube....h?v=S81sI-VsCjI
(actually this isn't half bad, in my opinion!)
I wish we get some spy shots of the Aston Martin DB10 in action, when I assume its going to be featured in the Rome car chase sequences!
Posted 15 December 2014 - 11:08 PM
Granted, but because of the leaks, EON decides to rewrite the scene and SPECTRE releases with no car chase in Rome, whatsoever.
I wish EON realized the mistake they were making by making 'Another Way to Die' the title track of Quantum of Solace.
Posted 16 December 2014 - 05:44 PM
Granted... EON decide to pull a George Lucas (in a positive way) and re-release Quantum of Solace with all the problems fixed...Things go great as far as fixing plot holes, editing, re-casting Dominic Greene,writing out the character of Elvis, and tightening up all the things that annoyed people in the first place. However, when it comes to re-recording the theme tune, EON hire One Direction and Justin Bieber to sing the title song as a joint effort.. Whoops!
I wish that all the recent shots of Bond filming around London and other locales will help to keep the positive vibes growing about SPECTRE and make people forget about the stupid uproar over the leaked EARLY draft of the script.
Posted 01 January 2015 - 09:38 PM
After finally returning to Paris (9 1/2 years after my first time), i must admit that i've enjoyed it far more than last time. I wish for Bond to eventually return to Paris and do the city proper, better than the shoehorned eiffel tower chase from AVTAK.
Posted 02 January 2015 - 03:45 AM
Granted: in B25, Bond tours all over every inch of Paris, Las Vegas.
Or perhaps Paris, Texas.
Or perhaps (shudder) Teri Hatcher back as Paris Carver.
I wish to remain spoiler free re: the Sony leak, and that it all turns out to be irrelevant anyway.
Posted 02 January 2015 - 08:47 AM
Granted, but then the film gets cancelled.
I wish to see a big SPECTRE meeting in SPECTRE a la the scene from Thunderball in Paris. Perhaps, SPECTRE's new offices are in Rome?
Posted 03 January 2015 - 06:05 AM
Granted... but Blofeld fails in killing an underling to comic effect a la Austin Powers.
I wish we would get a new clapperboard pick this next week.
Posted 03 January 2015 - 07:54 PM
Granted...we get the next clapperboard shot taken outside in the snow of one of the crew port-o-potties set up for the Austrian shoot..
I wish that in addition to the clapperboard pics, we also start getting some videoblogs of the SPECTRE production, just like how we had with the Skyfall production.
Posted 04 January 2015 - 12:50 AM
Granted, it's all about Sam Mendes and co. bitching about the sony leaks.
I wish we would get a SPECTRE still from an in-progress scene.
Posted 07 January 2015 - 06:45 AM
Granted... Our next in-progress scene shot we get is of a pigeon flying out of a tree and scaring Bond half to death...a nice nod to John Glen's trademark pigeons!
I wish that at the SPECTRE opening nights around the country, samples of Belvedere vodka would be made available to those of us who are of legal drinking age to have to sip on as we watch the movie!
Posted 08 January 2015 - 02:20 AM
Granted - they give out so many free samples that all the 21+ audience members get so plastered that they wake up with raging hangovers and no memory of having seen the film, and until they're recovered enough to venture out to the theatre again they have to endure endless, garbled spoilers from all the younger fans.
I wish for Anthony Horowitz's Bond novel to be damn good, and that he gets contracted to produce several more, damn good Bond stories.