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Hot Fuzz (2007)

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#121 Orion


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Posted 01 August 2007 - 09:47 AM

its been out on DVD in the UK for a while now, it is hilarious. The commentaries are good (Dalton is on one of them) and theres loads of special features most of which are really good. ("Dead Right" is why i say most)

#122 Orion


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Posted 01 August 2007 - 10:02 PM

Well i suppose it depends on taste, for someone with my tastes it was hilarious but i can see how others wouldnt find it as funny as i did.

Edited by Orion, 01 August 2007 - 10:02 PM.

#123 bond_girl_double07


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Posted 06 August 2007 - 07:17 PM

I just caught the extras this weekend, Dalton was so intense in that outtake! He seems very critical of his own work (at least in that snippet).. Milovy, I agree about that lovely silky voice of his.. very odd and hilarious to hear him curse so errrr skillfully :angry:

Great movie, I'll be checking out the commentary next :cooltongue:

#124 Qwerty


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Posted 07 August 2007 - 03:18 AM

Hopefully I'll get a chance to watch this later tonight. :cooltongue:

#125 Cruiserweight



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Posted 07 August 2007 - 06:52 AM

Haven't gotten a chance to see this film but i'll be sure to check it out sooner or later.

#126 tambourineman



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Posted 07 August 2007 - 07:56 AM

Great film! You can put me in the "hilarious" basket. Not as funny as Shawn Of The Dead but an overall better film. Loved Dalton in it.

#127 Qwerty


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Posted 08 August 2007 - 03:39 AM

Loved Dalton in it.

Who doesn't? :cooltongue:

#128 Garth007



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Posted 08 August 2007 - 04:32 AM

To what i saw of the movie it was Funny but i heard all of the best funny stuff was at the end...The movie also if u pay attention had alot of stuff referring to Shaun Of THe Dead.

#129 bond_girl_double07


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Posted 08 August 2007 - 01:07 PM

Everybody's been saying that SOTD is funnier, but the onion pointed out that it really depends whether you prefer cop movies or zombie movies.. I thought SOTD was brilliant in the sense that it operates as a really good film, not just a really good comedy. Hot Fuzz was more ostentatious (the jokes were more blatant) but I thought it was still really really funny :cooltongue:

no spoilers, but the last scene with Dalton really shows his comedic range :angry:

#130 Garth007



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Posted 09 August 2007 - 07:30 AM

Everybody's been saying that SOTD is funnier, but the onion pointed out that it really depends whether you prefer cop movies or zombie movies.. I thought SOTD was brilliant in the sense that it operates as a really good film, not just a really good comedy. Hot Fuzz was more ostentatious (the jokes were more blatant) but I thought it was still really really funny :cooltongue:

no spoilers, but the last scene with Dalton really shows his comedic range :angry:

yea, but i wish Dalton wasn't u know at the end. man i hated that part, but u have to admit it was funny.

On the note of both movies... they are very funny i think the both equaly funny. any movie those guys make is funny...so far.

#131 shady ginzo

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Posted 09 August 2007 - 09:32 AM

i agree that while both movies were very, very funny, Hot Fuzz was a more obvious humour (mostly, there were still several easily misable moments)

and this is unavoidable given the different genres each parodies. the "point" of Shaun of the Dead was that the hero was "an everyman" so the humour depended on situations which were common and almost mundane... "funny cause it's true" if you will, for example the Zombie checkout assistants and the beautiful moment where a zombie streaches his arms out at shaun, who without paying much attention to his surroundings says "sorry, i've got no change"

Hot Fuzz on the other hand was a parody of Buddy cop films, in which nothing is mundane or trivial, and the humour therefore had to shift gears over to a little more slap-stick, action orientated or "witty one-liners" which Bond himself helped to establish in the action genre.

Both films are a result of great talent, more-so considering the range displayed by all involved in being able to make 2 totally different films, which displayed different sensibilities but still retained the same sense of fun and style.

#132 col_007



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Posted 17 August 2007 - 08:26 PM

to be fair i think you have to be british to get it really cos i thought it was hilarous

#133 puck



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Posted 23 August 2007 - 11:24 PM

I just caught the extras this weekend, Dalton was so intense in that outtake! He seems very critical of his own work (at least in that snippet).. Milovy, I agree about that lovely silky voice of his.. very odd and hilarious to hear him curse so errrr skillfully :cooltongue:

Agreed on both counts. lol He seems like he must be hyper-critical of his own work, at least based on that. And yeah his cursing was oddly proper. LOVED him in it! Loved the whole movie in fact.

#134 Taro Todoroki

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Posted 23 August 2007 - 11:52 PM

I found it amusing at times with a great performance from TD, but overall I was a bit disappointed.

#135 Cruiserweight



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Posted 24 August 2007 - 02:57 AM

I just bought it today so i shall soon find out what all the buzz is about.

#136 Shadow Syndicate

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Posted 24 August 2007 - 04:46 AM

He's just so damn menacing in it, its great. Shaun of the dead was funnier though, at least in my opinion

#137 DaveBond21



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Posted 27 August 2007 - 12:15 AM

Saw it on Saturday on DVD - it's hilarious!! Love the Swear Jar!!!

#138 Fro



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Posted 15 September 2007 - 11:32 AM

Dalton was just a bad[censored] in this movie. Plain and simple. He stole every scene he was in, and you can tell he was having a good time with the role.

It just makes me sad that no one really uses him in their films.

Yeah, I finally saw this last night and he was definitely awesome, cooler than he was as Bond somehow.

Liked the movie too, wasn't as funny as Shaun of the Dead but I thought it was a better movie.

#139 byline


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Posted 11 October 2007 - 03:36 AM

no spoilers, but the last scene with Dalton really shows his comedic range :D

Just saw it this past weekend (over the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday), and I just lost it at that moment. Not quite sure how he pulled that off, but it was brilliant!

#140 DaveBond21



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Posted 11 October 2007 - 05:06 AM

Very funny movie, and I was disappointed that Leonard Maltin's guide only gives it **.

#141 tonymascia1



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Posted 11 October 2007 - 03:27 PM

While it's fairly obvious here people's tastes vary on the humor of this film, I wouldn't worry about what Leonard Maltin and/or The Leonard Maltin Fim Guide says.

In earlier years, he was a fairly good gauge of a film's merits; lately, he's been mailing it in, with his assistants --- a prissy lot --- increasingly doing most of the actual review work.

Edited by tonymascia1, 11 October 2007 - 03:27 PM.

#142 RogueSpy007



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Posted 04 November 2007 - 07:28 PM

I watched it yesterday. I loved it. Timothy Dalton was great in it. I enjoyed it every time he popped up on screen. He did a fantastic job with his part. Glad I finally got a chance to see it.

#143 staveoffzombies



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Posted 14 January 2008 - 06:47 AM

Fantastic film. I'm an American and I regard it as my favorite film of 2007.

Oh hey, it's my first post here...I thought in all the lurking I had done I had at least posted once before...

Edited by staveoffzombies, 14 January 2008 - 06:47 AM.

#144 Judo chop

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Posted 14 January 2008 - 04:56 PM

A must see film for any Dalton fan. Seeing Stallone pull off Rocky (and, apparently, Rambo) at his age makes me think Dalton still has a little Bond in him yet. He still looks great, if a little weathered. Perfect for an old-Bond spin off. (Not suggesting... just saying.)

#145 OO4



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Posted 15 January 2008 - 01:58 AM

I gotta say as an emergency responder myself, it's kinda what you wish you could do just once even though the paperwork comment was spot on. Alot like Super Trooders in that respect.

I'm not a cop, but an EMT. I did have to restain myself a few shifts back from telling my partner to "brng the noise" when we were about to go lights and sirens.

#146 DaveBond21



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Posted 15 January 2008 - 11:00 PM

I gotta say as an emergency responder myself, it's kinda what you wish you could do just once even though the paperwork comment was spot on. Alot like Super Trooders in that respect.

I'm not a cop, but an EMT. I did have to restain myself a few shifts back from telling my partner to "brng the noise" when we were about to go lights and sirens.


#147 Agent 76

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Posted 15 January 2008 - 11:26 PM

(...) at his age makes me think Dalton still has a little Bond in him yet. He still looks great, if a little weathered. Perfect for an old-Bond spin off. (Not suggesting... just saying.)

I tottaly agree. Dalton rules! :tup:

#148 MissDalton99



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Posted 16 January 2008 - 10:57 PM

(...) at his age makes me think Dalton still has a little Bond in him yet. He still looks great, if a little weathered. Perfect for an old-Bond spin off. (Not suggesting... just saying.)

I tottaly agree. Dalton rules! :tup:

I agree too. I can't believe he's over 60 and he still has that much energy in him!

Hot Fuzz was a fun movie. It took me a couple of times to fully understand what was going on (Simon Pegg's character went way too fast as he was trying to explain Dalton's character's motive for wanting to go on a crime spree), but that's my only real complaint. I thought the film was great!

#149 Agent 76

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Posted 17 January 2008 - 12:36 AM

(...) at his age makes me think Dalton still has a little Bond in him yet. He still looks great, if a little weathered. Perfect for an old-Bond spin off. (Not suggesting... just saying.)

I tottaly agree. Dalton rules! :tup:

I agree too. I can't believe he's over 60 and he still has that much energy in him!

Hot Fuzz was a fun movie. It took me a couple of times to fully understand what was going on (Simon Pegg's character went way too fast as he was trying to explain Dalton's character's motive for wanting to go on a crime spree), but that's my only real complaint. I thought the film was great!

yes yes, Hot Fuzz is superb comedy. Dalton is great in it, the energy , the charisma...is there.

btw, I love your signature Miss Dalton. :tup:

#150 DaveBond21



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Posted 17 January 2008 - 05:36 AM

It's a really good movie. I liked it a little more than Shaun of the Dead, actually.