HONESTLY! I just got out of the "Lets bash TWINE thread" and the I find out it's beating TND! Hard to believe....Yes Yes! Very underrated in my opinion as well. What I really don't understand is how The World Is Not Enough got more votes...The World Is Not Enough...on CBn...I am enraged that TND comes in last out of Brosnan's movies. TND had a great villain in Carver, alot of good locations, and some good action sequences. It is a very underrated Bond film. The biggest problem was the total lack of a good Bond girl.

Favorite Pierce Brosnan James Bond Film
Posted 31 August 2004 - 10:30 PM
Posted 31 August 2004 - 10:33 PM
Posted 31 August 2004 - 11:32 PM
I voted for The World Is Not Enough... although I do not have a favorite Brosnan film because I like them all the same... I guess a like TWINE a little more than the others... but still... my ranking of his films keep changing all the time...
Right now it would be:
1) The World Is Not Enough
2) Goldeneye
3) Tomorrow Never Dies
4) Die Another Day
The World Is Not Enough... always stays in the same position, and Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies and Die Another Day keep changing all the time... depends on what kind of mood I am in...
Posted 01 September 2004 - 02:09 AM
It's kind of an odd poll. It's just The World Is Not Enough and Die Another Day for me that are constantly switching...So basically Goldeneye is in first place followed by The World is not Enough... hmmm
I voted for The World Is Not Enough... although I do not have a favorite Brosnan film because I like them all the same... I guess a like TWINE a little more than the others... but still... my ranking of his films keep changing all the time...
Right now it would be:
1) The World Is Not Enough
2) Goldeneye
3) Tomorrow Never Dies
4) Die Another Day
The World Is Not Enough... always stays in the same position, and Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies and Die Another Day keep changing all the time... depends on what kind of mood I am in...
As of now...
--Tomorrow Never Dies
--Die Another Day
--The World Is Not Enough
Posted 01 September 2004 - 03:11 AM
I think we should retire this poll and start anew, after all like me. Many people do change their opinions over time, I think a new poll would reflect new attitudes, no?

Posted 01 September 2004 - 03:13 AM
Hmm I would say no because so many who don't always visit now have voted. Besides, it's the comments that take more over votes.When this poll was first started I chose DAD as my favorite Bond film. But over time opinions change, and if I could vote again I'd choose TND definately.
I think we should retire this poll and start anew, after all like me. Many people do change their opinions over time, I think a new poll would reflect new attitudes, no?

Posted 01 December 2004 - 08:34 PM
The first half is really tight and quite well-done, although I still think Teri Hatcher was miscast. I just never bought that she was someone special enough to warrant Bond's feelings for her.
My other problem was that the film's final act always felt like overkill- with Carver's demise seeming particularly weak. However, while I still feel it isn't the best finale, it's certainly not as bloated as DAD's or even TWINE's underwater mess.
Overall, it's not the mindless action flick I remembered. Brosnan still looks a bit too young, but he's clearly having fun in the role. I love that little moment where he just 'has' to break Carver's satellite! It also has one of the best scores, some great action scenes (parking garage; motorcycle chase), and an able Bond girl.
But why on earth did they channel Brosnan's own Lawnmower Man for the opening titles?! Sure, it's not as ugly as TWINE's oil-themed number, but did anyone think those computer chip girls looked good?

Posted 15 December 2004 - 06:38 PM
Posted 15 December 2004 - 07:02 PM
2. The World Is Not Enough
3. Tomorrow Never Dies
4. Hasn't Made One...
5. Thomas Crown Affair
6. Remington Steele reruns...
10. Die Another Day

Posted 15 December 2004 - 07:41 PM
TND, though it may have the best humor, just didn't work as well with me. The over kill on action failed to impress me as much (don't get me wrong, I LOVE action sequences, but one of them could have been dropped).TWINE's action scenes seemd very forced, as was the humor..It seemed to be Bond as a soap opera. For the most part I liked DAD, but for me, the three year wait hurt it more than helped it (it raised my expectations too high).
One of the main problems for we with the Brosnan films are the women. The only ones I have liked so far has been Xenia and Frost (and I didn't like where Frost's character was taken. Why oh why couldn't Jinx's character been the traitor! That at least would have been a surprise). But then, I'm off topic now, so I'll be quiet.

Posted 17 December 2004 - 07:08 PM
Tomorrow Never Dies has some very memorable parts, The World Is Not Enough has its high points, but both of them also have some problem areas. GoldenEye isn't perfect mind you, but it certainly is much more in line with films like The Living Daylights, Licence To Kill, and so forth. I just prefer these types of films.
GoldenEye is damn good. But I really don't like the scene where Bond floats into the airplane in the pre-titles. That was a Die Another Day moment there.
As for Die Another Day, well.......as Sean Connery would say, "You can't win them all."
Posted 19 December 2004 - 02:30 AM
Tomorrow Never Dies was good to okay, but Jonathon Pryce didn't really deliever the goods as the villan. It was a well made film but slightly lacking in inspiration. I loved Bond's escape from the printing works the best.
TWINE was just a mess of a film. It was down to Purvis and Wade. Sure they tried to do something different, and that is to be appauled. The film just didn't know what it wanted to be. They didn't give Robbie Carlyle anything to do! It just never added up to much in the end. All the hype surrounding hiring Michael Apted and he didn't really add much to the film.
DAD not any good. Where do I start? I liked the fact that Bond got captured and tortured in the opening scenes, the two super cars fighting on ice was good, and the fencing scene was good. These were all elements we hadn't seen in a Bond film before. The rest of the film is just terrible. Trying to do a "Greatest Hits of James Bond" just doesn't work. The villan was dressed up like a robot, going way over the top even for a Bond film. That was the whole problem with the film everything was overblown! The director whilst showing more flair than Apted did just didn't understand Bond! The editing was half Matrix, half MTV, not what a Bond film needs.
Posted 19 December 2004 - 03:45 AM
Posted 19 December 2004 - 09:19 AM

Posted 19 December 2004 - 02:17 PM
I voted for TND. Goldeneye was great. TND was an improvment. TWINE was on par with Goldeneye. DAD was good until it got to Iceland, where the whole thing just got really stupid. Oh yeah, Halle Berry was absolutely horrible. I even prefer Denise Richards' acting to hers. Frost was good though...
Definitely, great choicd mythmunky. GoldenEye is a great film, but Tomorrow Never Dies got even better.
Posted 19 December 2004 - 03:23 PM
Edited by Brian Flagg, 19 December 2004 - 03:24 PM.
Posted 05 January 2005 - 10:28 AM
I love the larger than life Bond films TSWLM etc and for me this was a return to that.A fantastic villans lair (well,ice palace) and "A GIANT LAZER"!
Not really one for Bond purests but fun from start to finish.
Posted 05 January 2005 - 11:57 AM
I've had to go for Die another day,in a short space of time i've watched it more than any other Brosnan Bond movie.
I love the larger than life Bond films TSWLM etc and for me this was a return to that.A fantastic villans lair (well,ice palace) and "A GIANT LAZER"!
Not really one for Bond purests but fun from start to finish.
Absolutely, Brett Sinclair. I've always liked DIE ANOTHER DAY, but now that the Brosnan era is over (we think/hope) and quite a bit of time has passed since the last 007 adventure, it's clear to me that DAD is the best Bond flick since LICENCE TO KILL.
I love its "everything but the kitchen sink" approach, its lavishness. Visually, it's by far the most impressive of the Brosnans, and the action scenes are terrific. It's much less pretentious and less marred by "personal" elements than GOLDENEYE, TOMORROW NEVER DIES or THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH, and much more fun.
Posted 05 January 2005 - 01:00 PM
I've had to go for Die another day,in a short space of time i've watched it more than any other Brosnan Bond movie.
I love the larger than life Bond films TSWLM etc and for me this was a return to that.A fantastic villans lair (well,ice palace) and "A GIANT LAZER"!
Not really one for Bond purests but fun from start to finish.
Welcome to the CBn Forums Brett Sinclair!

Posted 05 January 2005 - 03:06 PM
The first half really is excellent and it only goes down hill from the start of the ludicrous car chase. The Bond-M scene is a nice twist and the Bond meet villain (Carver) in true Thunderball style: what a shame Brosnan and Pryce didn't do more work together in the film - a classic Bond v villain relationship could have developed. I like Pryce as Carver but it seems the film makers hadn't the heart to give him more screen time? Why not - the alternative was a bunch of stunts one after the other which typifies the end of DAD and some of Roger's worse. Why not play upon the potential Chacra torture - have Bond, Carver, Stamper and Way Lin involved rather than the over-blown escape scene. As for the battle on the Stealth boat, never has anything in Die Hard or Lethal Weapon been quite so over the top violent.
Brosnan looks great and doesn't overdress. He carries the extra pounds from his fitness regime well and is much more than the lightweight he appears in his other three. His hair as well in the best of his four. Physically he looks Bond and has more prescence.
What a shame no one had the courage to follow Teri Hatcher's death in with scenes of a similar theme, building to a climax involving a true battle of wills between Bond -on his own -using his resourcefulness to defeat the wily, manic Carver?
Posted 05 January 2005 - 09:12 PM
Brosnan looks great and doesn't overdress. He carries the extra pounds from his fitness regime well and is much more than the lightweight he appears in his other three. His hair as well in the best of his four. Physically he looks Bond and has more prescence.
Quite so. He looks great here.
Posted 05 March 2005 - 04:52 PM
Posted 06 March 2005 - 12:22 PM

Posted 06 March 2005 - 06:29 PM
I've had to go for Die another day,in a short space of time i've watched it more than any other Brosnan Bond movie.
I love the larger than life Bond films TSWLM etc and for me this was a return to that.A fantastic villans lair (well,ice palace) and "A GIANT LAZER"!
Not really one for Bond purests but fun from start to finish.
Absolutely, Brett Sinclair. I've always liked DIE ANOTHER DAY, but now that the Brosnan era is over (we think/hope) and quite a bit of time has passed since the last 007 adventure, it's clear to me that DAD is the best Bond flick since LICENCE TO KILL.
I love its "everything but the kitchen sink" approach, its lavishness. Visually, it's by far the most impressive of the Brosnans, and the action scenes are terrific. It's much less pretentious and less marred by "personal" elements than GOLDENEYE, TOMORROW NEVER DIES or THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH, and much more fun.
Loomis about sums it up for me, too. I find DAD to be imbued with the Roger Moore spirit of friivolity that has so long been missing from the series. The film takes itself seriously when it has to, but it never goes out of its way to become melodramatic or to overstretch itself by striving to be something it can not. First and foremost, a Bond film needs to be fun, and DAD (for my money, at least) more than certainly fits the bill!
Posted 07 March 2005 - 12:27 PM
I couldn't agree more, DAD is very much the TSWLM of the Brosnan era.
Posted 13 March 2005 - 04:04 AM
Posted 29 March 2005 - 09:52 AM
This is very interesting. TWINE, DAD, and GE are all even (or within 1 percentage point). Does this mean the Brosnan films are equally satisfying to fans, or does it mean he's yet to make his stand out Bond?
All this poll really proves is that TND is the least popular Brosnan Bond.
I couldnt hear what you said about TND zencat? Can you say it again?

Posted 29 March 2005 - 11:03 AM
Always hard to chose on these things! There are so many things to like about each. But GE has least faults.
Posted 30 March 2005 - 11:36 AM

Only TWiNE comes close to that, but not close enough.

Posted 30 March 2005 - 12:08 PM