Surely you are just trying to provoke a reaction for your own amusement. Surely...Ah, that's because you're not a Fleming fan. You cannot see Fleming's Bond run through Brosnan's performance like writing through rock candy!
DAD still holds up in my book. Brosnan and Berry are terrific.
And, it could be argued, CR built on what TWINE and DAD started.

I do not believe that a successful screen Bond need be the living incarnation of Fleming's Bond, however the notion that Brosnan's Bond is anything remotely like he of Fleming defies any sort of rational logic. True, there may have been moments shoved in as a reference to Fleming, but did this affect the *character*? I think there were many moments and scenes during which Brosnan performed very well as Bond (some of his performance in GoldenEye is very convincing), however in Die Another Day most of his delivery was embarrassing, doing nothing with what was, admittedly, dreadful writing. Everything is over-emoted and over-stated, whereas Halle Berry is frankly *awful* as Jinx. Again, this was a character not up to much, however a different actress may have been able to do something. Instead we have a lump of wood, a gorgeous piece of mahogany perhaps, but wood nonetheless.
And what is this nonsense about Casino Royale building on The World Is Not Enough and Die Another Day? Come now ACE, Casino Royale is an entirely different bag, a completely new start and in a different league. Its themes and its study of Bond's relationship with Vesper do not build on what happened during the Brosnan era; in suggesting so I feel you do Casino Royale a great disservice. There were attempts at emotion previously, however Craig's first picture is a radically different creature.
Does Die Another Day still 'stand up'? Sorry, chap, but in my view it never stood in the first place: I certainly did not leave the picture house loving or adoring the thing. Still, to each his own.

Edited by Lazenby880, 27 November 2006 - 07:27 PM.