Not so much a tricky corner as a fork in the road.Well put, Pi.
I'd add that Eon have only written themselves into a tricky corner if Craig doesn't stick around for 25. However, it would be so incredibly naive to have left themselves in that position that i'm of the opinion that despite all the ambiguity they already have Craig signed up for 25.
I imagine that they're hoping the ambiguity will generate some 'is he/isn't he/whose next' tabloid speculation to keep the brand alive in our thoughts in the interim before 25 roles into pre-production proper.
I think YOLT is undoubtably the material they seek to tap next. Which as i said above is something to savour. I expect the amnesia/brainwashing story line to end 25 and begin 26 with a new actor re-learning his identity as Bond.
If Craig does return for Bond 25 then thn end of SPECTRE sets up the start of the new movie. Bond going off to live a new life but returning to the colours at some point because ESB is once more at large and potentially causing trouble. Revenge, in the form of something happening to someone whom Bond is close to or respects may also figure.
But, if SPECTRE really was Craig's final movie, the slate can be wiped clean to an extent. A soft reboot, as happens with a new man in the role. The Whitehall team in place but not necessarily a story linked to SPECTRE to follow that film.
Of course it could be argued that in the late 1960s a change of actor - Connery to Lazenby - didn't interrupt the Bond-v-Blofeld conflict continuing. But for it to coninue here, credibly, one would need Craig in place, possibly along with Madeleine and of course ESB (though the facial disfigurement, and the history of Blofeld changing his appearence in the novels would allow casting of someone other than Christoph Waltz in the role.). What I'd have a little difficuly with would be Lea Seydoux and Christoph Waltz returning, cast with "A N Other" as Bond. Better to let the new man battle a new adversary in Bond 25, then return to face Blofeld - probably played by a different actor - in a future movie after that.
I agree with all of that, which is why i think it's already a done deal.
Eon would surely acknowledge that the first time around starting Fleming's strongest storyline (Blofeld/Tracy) and then having Connery quit, so that it's told via 3 different Bond actors with story continuity seen as collateral damage was a total mess that they'd rather have avoided. So i'm sure they wouldn't want to repeat that mess, which is why i believe they wouldn't have embarked once again on this storyline if they didn't have Craig in place to continue/finish it.
Sure Craig sounds sick'n tired of Bond at this current time, but after such a marathon production i'm sure they all crave a break and sympathise. But as much as Craig's frank interview style may be at times a little too frank for Eon's (more so Sony's) liking, it makes great headlines and there's no such thing as bad publicity.
So i agree that if Craig goes, then they need a soft reboot and certainly can't continue this Swann/Blofeld storyline; perhaps they could indeed explain Blofeld's change of appearance with some contrived plastic surgery exposition, but how very naff it would be to explain Blofeld's change, yet pretend Bond hasn't changed at all, despite it being a different actor! For this reason if they change Bond, then they can't refer to Blofeld's change. In short it would be a messy affair to rival the 60s/70s mess and i don't see Eon allowing that to be a possibility, so my money's on Craig being in 25 (which i'm very happy with).
If i'm wrong and they're once again playing dice with continuity, then the opportunism of again squandering the Blofeld arc, instead of saving it for Bond 7 gives whomever they cast as Bond 7 the torrid task of not only stepping into Craig's highly accomplished shoes, but doing so amid some very thin and desperate exposition about the demise of his relationship with Swann. Worst still forgetting it ever happened, which surely means forgetting they have Blofeld in the clink. It's a repeat the 60s fiasco.