Fair enough. I have a soft spot for brainless action movies

The Movies of 2015
Posted 08 October 2014 - 02:44 PM
Posted 31 October 2014 - 02:47 PM
What I'd like to see:
Taken 3
Black Hat
Hot Tub Time Machine
Get Hard
Furious 7
Avengers Age of Ultron
Mad Max
Terminator Genisys
Ant Man
The Man From UNCLE
Star Wars
Mission Impossible 5
Posted 01 November 2014 - 04:59 PM
Besides the obvious (Bond 24, Avengers:AofU, Ant-man) the one I'm looking forward to is Child 44. The book was fantastic and highly recommended. A modern classic in the spy/thriller genre.
Posted 01 November 2014 - 10:43 PM
Haven't read the book, but it does sound intriguing. Plus the film adaption does have a pretty impressive cast, so there's that.
Posted 02 November 2014 - 12:11 AM
The FURIOUS 7 trailer looks hilarious.
Posted 04 January 2015 - 07:06 AM
My top ten most antipicpated for 2015:
1. Spectre: most exciting Bond film on paper since Casino Royale.
2. Avengers 2
3. Star Wars 7: this should be higher but this franchise needs to prove itself before I get super excited again.
4. In the Heart oif the sea: Trailer is fantastic. Love maritime adventure films.
5. Mad Max Fury Road: I wish Mel was in it.
6. Antman
7. Wild Card: I love the original Burt Reynolds film Heat that this movie is remaking.
8. Black Hat: Michael Mann is a hit and miss guy but always worth my time.
9. Hot Tub Time machine 2
10. Insidious 3.
1. Dr. Strange
2. Batman v Superman
3. Rambo 5: I thought this was already filming since October...*sigh*
Posted 04 January 2015 - 07:48 PM
My list for 2015 (most anticipated in bold)
- The Gambler
- Taken 3
- Blackhat
- Son of a Gun
- The Gunman
- The Lazarus Effect
- It Follows
- The Coup
- Furious 7
- Jurassic World
- Ted 2
- Terminator: Genisys
- Poltergeist
- The Fantastic Four
- Hitman: Agent 47
- The Visit
- Triple Nine
- Vacation
- Friday the 13th
- Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
- Mission: Impossible V
- Manhattan Nocturne
- Amityville: The Awakening
Posted 04 January 2015 - 08:43 PM
That Terminater trailer was appalling...it looked like a bad TV show-and they replace Michael Bein with Jai Courtney? Ugh....and why does he have Daniel Craig's physique? He is supposed to be malnourished...I hate all sequels to the original. But I would be excited for King Conan(3).
Posted 06 January 2015 - 11:16 AM
I'm most interested in watching:
Taken 3
American Sniper
The Gunman
Mad Max:Fury Road
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Mission Impossible 5
SPECTRE , of course
Posted 06 January 2015 - 11:43 AM
I think 2015 will be a super year for films, one of the best in recent memory I think generally, but my most anticipated ones, in order, are as follows:
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens
- Spectre
- Avengers: Age Of Ultron
- Tak3n
- The Man From U.N.C.L.E
- Mission: Impossible 5
- Mad Max: Fury Road
- Terminator Genisys
- Jurassic World
- Ted 2
- Pixels
Posted 07 January 2015 - 03:25 PM
i think for me Avengers and then SPECTRE. . Everything beyond the next couple months seems so far off. I probably will see Fast 7, never seen one in the theater's actually.
Posted 10 January 2015 - 02:43 PM
Saw the teaser trailer for Ant-Man. Am looking forward to this since I'm a sucker for obscure Marvel Comics characters. It looks like they are using the Scott Lang version, which I've always found more interesting than the Dr. Henry Pym version of the character. This could be another sleeper hit along the lines of Guardians Of The Galaxy.
Posted 11 January 2015 - 02:48 PM
My list of wanna-sees (and my reasons):
1. Star Wars: The Force Awakens / SPECTRE (My two major childhood obsessions offer new installments!)
2. Untitled Spielberg/Hanks-Project (My favorite director teaming with one of my favorite actors, with a screenplay by my cherished Coen brothers)
3. Mission: Impossible 5 (Cruise directed by McQuarrie!)
4. In the Heart of the Sea (The teaser already sold me on this - and at first I didn´t even want to give it a thought)
5. Ant-Man (Paul Rudd is such a funny and sympathetic presence - and I adored GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, so I hope this will be fun as well)
6. Mad Max: Fury Road (The trailer is one of the best I´ve seen in a long time)
7. Ricki and the Flash (Demme directing Streep and one of my favorite rock musicians: Rick Springfield)
8. The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (Just interested in seeing this franchise brought back to life, with the underrated Cavill and Hammer)
9. Tomorrowland (Brad Bird and George Clooney have created lots of good will, and it´s not a sequel or comic book adaptation)
10. Mortdecai (I found the trailer very amusing, sorry)
11. The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron (I believe they are going to change things considerably in this sequel, and James Spader is always worth seeing)
12. Poltergeist (The original is one of my all-time-favorites, so I want to check this out just out of curiosity; it will never have a chance against my nostalgia)
13. The Walk (Robert Zemeckis is one heck of a talented filmmaker)
14. Peanuts (They seem to have made a successful transition into 3D-CGI, without sacrificing their precious soul)
15. Untitled Cameron Crowe Project (Crowe was great years ago, maybe he can rebound with this?)
16. The Visit (I know Shyamalan created plenty of bad press and deserved some of it - maybe this is his comeback?)
17. Jurassic World (For Chris Pratt, mostly - apart from that I believe it won´t offer lots of surprises, just a bit comfort food)
18. Pan (Joe Wright is a capable director - and the multi-talented Hugh Jackman is totally going against type, so that alone will be interesting)
19. Crimson Peak (Guillermo del Toro´s work is always worth checking out)
20. Black Hat (Could Michael Mann deliver something worthwhile again?)
21. The Martian (Ridley Scott has disappointed me so often... but sometimes he delivers big time)
22. Jupiter Ascending (The trailers left me laughing - at the dialogue, but still, I´m a sucker for space operas)
Edited by SecretAgentFan, 11 January 2015 - 02:50 PM.
Posted 15 January 2015 - 04:11 PM
Taken 3 - 2015 - 1/5 - Directed by Olivier Megaton - starring Liam Neeson and Forest Whitaker
"Good luck."
So this is it, it all ends here. Thank god, I've never wished for franchise to come to end quicker in my entire life. Pierre Morel's Taken is one of the better revenge/action thrillers in recent memory. It took Liam Neeson out of the dramatic zone and made him an action hero, and it worked. It was fantastic, and it should've ended there. Of course, Luc Besson and EuropaCorp need to ruin great films by unnecessary sequels, so I wasn't keen on Taken 2 when it was announced, and I especially wasn't keen on the announcement on Taken 3. Besson & Co. and director Olivier Megaton have managed to crap on Morel's great film once again.
Set some time after the events of Taken 2, Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) is living a comfortable life and his family is in the right direction with daughter, Kim (Maggie Grace) going to college and in a good relationship, and ex-wife, Lenore (Famke Janssen) has a great friendship with Bryan. Lenore confesses that she has been having marital problems with her husband Stuart (Dougray Scott) and seeks Bryan's help. One morning, Bryan receives a text about meeting Lenore at his place, only to discover her dead body and the implications that's done it. With the LAPD and Inspector Frank Dotzler (Forest Whitaker) hot on his tail, Bryan moves through Los Angeles trying to clear his name as he uncovers a sinister plan involving his family.
There's some inconsistencies in this film and the previous film. In the first film, Bryan and Lenore don't get along at all, until Bryan goes on a personal mission to get Kim back from Paris, which is when Lenore and Bryan begin to start respecting each other again. By the second film, when they travel to Istanbul, we are led that Bryan and Lenore are going to get back together again, but that's not the case here. Maybe over the course of events in between films, there was a change of heart, but it feels weird. Especially having Dougray Scott play Stuart, who was previously played by Xander Berkley in the first film, who considerably looks different than Scott and is older. Why the change of actors? Maybe creative differences, or maybe Luc Besson just said screw it.
Olivier Megaton's last four films (including Taken 3) have all been under Besson, and all have been horrible. Transporter 3 was a horrible end to the trilogy that is now being rebooting. Colombiana was a joke and the last two Taken films have been horrible. Either Megaton is a ghost director (think George P. Cosmatos) for Besson, or he truly can't direct his way out of a paper bag. Literally each action/chase scene has an average of one or two cuts per second. It's like his editors had a massive sugar rush, snorted some cocaine, threw on "Turn Down For What" and just threw in any and every cut possible. It's not that it had ridiculous amounts of shaky cam, but I swear the editing was horrible, to the point where it was headache inducing. Taken 3 is probably the worst edited action film I've seen since Quantum Of Solace. Hell even the two Raid films had better editing and I can't stand those films. Pierre Morel's Taken was done with such precision and expertise, it was just a near-flawless action film. This is just bad. It didn't have any of the heart from Morel's film (neither did the second film). It was just ninety-five minutes of repetitive sequences. Once again, I will say that John Wick is still the best action film I've seen in recent years. It did everything right and was perfectly executed.
The story is considerably much more different than the previous two films in which no one gets taken. Though you could say that Lenore dying is her being "taken" from Bryan and Kim. Going in a different direction would I guess be the right choice in trying to salvage what little you have left, but Besson and co-writer Robert Mark Kamen just can't come up with a story with giving a damn about. It's still Bryan Mills going around doing what he does best with his "particular set of skills". The villain is just as weak as the previous film and the final fight scene between him and Bryan is hilarious. Seeing Liam Neeson get beat up by a guy in his skivvies (underwear) is probably the funniest thing I've seen all year. And it's only January.
With the acting, Liam Neeson is Liam Neeson, so there's not much to it. He shows up, kicks ass, gets his ass kicked, get's paid, end of story. I applaud him for still going strong at his age, 62. Maggie Grace doesn't have a whole lot to do in this film, other than being the "damsel in distress" plot device in the closing moments of the film. She does look better as a blonde however. Forest Whitaker plays a cop and pretty much reprises his characters from Out Of The Furnace and The Last Stand, and is only there to either state the obvious or something cop-like. Everyone else is just there to serve Bryan Mills and the story a purpose.
Is Taken 3 better than the second film? It at least tried a different director, but failed to do anything exciting with it. So to answer the question, no, It's just as bad, if not worse. I did like the opening titles showing aerial shots of Los Angeles at night with "Toes" by Glass Animals playing. Other than that, it's just another Luc Besson-produced, terrible action film.
Please, Luc Besson, No Taken 4. I'm begging you.
"I'll come for you, I'll find you, and we both know what's going to happen."
The Martian
Knight Of Cups
Sinister 2
Straight Outta Compton
Taken 3 - 1/5
Posted 15 January 2015 - 09:27 PM
Saw the teaser trailer for Ant-Man. Am looking forward to this since I'm a sucker for obscure Marvel Comics characters. It looks like they are using the Scott Lang version, which I've always found more interesting than the Dr. Henry Pym version of the character. This could be another sleeper hit along the lines of Guardians Of The Galaxy.
He's also not a wife-beater like Hank Pym is.
Posted 17 January 2015 - 02:02 PM
Saw the teaser trailer for Ant-Man. Am looking forward to this since I'm a sucker for obscure Marvel Comics characters. It looks like they are using the Scott Lang version, which I've always found more interesting than the Dr. Henry Pym version of the character. This could be another sleeper hit along the lines of Guardians Of The Galaxy.
He's also not a wife-beater like Hank Pym is.
That too.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 11:21 PM
Probably the best thing Paramount could've done. Puts them way out of the fall/winter spot where it would be competing with Spectre and Star Wars. However, They'll need to start kicking up the marketing right about now.
Posted 27 January 2015 - 02:06 PM
Posted 27 January 2015 - 04:12 PM
Well it looks better than the cartoonish romp previously....very clichéd trailer however, so will wait and see what happens.
And what is it with titles combining the number now? 'Fant4astic'? 'Tak3n'? Christ....what next:
'StVII Wars: The Force Awakens'
'Avengers: Age of Ul2ron'
Posted 27 January 2015 - 04:15 PM
Hey, I liked that cartoonish romp! HahaWell it looks better than the cartoonish romp previously....

I felt the previous two films captured the spirit of the early FF comics perfectly.
This new... I don't even know what to call this new thing. Looks like too much of a drastic change for me, but I'll withhold judgment until I see it.
Posted 27 January 2015 - 04:15 PM
Looks much better, IMO, than the two previous films. I think it'll end up being much better on the strength of the cast alone, which is far better than what we got the last time.
Posted 27 January 2015 - 06:59 PM
Director, Josh Trank, said it was inspired by classic David Cronenberg films in terms of look and science fiction elements. However I don't see it. It looks like any other Superhero/comic book film. Generic.
I'll pass.
Posted 27 January 2015 - 09:22 PM
It has a very Bay/Abrams style blue-tinted look which, honestly, is a look I quite like, but why not go for the psychedilia-tinged Jack Kirby imagery which is, at least to my limited knowledge, the comic's calling card? The main problem with the 00s films is that they were too bland, not that they were too goofy. How pseudo-realistic can you make these characters anyway?
Posted 29 January 2015 - 06:44 PM
The Super Bowl spot for TERMINATOR: GENISYS
And a new poster:
bigger version: http://www.thetermin...tor-Genisys.jpg
Posted 29 January 2015 - 07:29 PM
TV spot still doesn't sell this to me sadly, but I dig the grey-haired Arnie Terminator poster! Looks more badass than anything in the trailer or TV spot.
Posted 29 January 2015 - 07:50 PM
Posted 30 January 2015 - 12:15 PM
I just don't know how I'll feel seeing Arnie in god-knows how many CGI enhanced scenes with body doubles and probably less screen-time than we expect.
And the grey hair? I don't know. It just doesn't excite me, which is a huge shame as I ADORE Schwarzenegger and his films.
Posted 30 January 2015 - 03:55 PM
Posted 30 January 2015 - 07:19 PM
I just don't know how I'll feel seeing Arnie in god-knows how many CGI enhanced scenes with body doubles and probably less screen-time than we expect.
And the grey hair? I don't know. It just doesn't excite me, which is a huge shame as I ADORE Schwarzenegger and his films.
You do know that on the outside, Terminators age, right? That explains the gray hair....