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This Or That?

With A Bond-Style Twist!

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#1141 The Dove

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Posted 06 September 2012 - 09:06 PM

"The Living Daylights" - Land Rover sequence and the cello case skiing sequence...just a perfect way to capture the 007 spirit for a new Bond in Timothy Dalton.

Is it cooler when the baddie refers to 007 as Mr. Bond OR by his first name, James?

#1142 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 06 September 2012 - 10:26 PM

You can't beat a patronizing "Mister Bond"...although James is chilling, if somewhat too familiar.

What stunt is the best...

The Aston Martin jumping over the wooden hut in 'The Living Daylights'


The tanker truck wheelie in 'Licence To Kill'


#1143 S K Y F A L L



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Posted 06 September 2012 - 11:23 PM

The tanker truck wheelie because its a trick Bond has done before in DAF but on a whole new level.

Which Ejector seat stunt do you enjoy more : GF OR DAD ?

#1144 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 07 September 2012 - 07:21 AM

I have to say it's 'Die Another Day' - the idea works pretty well and the shot of the Aston flipping over is pretty cool, even with Brosnan's smart-[censored] look as he closes the sunroof after.

If a previous Bond car was to return for Daniel Craig's era, would you like to see...

The Lotus Esprit, but not turning into a submarine, from 'The Spy Who Loved Me'


The Sunbeam Alpine from 'Dr.No'


#1145 The Dove

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Posted 07 September 2012 - 08:03 PM

Would be nice to see the Sunbeam Alpine make a reappearance..such a cute little car..

What would be more of a chuckle for Craig's Bond in a future film...him being forced to drive a classic Mini in a chase sequence, but handle it like Jason Bourne did in The Bourne Identity OR Bond drives an old style VW Beetle?

#1146 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 07 September 2012 - 08:12 PM

Bond drives an old style VW Beetle...any avoidance to Bourne and people pointing the finger will be better!

Which Bond vehicle was used best in a chase...

The yellow Citroen in 'For Your Eyes Only'


The Tuk-Tuk in 'Octopussy'


#1147 Pussfeller



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Posted 07 September 2012 - 09:38 PM

The Citroen took more of a beating, but on balance the rickshaw was more memorable. Advantage rickshaw.

Which version of Felix Leiter would have annoyed Fleming more...

Bernie Casey


Norman Burton ?

#1148 The Dove

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 04:12 AM

Hmm...tough one.. I'd say maybe...Norman Burton?

Since is pretty much now confirmed that Daniel Craig will be Bond at least through Bond 25, are you: Over the moon with joy OR just jumping for joy? :P

#1149 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 08 September 2012 - 10:56 AM

Over the moon with joy - and then some!!

With the news that Craig is our Bond for many more years to come, would you like...

The current Bond interpretation to continue (granted, we may see a development in 'Skyfall') of the tough, gritty character


A slightly more relaxed take, edging into Connery/Brosnan mode (I would say Moore but that could be TOO far)


#1150 PPK_19


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Posted 08 September 2012 - 12:08 PM

The current interpretation, gritty, tough etc. I don't want to see it get all silly a la Octopussy!

Ok, with the news that Craig will be around for another two films, taking him up to the age of 50, would you like:

To see Bond 24 come out in two years time, which could mean a script that isn't as developed as it could be, therefore taking a gamble on the quality of Bond 24.


Wait that agonising extra year till 2015 to see what is most probably a well-thought out action romp with a cracking story


#1151 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 08 September 2012 - 05:14 PM

I somehow want a current 2 year production of Bond films - if they have a decent cast and crew, there is no need to go for bigger, better, epic Bond as they have had the time to, but give us a decent spy adventure that still delivers but keeps the faithful elements together. It worked for the other Bonds, so let Craig produce them at 2 years.

What vehicle would you like to see return for an action sequence:

A nuclear submarine


A tank


#1152 PrinceKamalKhan



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Posted 10 September 2012 - 01:33 AM

A nuclear submarine.

Final battle:

Tiger Tanaka's ninjas vs. SPECTRE ninjas in You Only Live Twice


Marc-Ange Draco's Union Corse vs. SPECTRE atop Piz Gloria in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service?

#1153 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 10 September 2012 - 08:21 AM

Something about Marc-Ange Draco's Union Corse vs. SPECTRE atop Piz Gloria in 'OHMSS' top it for me, a very classic confrontation!

Who had the better villainous hideout?

Dr.Kanaga - Underneath the San Monique graveyard and home to pet sharks and a monorail


Aris Kristatos - On top off a huge cliff, inside the abandoned St.Cyrils


#1154 The Dove

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Posted 11 September 2012 - 05:59 AM

Have to go with Kristatos and the St. Cyril's monastery...what a spectacular view...just don't get too close to the edge!!

Which character from the Pierce Brosnan era would you have liked to see appear again for Daniel Craig's Bond, had they NOT been killed off...

Alan Cumming's Boris Grishenko from Goldeneye OR Robbie Coltrane's Valentine Zukovsky ??

#1155 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 11 September 2012 - 07:39 AM

Robbie Coltrane's Valentine Zukovsky. I think he could have worked very well with Daniel Craig for a good team, similar to Mathis did.

What sort of music do you like to hear in a James Bond moment in a film...

A tense, sharp and exciting score that gets you on the edge of your seat as it gets more intense, and louder until a finale that results in a major event on screen, a'la killing the tarantula in 'Dr.No', shooting the poison orbs before they reach Earth in 'Moonraker' or the parkour and embassy chase in 'Casino Royale' etc


A loud, almost operatic Bond-style motiff that incorporates the title music and that you know signifies an emphasis on 007 battling the odds in a spectacular, action packed fashion, a'la Bond battling across the dock rooftops in 'You Only Live Twice', the Golden Gate bridge battle in 'A View To A Kill' or the BMW car-park chase in 'Tomorrow Never Dies' etc.


#1156 The Dove

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Posted 11 September 2012 - 08:57 PM

A tense, sharp and exciting score for me... such as the moment when Blofeld drops the live grenade in his bobsled and scrambles to pick it up and chuck it back at Bond in OHMSS..the score at that moment was a perfect fit!

Which of Bond's numerous cocktails do you prefer to drink yourself, if you have tried some yourself? Vodka martini, bourbon with NO ice OR champagne, Bollinger or Dom Perignon ?

#1157 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 13 September 2012 - 07:52 AM

As I've only tried Bollinger and a Vodka Martini - I have to be classic and go for the simple yet powerful Vodka "VESPER" Martini!

What kind of James Bond actor debut works for you on screen...

A sombre, cool reveal like Sean Connery in 'Dr.No' and Daniel Craig in 'Casino Royale'


An exciting, dramatic reveal like Timothy Dalton in 'The Living Daylights' or Pierce Brosnan in 'GoldenEye'


#1158 The Dove

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Posted 13 September 2012 - 08:44 PM

A somber and cool-like reveal such as Sean Connery and Daniel Craig had..

The soundtrack album cover for "Skyfall" do you hope: they use the cool theater poster image of Bond on his back firing the PPK with the white background OR hope they use an unseen "Skyfall" image?

#1159 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 16 September 2012 - 10:26 AM

I'd just like the theatrical poster image of Bond on his back with the PPK - less is more for an album cover, it will stand-out and look good.

For what reason do you think 'Skyfall' would surprise us and not be very good...

The plot - Thin and complicated and straying akwardly into modern themes which doesn't suit Bond very well. Too many plot themes about terrorism and technology which come across and a little boring


The characters - Too many new faces, with lack of power behind many of them for decent development and some don't live to expectations- plus Bardem's villain isn't very exceptional as promised


#1160 S K Y F A L L



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Posted 16 September 2012 - 08:49 PM

I want to say the characters but I think it would be the plot although I have a lot of confidence and I think many do in this one. Tough one, I've wondered if Silva will be a disappointment or the plot will be nothing as special as we are expecting.

Which do you like better: The new SF US one sheet poster OR the 50th Anniversary Poster ?

#1161 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 17 September 2012 - 08:24 AM

The 50th Anniversary poster by far - modern, yet classic Bond.

Who is the most under-rated 007 actor for what they brought to the role and depth of their film(s)...

Timothy Dalton


George Lazenby


#1162 The Dove

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Posted 17 September 2012 - 07:30 PM

Have to go with Mr. Timothy Dalton...such a shame that many people just dismiss his performances in TLD and LTK.

If you were to introduce a friend of yours to the world of Bond, and they had never seen a Bond film ever, would you start them off with: Dr. No and have them go through the films in order OR start with a random film and then have them mix things up order-wise for the rest of the films?

#1163 PrinceKamalKhan



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Posted 18 September 2012 - 03:45 AM

It depends on the friend. Most likely I'd start with a random film and then have them mix things up order-wise for the rest of the films.

Olympe from On Her Majesty’s Secret Service



Marie from Diamonds Are Forever

http://www.wearyslot...torsP/26269.gif ?

#1164 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 18 September 2012 - 10:51 AM

Love your Bond girl This or Thats PKK, a nice return. I go for... Olympe. Marie seemed a bit too suspicious to me.

If more incidental music is used in 'Skyfall', as we heard "London's Calling" in 'Die Another Day', what would you rather have...

"Eye Of The Tiger" by Survivor, heard as Bond is trying to get back into shape


"500 Miles (I'm Gonna Be)" by The Proclaimers, heard as Bond is heading into Scotland


#1165 The Dove

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Posted 18 September 2012 - 04:27 PM

If it has to be one of the two, I'd say "500 Miles" (although I grew sick to death of that damn song after the 3rd time I heard it..) Can't really see "Eye Of The Tiger" during Bond's training session as it would draw too many comparisons between him and Rocky Balboa.. :P

Right...now that all the missions on 007 Legends have been revealed, which one are you MOST looking forward to playing? Skyfall, OHMSS, Licence To Kill, Die Another Day, Moonraker OR Goldfinger?

#1166 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 18 September 2012 - 07:17 PM

It has to be 'Licence To Kill' - I bet it won't hold a candle to the film but that is such an amazing sequence it will be brilliant to play it out!

Similar question - Which film will make the best action-shooter level for 007:Legends:

'Die Another Day'




#1167 The Dove

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Posted 19 September 2012 - 06:45 PM

Hmm..I think Die Another Day is perhaps better suited for an all out action-shooter level.. On the other hand, I would LOVE to see Craig's 007 in a recreation of the golf game with Auric Goldfinger!

Thomas Newman's gunbarrel score...are you expecting something traditional sounding, like the majority of the Bonds OR something surprising, like Eric Serra's all timpani version in Goldeneye?

#1168 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 20 September 2012 - 07:40 AM

I reckon it will be something very differnet, like 'GoldenEye', or even 'Licence To Kill'. The surprising ones make a big impact!

If a spin-off film based about James Bond's parents and his childhood was made, who would you like to play Bond's ill-fated parents?

Hugh Laurie & Jane Seymour


Simon Callow & Helen Mirren


#1169 The Dove

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Posted 20 September 2012 - 06:55 PM

Hmm.. Definitely Simon Callow and Helen Mirren... Can't have Jane Seymour as Bond's mum as she's already been his girlfriend! LOL..

Which secondary Bond girl should have had a bigger role in their film? Maria Grazia Cucinotta as "Cigar Girl" in TWINE OR Ivana Milicevic as Valenka in Casino Royale?

#1170 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 20 September 2012 - 08:07 PM

Maria Grazia Cucinotta as "Cigar Girl" in 'The World Is Not Enough' - I always wanted to check more of her figure.

Which David Arnold action score was the best for Brosnan...

