The Ultimate Bond Anthology Project
Posted 27 November 2010 - 02:47 AM
Posted 27 November 2010 - 06:57 AM

Also, you might be right in that the gadget fields could/should be left off. They seem extraneous at best, and they always appear to be the last fields filled in.
Posted 28 November 2010 - 12:01 AM
Night. The sky - almost clear, just a few scattered clouds. The sound of a church clock chimes midnight and we're in ...
To be precise, we're in the Staglieno Cemetery. A man in a black suit pulls up outside the cemetery in a black car, he climbs out and makes his way through the paths between the tombs until he comes to an ornate crypt with a heavy iron door. He opens the door, steps inside -
The crypt is comparatively massive. The man removes a zippo lighter, lights a torch on the wall - lights one on the opposite wall too. Between the two torches, in the centre of the crypt, is an ornate stone tomb with the relief of a man carved into the lid. The man opens the lid - slides a brown envelope, folded in half, into the pocket of the corpse inside the tomb and then reseals the tomb before dousing the torches with water and leaving.
The man leaves the crypt and follows the paths back towards his car - but we leave him before he reaches the car: another man in a black suit is hiding in the shadows of another tomb, having watched the man in black enter and leave the crypt. As this second man steps out of the shadows and into the moonlight, his identity is revealed - JAMES BOND, 007!
Bond slips into the crypt, pulls a torch out of his pocket and looks around the crypt - eventually setting his sights on the tomb itself. Holding the torch in his teeth, he removes the lid and discovers the brown envelope in the pocket of the corpse. "A genuine dead drop," quips Bond as he stuffs the envelope into his own jacket pocket.
As he does so, he feels the muzzle of a gun pressed into the back of his neck - it's the man in black from moments ago. Bond knocks the gun from the mans hands and drops his torch - a fight occurs in almost pitch darkness, it's swift and brutal. Bond manages to grab the mans gun and swings round - fires at him, hits between the eyes, the man drops to the ground. Dead.
Bond recovers his torch, lifts the dead thug from the floor of the crypt and puts him into the tomb with the dead man - replacing the lid and coming out with a pithy quip as he does so. He leaves the crypt and walks through the cemetery - towards the camera, as we transit into another title sequence designed by Maurice Binder.
As Bond walks towards the screen, the screen is bathed in red - we pull out to reveal that the red is the red of the Cross of St George on the Union Jack, with clips from 'On Her Majesties Secret Service' projected onto the blue segments of the Saltire. From that we dissolve through to the Bond family crest - dragons, lions, griffins coming to life and fighting knights and a tuxedoed figure with a gun alongside silhouetted nudes.
as Ian Fleming's James Bond 007
Mia Farrow
Linda Thorson
Richard Burton
Jean Paul Belmondo
George Pravda
Lola Falana
Angela Lansbury
Telly Savalas
John Gavin
Lois Maxwell
Desmond Llewelyn
Bernard Lee as M
"Semper Occultus" (Main Theme) by John Barry
"Almost" sung by Elvis
"Almost" written by Buddy Kaye and Ben Weiseman, arranged by John Barry
Soundtrack by John Barry
Directed by Peter Hunt
Titles Designed by Maurice Binder
The Maginot Line, Franco-German Border
(The note that Bond discovered in the pocket of the corpse in Stagliano Cemetery has somehow led Bond to one of the privately owned forts of the Maginot Line along the Franco-German Border. Here, he encounters Irma Bunt - questions her - and kills her. tdalton - perhaps you could help with fleshing out this scene as it's your baby?)
New York City, USA
SIX MONTHS LATER. Bond wakes in an apartment somewhere in New York - he awakes alone, makes his breakfast and undertakes his usual morning workout regime and shower. This is not the Bond we know - he is hollow and emotionally cold, an automaton. He climbs into the Aston Martin DBS parked outside his apartment building and drives it to the United Nations where it is revealed that he has been removed from the duties of a Double-Oh and assigned as part of the security detail of the Permanent Representative of the UK to the United Nations (from 1964 to 1970 this was Hugh Mackintosh Foot, Lord Caradon). As Bond pulls into the parking lot, he drives past a peace rally that is being undertaken outside - he catches the eye of a beautiful blonde woman carrying a placard protesting against the Vietnam War and exchanges a polite smile and nod with her.
Bond goes through the routine he has become accustomed to since his move to New York, ending up observing the meeting of the United Nations General Assembly - but whilst listening in to the meeting, the signal gets interrupted by static and needs to be retuned. Whilst retuning the signal, a rogue signal is intercepted - discussing the assasination of the Chinese Permanent Representative. Bond takes a walkie talkie and stalks the corridors of the United Nations building - talking to a technician who is trying to keep the signal from the assasins tuned in so that Bond can track them down. Eventually he succeeds - tracking the assassin down to an observation balcony above the main assembly chamber. The two men fight - with Bond overcoming his opponent who plunges to his death over the edge of the balcony.
Later - Bond stands over the dead assassin, alongside the British Permanent Representative and M. The three enter a private briefing room, meeting the Chinese Permanent Representative and his security team. M confirms that the assassin appears to be connected to a private security firm known as Black Shield - an organisation that the world has turned a blind eye to as a necessary evil. The Chinese want the British to decimate Black Shield for them - and M is willing to loan them Bond, returned to Double-Oh Status, for the duration of the mission. Bond begins to protest - but when it is revealed that the Chinese are willing to share their intelligence on SPECTRE with MI6, Bond becomes much more cooperative.
MI6 Headquarters
Bond stops off at MI6 Headquarters where he recieves equipment from Q. He also meets Moneypenny in the corridor and she tells him that she is glad to have him back in the office, enquiring as to how he's coping with the anger, frustration and survivors guilt after the death of Tracey. Bond looks distant, mutters: "Semper Occultus, Moneypenny. Always secret"
Ceuta, Spain
Bond arrives in Ceuta via a ferry from Spain - the small city is in North Africa, seperated from Morocco by a fence. At the ferry port, Bond is met by a representative from the British consulate in Rabat, Mary Trueblood. Mary explains that since the city is so small, many people just travel on bicycles - but they take a taxi to the hotel that Bond has been booked into, with Mary using the identity of 'Mrs Bond'. Bond winces - snaps at Mary and instantly apologises but refuses to clarify why he snapped. Mary asks what Bond wants to do first - and Bond responds by asking her if she knows any good Moroccan restaurants.
That night, Bond and Mary visit a Moroccan restaurant and eat a traditional meal - a mix of hot and cold salads, followed by a goat dish cooked in a tagine, bread, chicken, cous cous with apricots. They eat with their hands, using pitta like breads as implements. The meal closes with a cup of sweet mint tea. As Bond pays the bill, he makes enquiries with the waiter about a French man - the waiter knows whom Bond is asking about and writes directions to another location down on a napkin. Bond thanks the waiter and tips him double.
Leaving Mary at the hotel, Bond ventures out to the location that the waiter gave him - a hookah lounge. There, he finds the man that he described to the waiter in the restaurant and takes a seat next to him and orders a hookah pipe for himself. The man, we learn, is Rene Mathis, former operative of the Deuxieme Bureau and someone that Bond has worked with in the past. Bond asks about Black Shield and the Frenchman tells Bond that he has heard rumour that the organisation run a training camp somewhere in the Macedonian region of Yugoslavia. Mathis writes the location of the training camp down on a scrap of paper - but is hit by a bullet fired by a gunman in the doorway of the hookah lounge. Bond gives pursuit into the street, 'borrowing' a motorbike from a passing youth to take off after the gunman who makes a break across the border and into Morocco.
Bond is unable to pursue and, deflated, he returns to the hotel where Mary informs him that Mathis has called - and that he will be fine. Mary attemps to comfort a frustrated Bond and the pair end up sleeping together, though the encounter is clearly shown to be joyless and automatic on Bond's side.
Macedonian Region, Yugoslavia
Bond makes his way, by covert means, across the border and into the Soviet controlled Yugoslavia before heading to the Macedonian region and infiltrating the Black Shield training camp. He claims he is a disgruntled former member of the Royal Navy called Mark Hazard and he gains entry to the camp by winning a wrestling match, overseen by a man called Pierre Renard, against one of the trained Black Shield soldiers - something that he does with ease.
Over the next several days, Bond undergoes training at the camp (which is shown to be akin to SPECTRE Island in 'From Russia With Love') until a helicopter swoops in under a stormy sky - and delivers the organisations leader to the camp. This leader is revealed to be Robert Walker, a former US Marine that Bond is familiar with the reputation of but whom he has never actually encountered in person. Bond stalks Walker through a series of caves lined with crystals as he meets with Renard - and a woman with an Eastern European accent who at first is in shadows, but is eventually revealed to be Marna Krutch, whom Bond last encountered four years earlier in East Germany. This confirms what Bond has begun to suspect - that Black Shield are in the back pocket of SPECTRE.
The meeting involves discussion about the retrieval of a Soviet nuclear scientist - he is off the radar at the moment, but Krutch has her people looking for him. Walker will be returning to America in the next few days, Krutch promises to inform Walker as soon as she learns the scientists location.
Walker and Krutch leave the camp seperately - and in the middle of the night, Bond escapes from the training camp and makes his way across the border in order to continue his mission.
RMS Queen Elizabeth 2
After following Walker from Yugoslavia to the United Kingdom, Bond boards the QE2 in Southampton. On the ship, he bumps into Summer Long - the woman that he saw at the peace rally outside United Nations Headquarters. She has been at a peace march in London and is revealed to be from a very wealthy family. She is the black sheep of her family and Bond warms to her whilst he keeps an eye on Walker at the ships gaming tables, swimming pool, gym and restaurants - when Summer attempts to seduce Bond, he pushes her away and explains about Tracey (we get a montage as he explains, accompanied by 'Almost'). Summer agrees to help Bond, and with her assistance, Bond is able to discover that Black Shield are after a Russian nuclear scientist known as Kutze - who, it is later revealed when a cable arrives from Krutch on the mainland, is holed up in Havana, Cuba.
After leaving Summer in New York, Bond arrives in Havana and makes contact with a sleeper agent there through a prostitute called Nancy, where he rushes to reach Kutze before the Black Shield members do - the secret agent moves the nuclear scientist to the house opposite and replaces him. When the Black Shield members break in to eliminate Kutze, Bond and his unlikely Chinese allies leap into action - taking down the strike team, led by Walker's 2IC Renard, and unfortunately taking down Kutze at the same time.
The Hamptons
Bond picks up the trail of Walker in the Hamptons at his families estate - it is shown he runs in the same circles as Summer Long and her family. Having won Summer's trust on the QE2, he uses this friendship to infiltrate the society and gains entry to a lavish garden party that Walker is throwing (think of the garden party in France in 'A View To A Kill') and uses the opportunity to cut Walker's throat and steal files pertaining to the organisation.
New York
Bond enters a meeting with the Chinese representative from before - with the files he stole from the Hamptons. With the two most senior figures in Black Shield dead, the organisation has crumpled. Bond discovers that the Chinese are aware of a SPECTRE base under Niagara Falls - and believe that Blofeld is there. When the Chinese ask for the files on Black Shield, Bond sets fire to them and walks out of the room as sprinklers begin to douse the fire.
Niagara Falls
Bond confronts Blofeld and believes he has killed him, even though he believes he has sacrificed his own life to do so. He wakes in the arms of Summer Long, in the summer house of her families estate, believing his quest is over - as they begin to kiss, it is clear that Bond is enjoying the encounter this time. He has begun to mend himself after Tracey. Whilst in London, M, Q and Moneypenny peruse pictures of the leader of SPECTRE.
James Bond
will return
Diamonds Are Forever
Posted 28 November 2010 - 02:55 AM
This is already shaping up to be much better than 'MY ENEMY'S ENEMY', though I did enjoy that one a great deal, too.
Posted 28 November 2010 - 04:52 AM

Posted 28 November 2010 - 05:29 AM
Hmm....Just a quibble at how sketchy the treatment becomes in its latter half
Read closer next time, m'booey.The sequences from the QE2 onwards need a lot more work to flesh them out - and any suggestions and thoughts on how to flesh these segments out would be appreciated. The groundwork is finished, we just need to build this up a little bit more.
Posted 28 November 2010 - 06:26 AM
Posted 28 November 2010 - 01:49 PM
However, if people don't mind and confirm that they weren't also planning on submitting the plot (I know that, at least two of us, weren't), then I'm perfectly happy for you to PM me the plot idea so that I can submit it on your behalf when I do post the proforma. This is not to become a regular occurance though - with anyone!
Posted 28 November 2010 - 06:15 PM
I offered my services toward "building up the groundwork"; he refused.Read closer next time, m'booey.
Ahhh, well... dunno how you'd write dialogue between Summer Long and Bond, though.
Posted 28 November 2010 - 07:06 PM
I offered my services toward "building up the groundwork"; he refused.Read closer next time, m'booey.
Ahhh, well... dunno how you'd write dialogue between Summer Long and Bond, though.
You offered based on the previous version of the outline believing that was the final draft - and I turned you down, at that point, as I wanted to flesh out stuff on my own first. This is a new draft of the treatment and I am now asking for thoughts and suggestions - from everyone - on how later segments could be fleshed out.
Posted 28 November 2010 - 07:14 PM
Posted 28 November 2010 - 07:23 PM
Posted 28 November 2010 - 09:09 PM
To be honest, I think the character that Samuel (it was Sam who pitched the character of Summer, wasn't it?) envisaged Summer as being would be sort-of ruined by her being an undercover member of the CIA.
Yeah, it was me, and yeah, the character I envisaged wouldn't dream of working for the government, and certainly not the CIA.
I like what you've done with the treatment so far, although I must admit I did like the idea of introducing Robert Walker at the UN to show his cultured side - he doesn't need to meet Bond, so we avoid the OHMSS problem of the villain not recognising his enemy. If we see him for the first time at the training camp as a rugged merc leader it'll be a bit odd to see him hob-nobbing with the elite later. Also, maybe instead of just glimpsing each other during the peace rally, Summer can stumble into Bond inside the building, which she may have entered to confront Walker.
Edited by SamuelKevlar, 28 November 2010 - 10:07 PM.
Posted 29 November 2010 - 12:06 AM
Posted 29 November 2010 - 08:57 AM
I'm not sure the same dramatic scene can be kept with Walker being at the UN - the sequence seems to demand a solo shooter and surely if he was there openly, once the shooter had been caught, he would have been taken into custody at that point.
Yeah, that's why I proposed having the shooting be a set-up intended for Walker, to discredit the Chinese and show the necessity of Black Shield. But I also acknowledge that that would make the 'tapping into frequencies' bit less realistic, so leaving him out is fine.
Posted 29 November 2010 - 06:10 PM
Followed by the UB Moore proforma.
Posted 29 November 2010 - 06:20 PM

Posted 29 November 2010 - 06:34 PM
What makes you say that?I think I can lure ConnerysToupee back in for the UB Moore, so we can get it done a bit quicker...
Posted 29 November 2010 - 10:20 PM
Night. The sky - almost clear, just a few scattered clouds. The sound of a church clock chimes midnight and we're in ...
To be precise, we're in the Staglieno Cemetery. A man in a black suit pulls up outside the cemetery in a black car, he climbs out and makes his way through the paths between the tombs until he comes to an ornate crypt with a heavy iron door. He opens the door, steps inside -
The crypt is comparatively massive. The man removes a zippo lighter, lights a torch on the wall - lights one on the opposite wall too. Between the two torches, in the centre of the crypt, is an ornate stone tomb with the relief of a man carved into the lid. The man opens the lid - slides a brown envelope, folded in half, into the pocket of the corpse inside the tomb and then reseals the tomb before dousing the torches with water and leaving.
The man leaves the crypt and follows the paths back towards his car - but we leave him before he reaches the car: another man in a black suit is hiding in the shadows of another tomb, having watched the man in black enter and leave the crypt. As this second man steps out of the shadows and into the moonlight, his identity is revealed - JAMES BOND, 007!
Bond slips into the crypt, pulls a torch out of his pocket and looks around the crypt - eventually setting his sights on the tomb itself. Holding the torch in his teeth, he removes the lid and discovers the brown envelope in the pocket of the corpse. "A genuine dead drop," quips Bond as he stuffs the envelope into his own jacket pocket.
As he does so, he feels the muzzle of a gun pressed into the back of his neck - it's the man in black from moments ago. Bond knocks the gun from the mans hands and drops his torch - a fight occurs in almost pitch darkness, it's swift and brutal. Bond manages to grab the mans gun and swings round - fires at him, hits between the eyes, the man drops to the ground. Dead.
Bond recovers his torch, lifts the dead thug from the floor of the crypt and puts him into the tomb with the dead man - replacing the lid and coming out with a pithy quip as he does so. He leaves the crypt and walks through the cemetery - towards the camera, as we transit into another title sequence designed by Maurice Binder.
As Bond walks towards the screen, the screen is bathed in red - we pull out to reveal that the red is the red of the Cross of St George on the Union Jack, with clips from 'On Her Majesties Secret Service' projected onto the blue segments of the Saltire. From that we dissolve through to the Bond family crest - dragons, lions, griffins coming to life and fighting knights and a tuxedoed figure with a gun alongside silhouetted nudes.
as Ian Fleming's James Bond 007
Mia Farrow
Linda Thorson
Richard Burton
Jean Paul Belmondo
George Pravda
Lola Falana
Norman Burton
Angela Lansbury
Telly Savalas
John Gavin
Lois Maxwell
Desmond Llewelyn
Bernard Lee as M
"Semper Occultus" (Main Theme) by John Barry
"Almost" sung by Elvis
"Almost" written by Buddy Kaye and Ben Weiseman, arranged by John Barry
Soundtrack by John Barry
Directed by Peter Hunt
Titles Designed by Maurice Binder
The Maginot Line, Franco-German Border
The envelope that Bond recovered from the dead-drop in Genoa has led Bond to one of the forts of the Maginot Line on the Franco-German border. Many of these have been sold off to private organisations, including the International Brotherhood for the Assistance of Stateless Persons, as we learn now - as we move across the bodies of several soldiers lying on the ground, either knocked out or dead.
A figure descends the metal stairway to a lower level of the bunker and when the figure reaches the lower level and opens a door, we see the figure is Bond with his gun drawn. He enters a room that is more or less barren of furniture - just a desk, a simple campbed in the corner with a suitcase underneath the bed and a table in the centre of the room. There is a woman sat at the table - her face hidden by shadows. But it's clear who she is - Irma Bunt, Blofeld's ally and the person who fired the shot that killed Tracy Bond.
Bond and the woman exchange some emotionally charged dialogue (long enough to give the audience a sense of closure on the arc for the Bunt character but not long enough for the people sitting in as the character to receive on-screen credits for the work either), with the camera cutting away as Bond eliminates Bunt.
Bunt is then revealed to have been holding a detonator and when her corpse drops to the floor, the detonator begins to count down - Bond has three minutes to escape the fort. What follows is a tense adrenadline-fueled sequence where Bond must fight against several SPECTRE goons and escape the complex. This he does, with seconds to spare as the explosive detonates and a fireball thunders down the corridor and blasts into the sky - as Bond ducks and rolls into a ditch.
New York City, USA
SIX MONTHS LATER. Bond wakes in an apartment somewhere in New York - he awakes alone, makes his breakfast and undertakes his usual morning workout regime and shower. This is not the Bond we know - he is hollow and emotionally cold, an automaton. He climbs into the Aston Martin DBS parked outside his apartment building and drives it to the United Nations where it is revealed that he has been removed from the duties of a Double-Oh and assigned as part of the security detail of the Permanent Representative of the UK to the United Nations (from 1964 to 1970 this was Hugh Mackintosh Foot, Lord Caradon). As Bond pulls into the parking lot, he drives past a peace rally that is being undertaken outside - he catches the eye of a beautiful blonde woman carrying a placard protesting against the Vietnam War and exchanges a polite smile and nod with her.
Bond goes through the routine he has become accustomed to since his move to New York, ending up observing the meeting of the United Nations General Assembly - but whilst listening in to the meeting, the signal gets interrupted by static and needs to be retuned. Whilst retuning the signal, a rogue signal is intercepted - discussing the assasination of the Chinese Permanent Representative. Bond takes a walkie talkie and stalks the corridors of the United Nations building - talking to a technician who is trying to keep the signal from the assasins tuned in so that Bond can track them down. He stumbles into the blonde woman from outside - who has used the rally to somehow sneak inside, intent on finding her way to the assembly chamber to protest - and pushes her into a janitors closet and smashes the handle to keep her safe inside.
Bond continues his search and eventually succeeds - tracking the assassin down to an observation balcony above the main assembly chamber. The two men fight - with Bond overcoming his opponent who plunges to his death over the edge of the balcony.
Later - Bond stands over the dead assassin, alongside the British Permanent Representative and M. The three enter a private briefing room, meeting the Chinese Permanent Representative and his security team. M confirms that the assassin appears to be connected to a private security firm known as Black Shield - an organisation that the world has turned a blind eye to as a necessary evil. The Chinese want the British to decimate Black Shield for them - and M is willing to loan them Bond, returned to Double-Oh Status, for the duration of the mission. Bond begins to protest - but when it is revealed that the Chinese are willing to share their intelligence on SPECTRE with MI6, Bond becomes much more cooperative.
MI6 Headquarters
Bond stops off at MI6 Headquarters where he recieves equipment from Q. He also meets Moneypenny in the corridor and she tells him that she is glad to have him back in the office, enquiring as to how he's coping with the anger, frustration and survivors guilt after the death of Tracey. Bond looks distant, mutters: "Semper Occultus, Moneypenny. Always secret"
Ceuta, Spain
Bond arrives in Ceuta via a ferry from Spain - the small city is in North Africa, seperated from Morocco by a fence. At the ferry port, Bond is met by a representative from the British consulate in Rabat, Mary Trueblood. Mary explains that since the city is so small, many people just travel on bicycles - but they take a taxi to the hotel that Bond has been booked into, with Mary using the identity of 'Mrs Bond'. Bond winces - snaps at Mary and instantly apologises but refuses to clarify why he snapped. Mary asks what Bond wants to do first - and Bond responds by asking her if she knows any good Moroccan restaurants.
That night, Bond and Mary visit a Moroccan restaurant and eat a traditional meal - a mix of hot and cold salads, followed by a goat dish cooked in a tagine, bread, chicken, cous cous with apricots. They eat with their hands, using pitta like breads as implements. The meal closes with a cup of sweet mint tea. As Bond pays the bill, he makes enquiries with the waiter about a French man - the waiter knows whom Bond is asking about and writes directions to another location down on a napkin. Bond thanks the waiter and tips him double.
Leaving Mary at the hotel, Bond ventures out to the location that the waiter gave him - a hookah lounge. There, he finds the man that he described to the waiter in the restaurant and takes a seat next to him and orders a hookah pipe for himself. The man, we learn, is Rene Mathis, former operative of the Deuxieme Bureau and someone that Bond has worked with in the past. Bond asks about Black Shield and the Frenchman tells Bond that he has heard rumour that the organisation run a training camp somewhere in the Macedonian region of Yugoslavia. Mathis writes the location of the training camp down on a scrap of paper - but is hit by a bullet fired by a gunman in the doorway of the hookah lounge. Bond gives pursuit into the street, 'borrowing' a motorbike from a passing youth to take off after the gunman who makes a break across the border and into Morocco.
Bond is unable to pursue and, deflated, he returns to the hotel where Mary informs him that Mathis has called - and that he will be fine. Mary attemps to comfort a frustrated Bond and the pair end up sleeping together, though the encounter is clearly shown to be joyless and automatic on Bond's side.
Macedonian Region, Yugoslavia
Bond makes his way, by covert means, across the border and into the Soviet controlled Yugoslavia before heading to the Macedonian region and infiltrating the Black Shield training camp. He claims he is a disgruntled former member of the Royal Navy called Mark Hazard and he gains entry to the camp by winning a wrestling match, overseen by a man called Pierre Renard, against one of the trained Black Shield soldiers - something that he does with ease.
Over the next several days, Bond undergoes training at the camp (which is shown to be akin to SPECTRE Island in 'From Russia With Love') until a helicopter swoops in under a stormy sky - and delivers the organisations leader to the camp. This leader is revealed to be Robert Walker, a former US Marine that Bond is familiar with the reputation of but whom he has never actually encountered in person. Bond stalks Walker through a series of caves lined with crystals as he meets with Renard - and a woman with an Eastern European accent who at first is in shadows, but is eventually revealed to be Marna Krutch, whom Bond last encountered four years earlier in East Germany. This confirms what Bond has begun to suspect - that Black Shield are in the back pocket of SPECTRE.
The meeting involves discussion about the retrieval of a defecting American nuclear scientist - he is off the radar at the moment, but Krutch has her people looking for him. Walker will be returning to America in the next few days, Krutch promises to inform Walker as soon as she learns the scientists location.
Walker and Krutch leave the camp seperately - and in the middle of the night, Bond escapes from the training camp and makes his way across the border in order to continue his mission.
RMS Queen Elizabeth 2
After following Walker from Yugoslavia to the United Kingdom, Bond boards the QE2 in Southampton. Whilst taking a walk around the promenade deck of the ship, he bumps into the blonde woman he saw at the peace rally outside United Nations Headquarters and locked in a janitors closet. She has been at a peace march in London and is revealed to be from a very wealthy family. She is the black sheep of her family and Bond warms to her instantly.
In Southampton, before Bond climbs onboard the ship, a white suited American with a canary yellow shirt arranges to bump into Bond - this is Felix Leiter. MI6 have informed the CIA that SPECTRE have been tracking the defecting Kutze down. Leiter has been instructed to inform Bond that they expect him to either return Kutze to America - or to eliminate him. Either option is acceptable.
Over the next few days, he keeps an eye on Walker at the ships gaming tables, swimming pool, gym and restaurants - when Summer attempts to seduce Bond one night, he pushes her away and explains about Tracey (we get a montage as he explains, accompanied by 'Almost' and a flashback to 'On Her Majesties Secret Service'). Summer agrees to help Bond, and with her assistance, Bond is able to discover that Black Shield are after a defecting American nuclear scientist known as Kutze. Intercepting a cable meant for Walker, Bond learns that Krutch's people have located Kutze in Havana, Cuba.
After leaving Summer in New York, Bond flies into Havana and travels to a bar where he attempts to make contact with a sleeper agent through a prostitute called Nancy. The sleeper agent turns out to be Nancy herself - much to Bond's surprise - and she gives him the location of Kutze's safehouse. He rushes to reach Kutze before the Black Shield team do - and, whilst he achieves this, to do so he must rely on the assistance of Chinese Intelligence (a member of whom was part of the Chinese Permanent Representative's security team at the United Nations) who are in Cuba, undercover, as part of a communist cultural exchange. The Chinese assist Bond by hiding Kutze at a hotel whilst Bond replaces him in the safehouse.
This means that when the Black Shield team break into the safehouse that night, Bond is waiting for him. As Renard, the leader of the team, steps into the dark bedroom - Bond flicks on the lamp on the bedside cabinet, revealing that he has a cigarette in his mouth and his gun pointed as Renard: "Perhaps you were expecting somebody else?"
Bond shoots Renard - but must fight his way out of the house, against the rest of the Black Shield assault team before being picked up on the street by Nancy. Bond must now deal with Kutze under the watchful eye of the Chinese - to ensure he gets the information from the Chinese, he must appear to be working with them, though he must eliminate Kutze or take him back to the USA to keep the Americans on side.
With the help of Nancy, Bond arranges for the prostitute to 'abduct' Kutze whilst the nuclear scientist is being transferred from one location to another. Thugs stop the car carrying Bond, the Chinese and Kutze - and haul the scientist into a second car. Pursuit is given, but because things have been precisely coordinated, Nancy gets the scientist to a dock where he is hauled into a seaplane which takes off under a hail of bullets. Including shots fired by Bond.
The Hamptons
Bond returns to the USA and picks up the trail of Walker in the Hamptons at Walker's families estate - it is shown he runs in the same circles as Summer Long and her family. Having won Summer's trust on the QE2, he uses this friendship to infiltrate the society and gains entry to a lavish garden party that Summer's parents are throwing (think of the garden party in France in 'A View To A Kill') and uses the opportunity to stalk Walker through the ornate landscaped gardens and hedge mazes of Summer's parents mansion - eventually creeping up on the man from behind and cutting Walker's throat.
Removing a key from Walker's pocket, he enters Walker's empty mansion and, after avoiding the boobytraps that the organisation has laid, he steals files pertaining to the Black Shield organisation from a safe hidden behind a painting -
New York
Bond enters a meeting with the Chinese representative from before - with the files he stole from Walker's estate in the Hamptons. With the two most senior figures in Black Shield dead, the organisation has started to crumble. It shouldn't be too much longer before it collapses fully. Bond discovers that the Chinese are aware of a SPECTRE base under Niagara Falls - and believe that Blofeld is there. When the Chinese ask for the files on Black Shield, Bond sets fire to them and walks out of the room as sprinklers begin to douse the fire.
Niagara Falls
Bond infiltrates the hidden SPECTRE base underneath Niagara Falls and dies - literally. Torn apart by the presence of Blofeld, he lets his emotions get the better of him and attacks without thought for his situation. Although he manages to 'kill' Blofeld, he lets his bloodlust overcome him and misses a SPECTRE sniper hidden somewhere from sneaking up on him. The sniper shoots him from a distance. Two bullets lodge themselves in Bond's chest and he collapses into an expanding pool of his own blood. Bond's last words are an expression of disbelief, not that he is about to die (his psychological assessment shows that he does not expect to live until retirement), but because he was shot by an unseen and un-named lackey and not by Blofeld himself.
As Bond lies in an expanding pool of his own blood, with the thunder of Niagara Falls behind him, he hallucinates Tracy leaning over him and kissing him. And then he blacks out.
The Hamptons
Bond wakes in the arms of Summer Long, in the summer house of her families estate, believing his quest is over. She explains that Bond was technically dead for six and a half minutes before he could be revived. Bond comments that, after the longest time, he is alive again and then he begins to kiss Summer, it is clear that Bond is enjoying the encounter this time. He has begun to mend himself after Tracey - to live again.
We cut to MI6 where M, Monypenny and Q are standing at M's desk and looking at dozens of photographs of Blofeld, showing him in locations around the world - Tokyo, Cairo, Kathmandu, Beijing, Sydney, Key West, Madrid. Moneypenny: "How are we going to tell him -" M: "Carefully"
James Bond
will return
Diamonds Are Forever
Posted 29 November 2010 - 11:02 PM
1962 - Doctor No
1963 - From Russia With Love
1964 - Goldfinger
1965 - Thunderball
1966 - My Enemy's Enemy
1967 - You Only Live Twice
1968 - X
1969 - On Her Majesties Secret Service
1970 - Semper Occultus
1971 - Diamonds Are Forever
1972 - X
1973 - Live and Let Die
1974 - The Man With The Golden Gun
1975 - Risico
1976 - X
1977 - The Spy Who Loved Me
0 Title (Group Decision Field) - Risico
1 Bond - Roger Moore
2 Bond Girl 1 (Main ie Pussy Galore/Kissy):
3 Bond Girl 2 (Minor ie Tilly Masterson/Aki):
4 Bond Girl 3 (Background Girl - Dink/Ling):
5 Henchman (a la Oddjob):
6 Villain 1:
7 Villain 2:
8 M: Bernard Lee
9 Moneypenny: Lois Maxwell
10 Q: Desmond Llewelyn
11 Ally 1:
Re: Locations - no repeat locations are permitted
12 Pre-Titles Location:
13 Location 1:
14 Location 2:
15 Location 3:
16 Location 4:
17 Location 5:
18 Villains Plot: The villain has aquired a pair of nuclear missiles and intends to aim them at the terminator line on the moon, the point where the light side of the moon ends and the dark side begins. An explosion over the terminator line would be back-lit by the sun, making the explosion visible to every single human being on earth. The villain plans to do this in order to increase their sphere of influence over humankind (I know CT has some more ideas about this - but some of those would influence other fields so he can voice the rest of his concept later once the other fields are filled in).
19 Pre-Title Sequence Stunt:
20 Major Stunt 1:
21 Major Stunt 2:
22 Major Stunt 3:
23 Major Stunt 4:
24 Finale Stunt:
25 Bond's Car (inc. car gadgets - if any):
26 Gadget 1:
27 Gadget 2:
28 Gadget 3:
29 Director: Guy Hamilton/Lewis Gilbert
30 Music By: John Barry
31 Themetune by John Barry, Cher and Johnny Durrell (Johnny Durrell wrote several Cher songs at the time - including the title track to her 1974 album 'Dark Lady' and two others on the same album. For the song, think of 'Dark Lady' with a Barry-esque twist.)
32 Themetune Sung by: Cher
33 Titles Designed By: Maurice Binder
34 Description of Titles:
Posted 29 November 2010 - 11:24 PM
1 Bond - Roger Moore
2 Bond Girl 1 (Main ie Pussy Galore/Kissy):
3 Bond Girl 2 (Minor ie Tilly Masterson/Aki):
4 Bond Girl 3 (Background Girl - Dink/Ling):
5 Henchman (a la Oddjob):
6 Villain 1:
7 Villain 2:
8 M: Bernard Lee
9 Moneypenny: Lois Maxwell
10 Q: Desmond Llewelyn
11 Ally 1:
Re: Locations - no repeat locations are permitted
12 Pre-Titles Location:
13 Location 1:
14 Location 2:
15 Location 3: Iran
16 Location 4:
17 Location 5:
18 Villains Plot: The villain has aquired a pair of nuclear missiles and intends to aim them at the terminator line on the moon, the point where the light side of the moon ends and the dark side begins. An explosion over the terminator line would be back-lit by the sun, making the explosion visible to every single human being on earth. The villain plans to do this in order to increase their sphere of influence over humankind (I know CT has some more ideas about this - but some of those would influence other fields so he can voice the rest of his concept later once the other fields are filled in).
19 Pre-Title Sequence Stunt:
20 Major Stunt 1:
21 Major Stunt 2:
22 Major Stunt 3:
23 Major Stunt 4:
24 Finale Stunt:
25 Bond's Car (inc. car gadgets - if any):
26 Gadget 1:
27 Gadget 2:
28 Gadget 3:
29 Director: Guy Hamilton/Lewis Gilbert
30 Music By: John Barry
31 Themetune by John Barry, Cher and Johnny Durrell (Johnny Durrell wrote several Cher songs at the time - including the title track to her 1974 album 'Dark Lady' and two others on the same album. For the song, think of 'Dark Lady' with a Barry-esque twist.)
32 Themetune Sung by: Cher
33 Titles Designed By: Maurice Binder
34 Description of Titles:
Posted 29 November 2010 - 11:54 PM
If you don't mind, I'll post them now so that people can see what I was thinking. It might provide a little direction in case people are stuck - and also because I feel you left out one very important detail that is critical to the plot: namely, that the villain has predicted the event that he is going to cause; this is how he intends to gain influence.(I know CT has some more ideas about this - but some of those would influence other fields so he can voice the rest of his concept later once the other fields are filled in).
The general idea was that the villain was the leader of some kind of regilious sect bordering on doomsday cult. Their leader predicted what he termed a "global celestial event" that would foreshadow the coming Apocalypse. His plan was to launch the missile at the moon, causing the explosion to be back-lit by the sun and visible to every human being on earth. This would be his "global celestial event", and establish the validity of his claims that the end is near. He would then issue forth instructions that he claims would avert the apocalyse. They don't really do anything, but that's the beauty of it; once people carry out his instructions, he can claim that Earth successfully avoided Armageddon and would become the most influential person in modern human history.
The obvious solution to this problem is that by stopping the launch, Bond destroys whatever credibility the villain has with his followers, thus ending the scheme.
Posted 29 November 2010 - 11:56 PM

Posted 30 November 2010 - 12:02 AM

Posted 30 November 2010 - 12:13 AM
The general idea was that the villain was the leader of some kind of regilious sect bordering on doomsday cult. Their leader predicted what he termed a "global celestial event" that would foreshadow the coming Apocalypse. His plan was to launch the missile at the moon, causing the explosion to be back-lit by the sun and visible to every human being on earth. This would be his "global celestial event", and establish the validity of his claims that the end is near. He would then issue forth instructions that he claims would avert the apocalyse. They don't really do anything, but that's the beauty of it; once people carry out his instructions, he can claim that Earth successfully avoided Armageddon and would become the most influential person in modern human history.
The obvious solution to this problem is that by stopping the launch, Bond destroys whatever credibility the villain has with his followers, thus ending the scheme.
I removed the idea about the doomsday cult - because it suggested details about the villain which isn't your field and thus shouldn't be one you can influence. Therefore, I repeat - people should not consider the villain being the leader or prophet of a doomsday cult as an essential part of the villains plot.
Posted 30 November 2010 - 12:53 AM
Like I said, I only posted it so people knew what I had in mind when it comes to filling in the rest of the pro forma. If they want to run with it, fine. If not, I'm okay with it.I removed the idea about the doomsday cult - because it suggested details about the villain which isn't your field and thus shouldn't be one you can influence.
But they SHOULD remember that the villain predicts the event before it happens. That is the only way he can gain influence. If I launched a missile at the Terminator Line tomorrow and the explosion played out just as I described in the plot field, then it would mean nothing if I hadn't said anything in advance. The plot doesn't work if the villain doesn't somehow predict it.Therefore, I repeat - people should not consider the villain being the leader or prophet of a doomsday cult as an essential part of the villains plot.
Posted 30 November 2010 - 01:49 AM
Here is the proforma fro the UB Moore film
What year is this Moore film supposed to be made in? I had a hilarious/awesome casting idea for the villain, depending on what the timeline is.
Posted 30 November 2010 - 02:10 AM
Here is the proforma fro the UB Moore film
What year is this Moore film supposed to be made in? I had a hilarious/awesome casting idea for the villain, depending on what the timeline is.

Posted 30 November 2010 - 02:18 AM
What year is this Moore film supposed to be made in? I had a hilarious/awesome casting idea for the villain, depending on what the timeline is.
OK that'll work.
Villain 1 : MARLON BRANDO as Vincenzo LaFiera
Background - Cubby Broccoli is facing a crossroads. After the box office flop of TMWTGG, and the split from Harry Saltzman, he is wondering if Bond has a future. Moving ahead with pre-production, Cubby decides that 'Bond 12' is going to need a novelty to get people talking if it is to succeed. One day while discussing story ideas with Tom Mankiewicz, Mank mentions doing some preliminary work on a Superman project at Warner Brothers, and that Superman producers The Salkinds are attempting to hire Marlon Brando to play Jor-El, Superman's father. A lightbulb goes off over Cubby's head. He immediately sets out to wine and dine Brando in the hope of getting him to play the next Bond villain. After several weeks of hemming and hawing (and lunches), Brando agrees, as long as he is paid more than Moore, and that he will only work for three weeks, and will not film outdoors. Cubby agrees to all this on the condition that Brando will not appear in Superman, and quickly arranges the shooting schedule so that all of Brando's scenes can be filmed in one block at Pinewood. Brando arrives on set with heavy beard and moustache, and inexplicably speaks in a Spanish accent, on and off camera, much to the annoyance of everyone but Roger Moore, who teams up with Brando for a series of (unprintable) on-set pranks.
Outraged, the Salkinds strike back by going on to hire Sean Connery to play Jor-El in Superman, and they declare in an interview that Bond is dead, and that Superman is the only hero for the new age.
Posted 30 November 2010 - 02:19 AM

1 Bond - Roger Moore
2 Bond Girl 1 (Main ie Pussy Galore/Kissy):
3 Bond Girl 2 (Minor ie Tilly Masterson/Aki):
4 Bond Girl 3 (Background Girl - Dink/Ling):
5 Henchman (a la Oddjob):
6 Villain 1: Armand Assante as John Vigeaux, a young, French-descended blueblood with religious convictions as strong as the belief in his own money
7 Villain 2:
8 M: Bernard Lee
9 Moneypenny: Lois Maxwell
10 Q: Desmond Llewelyn
11 Ally 1:
Re: Locations - no repeat locations are permitted
12 Pre-Titles Location:
13 Location 1:
14 Location 2:
15 Location 3: Iran
16 Location 4:
17 Location 5:
18 Villains Plot: The villain has aquired a pair of nuclear missiles and intends to aim them at the terminator line on the moon, the point where the light side of the moon ends and the dark side begins. An explosion over the terminator line would be back-lit by the sun, making the explosion visible to every single human being on earth. The villain plans to do this in order to increase their sphere of influence over humankind (I know CT has some more ideas about this - but some of those would influence other fields so he can voice the rest of his concept later once the other fields are filled in).
19 Pre-Title Sequence Stunt:
20 Major Stunt 1:
21 Major Stunt 2:
22 Major Stunt 3:
23 Major Stunt 4:
24 Finale Stunt:
25 Bond's Car (inc. car gadgets - if any):
26 Gadget 1:
27 Gadget 2:
28 Gadget 3:
29 Director: Guy Hamilton/Lewis Gilbert
30 Music By: John Barry
31 Themetune by John Barry, Cher and Johnny Durrell (Johnny Durrell wrote several Cher songs at the time - including the title track to her 1974 album 'Dark Lady' and two others on the same album. For the song, think of 'Dark Lady' with a Barry-esque twist.)
32 Themetune Sung by: Cher
33 Titles Designed By: Maurice Binder
34 Description of Titles: