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'Ultimate Bond (Ultimate Bond 26 Begins Pg 23)

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#961 coco1997


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Posted 14 October 2010 - 04:22 PM

EDIT: On a different note, after reading through the latest plot outline after having already written the epilogue scene, I thought it was kind of interesting that we have Bond contemplating proposing to Lucia near the beginning of the film (I hadn't picked up on that up to this point), and then we have Marcus trying to do the same with Quinn right at the end of the story, with neither attempt going particularly well for anyone involved. It's a nice bit of symmetry, IMO, that was, on my end, completely unintentional, but still something that kind of pulls the project even further into a more realistic territory (as opposed to the more over-the-top entries in the series) in terms of showing that the villains of the story are just as human as the heroes.

That is a nice bit of symmetry, t, and I had wondered if it was intentional or not. It works quite well.

#962 tdalton



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Posted 14 October 2010 - 04:25 PM

EDIT: On a different note, after reading through the latest plot outline after having already written the epilogue scene, I thought it was kind of interesting that we have Bond contemplating proposing to Lucia near the beginning of the film (I hadn't picked up on that up to this point), and then we have Marcus trying to do the same with Quinn right at the end of the story, with neither attempt going particularly well for anyone involved. It's a nice bit of symmetry, IMO, that was, on my end, completely unintentional, but still something that kind of pulls the project even further into a more realistic territory (as opposed to the more over-the-top entries in the series) in terms of showing that the villains of the story are just as human as the heroes.

That is a nice bit of symmetry, t, and I had wondered if it was intentional or not. It works quite well.

Definitely completely unintentional. :)

I was reading back through the plot outline to try to get an idea of what to do with the final showdown between Bond, Mercedes, and Quinn and saw that in the early part of the outline for the first time (I had been more focused up to that point on the plot points taking place later on in the story) and thought that it was a pretty cool instance of coincidence.

#963 coco1997


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Posted 14 October 2010 - 04:59 PM

Yup. I'm also hoping Jim and chrisno1 can help flesh out some of the action sequence in Senegal. As it stands, it's kind of vague as to what actually happens.

#964 QOS007



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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:58 AM

I'm quite disappointed that I didn't have enough time to participate in this one because i feel its coming along nicely. I would vote for a one word tittle, in particular WhiteFire. oh well ill try better in the next one

#965 coco1997


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 04:03 AM

I'm quite disappointed that I didn't have enough time to participate in this one because i feel its coming along nicely. I would vote for a one word tittle, in particular WhiteFire. oh well ill try better in the next one

Don't worry, QOS. I'll PM you when UB27 starts up to remind you when you have the chance to participate. :)

#966 Mr. Blofeld

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 03:54 PM

I'm quite disappointed that I didn't have enough time to participate in this one because I feel it's coming along nicely. I would vote for a one word title; in particular, WhiteFire.

That was my title suggestion; thanks for the support, QOS. :)

#967 terminus


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 05:45 PM

Have to say you've all done fabulously in my absence - which will still be a bit erratic, hope to get things settled down a bit to rejoin the game properly for UB27 and if not, UB28, for sure.

Keep up the good work!

#968 coco1997


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 07:08 PM

Have to say you've all done fabulously in my absence - which will still be a bit erratic, hope to get things settled down a bit to rejoin the game properly for UB27 and if not, UB28, for sure.

Keep up the good work!

I'm glad we've done you proud, terminus. :tup:

I encourage everyone to read this article. It might be something to keep in mind and try to incorporate into UB27 or UB28. And check out the name of the carrier ship--how apropos. ;)

Spaceport America, New Mexico

Something utilizing that location possiblty for a future PTS would be phenomenal.

#969 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 16 October 2010 - 01:07 AM

Let's do for UB27 what we did for UB26 and put a blanket ban on locations. terminus stopped the use of China for this one, so for the next one I think we should avoid America because we've already got three locations. However, if we relocated the spaceport concept somewhere else, it could still work.

#970 tdalton



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Posted 16 October 2010 - 03:48 AM

Yup. I'm also hoping Jim and chrisno1 can help flesh out some of the action sequence in Senegal. As it stands, it's kind of vague as to what actually happens.

Definitely agreed on the finale being rather vague as it currently stands. I've been trying to flesh out some ideas for it, but I have to admit that I'm struggling a bit to do so. I do have an idea for a final showdown between Bond, Marcus, and Quinn, with the two villains ganging-up on Bond, which would present him with the challenge of fighting off two highly trained ex-soldiers on his own, but getting the context in which it happens and what the setting looks like, and all of that kind of stuff is something that's not really clicking for me at the moment.

As far as a continuing arc for the Quinn character, which was brought up on the last page as being needed going into the next project, I think that I've got an interesting idea to pursue with that, and it would also be a fairly logical progression of where things are at the end of this project with her character and the level of animosity (although somewhat misplaced) she has for Bond at the end.

#971 coco1997


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Posted 16 October 2010 - 04:19 PM

Let's do for UB27 what we did for UB26 and put a blanket ban on locations. terminus stopped the use of China for this one, so for the next one I think we should avoid America because we've already got three locations. However, if we relocated the spaceport concept somewhere else, it could still work.

If it's used as the backdrop for a standalone PTS, though, it doesn't matter, since it doesn't look distinctly 'American', i.e, it's not an overused U.S. city a la New York, LA or Boston. In fact, using it as a PTS for the next one might serve as a nice connection to UB26, after which we could then institute a ban on American locations. However, if someone decides it should be used somewhere in the film proper, then yes, relocating it might be a smart move.

Definitely agreed on the finale being rather vague as it currently stands. I've been trying to flesh out some ideas for it, but I have to admit that I'm struggling a bit to do so. I do have an idea for a final showdown between Bond, Marcus, and Quinn, with the two villains ganging-up on Bond, which would present him with the challenge of fighting off two highly trained ex-soldiers on his own, but getting the context in which it happens and what the setting looks like, and all of that kind of stuff is something that's not really clicking for me at the moment.

How's that interrogation scene coming, t?

#972 tdalton



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Posted 16 October 2010 - 05:44 PM

Let's do for UB27 what we did for UB26 and put a blanket ban on locations. terminus stopped the use of China for this one, so for the next one I think we should avoid America because we've already got three locations. However, if we relocated the spaceport concept somewhere else, it could still work.

If it's used as the backdrop for a standalone PTS, though, it doesn't matter, since it doesn't look distinctly 'American', i.e, it's not an overused U.S. city a la New York, LA or Boston. In fact, using it as a PTS for the next one might serve as a nice connection to UB26, after which we could then institute a ban on American locations. However, if someone decides it should be used somewhere in the film proper, then yes, relocating it might be a smart move.

Definitely agreed on the finale being rather vague as it currently stands. I've been trying to flesh out some ideas for it, but I have to admit that I'm struggling a bit to do so. I do have an idea for a final showdown between Bond, Marcus, and Quinn, with the two villains ganging-up on Bond, which would present him with the challenge of fighting off two highly trained ex-soldiers on his own, but getting the context in which it happens and what the setting looks like, and all of that kind of stuff is something that's not really clicking for me at the moment.

How's that interrogation scene coming, t?

It's still a work in progress. It's not coming as easily as the epilogue scene, mainly because for that one I had the entire scene pretty much nailed down in my mind before I even started typing it up. This one's taking a bit longer, but will hopefully be done soon.

#973 coco1997


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Posted 16 October 2010 - 08:51 PM

Well, I'm looking forward to reading it. Hopefully we can have this entire project completed within the next few days. :tup:

#974 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 16 October 2010 - 11:56 PM

If it's used as the backdrop for a standalone PTS, though, it doesn't matter, since it doesn't look distinctly 'American', i.e, it's not an overused U.S. city a la New York, LA or Boston. In fact, using it as a PTS for the next one might serve as a nice connection to UB26, after which we could then institute a ban on American locations. However, if someone decides it should be used somewhere in the film proper, then yes, relocating it might be a smart move.

The spaceports are being built in isolaed places. There's that one in New Mexico, and another in Sweden. Besides, it could be possible to work a commercial spaceflight into the plot without resorting to having Bond save the rocket or pilot it. I already have an idea in mind.

#975 coco1997


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Posted 17 October 2010 - 01:46 AM

I already have an idea in mind.

Good. Hold onto it for UB27 or UB28. I looked up some pics of the Sweden-based spaceport and it looks like an ideal locale for a Bond movie.

#976 tdalton



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Posted 17 October 2010 - 05:56 AM

Here's my entry for the interrogation scene with Bond, Leiter, Goodnight, and "Blanc". I tried doing an entire scene with dialogue and all of that, but in the end wasn't particularly happy with it (and I'm still not totally happy with this version either) as a lot of the dialogue felt a bit too much like "Law & Order" and less like something we'd see in a Bond film. Instead, keeping in mind that this is still more of a treatment than a script, I'll submit the basic rundown of what happens in the sequence.

Bond and Leiter begin questioning the man that they had taken into custody after the successful attempt to destroy the duplicate LEGION computer. They believe the man to be Damien Blanc, the world's foremost cyber-criminal who is on every "Most Wanted" list around the globe.

It becomes apparent after speaking with the man for several minutes that he is not actually Damien Blanc. He is unfamiliar with most of the specifics of the scheme that had been set into motion, details which the real Damien Blanc would know, as he was assumed to be the mind behind it all.

After reaching the realization that they don't actually have Blanc in custody, Leiter calls Bond out into the hallway, where they begin to discuss their options. While talking, they are approached by Mary Goodnight, Agent 008. She says that she caught the first charter plane to the US when she was informed by M that Damien Blanc had been taken into custody in Chicago. When pressed by Bond regarding her interest in Blanc, she tells him about the mission she had been on during the last few days, investigating a cyber-attack that had severely damaged certain pillars of the European economy. She had narrowed the investigation down to Switzerland, where the evidence pointed ot a man named Damien Blanc. Upon further investigation in Switzerland, she detained a man she believed to be Blanc. It turned out that he wasn't, for very much the same reasons that the man Bond and Leiter had in custody turned out not to be him. She had then sent inquiries to many of the European intelligence agencies regarding Damien Blanc. Three agencies confirmed that they had Damien Blanc in custody. Within days of these confirmations, however, the prisoners thought to be Damien Blanc turned up dead.

The three continue talking, eventually reaching the decision that they did not have the actual Damien Blanc in custody. Bond suggests that they go back in and try to get some information out of the man they have detained, inviting Goodnight along for the questioning.

The man eventually admits to them that he is not actually Damien Blanc. His real name is Sebastian, a former gangster who used to have a significant amount of pull in Chicago. When he's pressed as to why he was posing as Damien Blanc, he tells them about the couple who had hired him to recruit muscle for some operations and to help coordinate those same operations on the ground in Chicago. Bond shows him a surveillance photo from the Oak Ridge facility. Sebastian confirms that the woman Bond had encountered at Oak Ridge is the same woman who hired him. He says that, while she never introduced herself to him by name, that he had overheard the man she was with referring to her as "Quinn" during their meetings. Sebastian also recounts for them the story that she had told him when they were in the process of recruiting him for the job, about how she had been in the military and had been captured in Afghanistan and left for dead by her superiors. She had said that part of her reasons for going after the LEGION computer was to eventually get revenge on her former country. Sebastian tells them that the story didn't make much sense to him, as he was mainly focused on the amount he would be paid and the actual particulars of the assignment.

The one solid piece of information that Sebastian did give to Bond was: "With all due respect, this Quinn woman is not someone you want to mess with." Bond replies: "Yes, I've already gotten that impression."

As Bond, Leiter, and Goodnight are wrapping up the interrogation and are getting ready to leave Sebastian in the care of the CIA, the power in the building goes out, leaving them in the pitch-black. Bond knows what is about to happen, having already experienced it in the Oak Ridge facility. "We've got to get him out of here, NOW!" Bond says to Leiter. Leiter helps them navigate some secret tunnels out of the building out to the city streets. He gets them into a car and begins driving. As they're getting away, the back window of the car shatters and Sebastian slumps forward.


Quinn stares through the scope of the sniper's rifle, confirming that she had eliminated the target. She takes the weapon apart and puts it back into its case, which she had had designed to look much like a regular suitcase. She exits the building, phoning Marcus while walking to inform him that Damien Blanc had outlived his usefulness.

Edited by tdalton, 18 October 2010 - 04:26 AM.

#977 coco1997


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Posted 18 October 2010 - 02:06 AM

Very well done, t. Nice detail and nice exposition of the Quinn character.

The only problem I have is that there's no transition between the events here and Bond and Felix deciding to visit the bar during their 'downtime'. If we could slip a line or two of exposition in there explaining that transition, we'd be gold.

Also, Tightpants: Do you feel we need any more detail anywhere else in the story about Lucia's background and/or motives?

#978 tdalton



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Posted 18 October 2010 - 02:12 AM

Very well done, t. Nice detail and nice exposition of the Quinn character.

The only problem I have is that there's no transition between the events here and Bond and Felix deciding to visit the bar during their 'downtime'. If we could slip a line or two of exposition in there explaining that transition, we'd be gold.

Thanks. I wasn't sure how it had actually turned out, as I wasn't as happy with it as I was the epilogue scene. :)

I think that the issue regarding the transition between the interrogation and the bar scene is fairly easily rectified. There could just be a line between the two characters as they're walking into the bar, alluding to it having been a long day or something like that as they head in for some down time away from the assignment.

#979 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 18 October 2010 - 05:10 AM

Also, Tightpants: Do you feel we need any more detail anywhere else in the story about Lucia's background and/or motives?

Nope, she's a Basque aiding Interpol or the Guardia Civil or whoever, by supplying them with a sample of the briefcase machine gun that ETA is arming terrorists in Senegal with. Whether or not she is a member of ETA or simply someone's wife/girlfriend/mistress/other is unclear. She is en route to Barcelona and a safehouse when the train is attacked; ETA are coming for her. Bond, playing the good samaratin, comes to her aid when their train is attacked. Bond is able to escort her from the site of the derailment to Barcelona, where she surrenders to the custody of Interpol/the Guardia Civil/whoever. He takes the machine gun suticase for safekeeping, and Lucia does not appear in the story again.

#980 coco1997


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Posted 18 October 2010 - 07:26 PM

But what about the epilogue scene with Lucia?

#981 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 18 October 2010 - 08:47 PM

Why is there an epilogue scene? It doesn't feel necessary. Lucia doesn't have anything to do with the plot after she leaves the story early on, and she helps Bond. Your write-up of said epilogue implies that Bond is responsible for her arrest, which feels out of character. And I don't know what you're expecting, but the scene you've written up on page 32 is detailed enough as is.

#982 coco1997


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Posted 18 October 2010 - 09:07 PM

I'm not expecting the epilogue scene to be more detailed. I mentioned it because you said that after she's arrested in Barcelona, we never see her again--however, you proposed the idea of her being in league with the Guardia Civil and being arrested after it was decided to include her in the epilogue scene.

All that needs to be changed is for her to disappear after the train attack in Barcelona, with Bond still getting his hands on the gun turret briefcase. For some reason, Bond keeps it with him at all times, which is why he has it with him in Oak Ridge (unless you can think of some other explanation). Bond finds out at some later point that Lucia was the target of the attack and the epilogue serves as a nice little bookend to the story. With all due respect, Captain, the epilogue idea was proposed by Mr. Blofeld and I think pretty much everyone took a liking to it and agreed it should be worked in. I like your idea of making Lucia more than just a pretty face, and I think there's a compromise somewhere in there to use both ideas.

#983 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 19 October 2010 - 01:12 AM

I'd say Bond finds out Lucia is working with Interpol or whoever during the attack on the train. It makes more sense, because why else would he help her? He takes the briefcase, escorts her to Barcelona, fights off ETA and hands her over to Interpol. There's no other way I can see this entire sequence working, because the point of it is to show that Bond cannot escape his life. It would require a real suspension of disbelief on the part of the audience if Bond, of all people, were to hep Lucia escape an assassination attempt without realising that a) she is the intended target, B) that she is carrying one of their weapons, and c) she is in league with the authorities. If anything, he's helping her to draw ETA and their attack away from the innocent people on-board the train, and in order to do that, he needs to know that Lucia is the target, and by extension of that, why she is the target. Perhaps as a secondary sequence, ETA attack Lucia's safehouse and Bond realises they want her for her briefcase, which he relieves her of to keep her safe from ETA. He doesn't need to know what is inside it until later on. The only way I could see an epilogue with Lucia being arrested as working would be if she is arrested because she did not hand over the suitcase machine gun. But - with all due respect to those involved - I still think it's a pointless epilogue because Lucia has no bearing on the plot. She's a bit player, like Solange in CR. She fulfils her purpose in the narrative, and that is all there is to it. There is no need for Bond to go looking for her because she is not pivotal to anything (and it's more likely that Felix would get his prosthetics attached in America, anyway). I'd suggest cutting Lucia's epilogue entirely and keeping it in reserve for UB27. Taken on its own, it's a very good scene - but it's completely wasted on Lucia. I'd hold onto it and use it again latter for a more fitting end.

#984 coco1997


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Posted 19 October 2010 - 05:04 AM

I understand your logic, Captain. I think one compromise would be to have Bond spying on a completely random girl at the end. Why? Because terminus' original idea (before you decided to give her a more substantial role) had Lucia as a girl Bond spends time with in Barcelona before realizing he can't risk letting his secret life put her in danger. Then, at the end of UB28, we see Bond on a beach somewhere with her as part of a nice happy ending for 007. We can change Lucia's role to fit your proposition and introduce a nameless girl for the epilogue scene.

#985 tdalton



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Posted 19 October 2010 - 05:11 AM

I understand your logic, Captain. I think one compromise would be to have Bond spying on a random girl at the end. Why? Because terminus' original idea (before you decided to give her a more substantial role) was to have Lucia be a girl Bond spends time with in Barcelona before realizing he can't risk letting his secret life put her in danger, so he parts ways with her. Then, at the end of UB28, we see Bond on a beach somewhere with her as part of a nice happy ending for 007. We can change Lucia's role to fit your proposition and introduce a nameless girl for the epilogue scene.

Another idea, and this is just something that I'm throwing out there, would be to have Goodnight slide into that role after her injury in the next project. I could see a scenario where Bond feels guilty for letting her get hurt (and they already have something of a history together since she was the female lead in Choice of Weapons), and then spies her on a beach in Jamaica (or wherever) at the end of the next project, with him walking away because he feels guilty about having led her into a trap (assuming that we're still using that idea that was discussed back in the early stages of working on this particular project). Then, in the final film of the trilogy, with Quantum defeated and Goodnight recovered from her injuries and in a stable occupation behind a desk somewhere, Bond could pursue some kind of relationship with her.

I think that it would be a nice way of closing out the emotional journey of both characters over what would be a four-film arc for their characters as well.

Edited by tdalton, 19 October 2010 - 05:12 AM.

#986 coco1997


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Posted 19 October 2010 - 05:23 AM

Another idea, and this is just something that I'm throwing out there, would be to have Goodnight slide into that role after her injury in the next project. I could see a scenario where Bond feels guilty for letting her get hurt (and they already have something of a history together since she was the female lead in Choice of Weapons), and then spies her on a beach in Jamaica (or wherever) at the end of the next project, with him walking away because he feels guilty about having led her into a trap (assuming that we're still using that idea that was discussed back in the early stages of working on this particular project). Then, in the final film of the trilogy, with Quantum defeated and Goodnight recovered from her injuries and in a stable occupation behind a desk somewhere, Bond could pursue some kind of relationship with her.

I think that it would be a nice way of closing out the emotional journey of both characters over what would be a four-film arc for their characters as well.

So you propose we transplant this epilogue with Lucia to the end of UB27 and replace her character with Goodnight? I rather like that idea, t. We'd just need to think of a better ending for this installment. Any ideas?

#987 tdalton



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Posted 19 October 2010 - 05:32 AM

Another idea, and this is just something that I'm throwing out there, would be to have Goodnight slide into that role after her injury in the next project. I could see a scenario where Bond feels guilty for letting her get hurt (and they already have something of a history together since she was the female lead in Choice of Weapons), and then spies her on a beach in Jamaica (or wherever) at the end of the next project, with him walking away because he feels guilty about having led her into a trap (assuming that we're still using that idea that was discussed back in the early stages of working on this particular project). Then, in the final film of the trilogy, with Quantum defeated and Goodnight recovered from her injuries and in a stable occupation behind a desk somewhere, Bond could pursue some kind of relationship with her.

I think that it would be a nice way of closing out the emotional journey of both characters over what would be a four-film arc for their characters as well.

So you propose we transplant this epilogue with Lucia to the end of UB27 and replace her character with Goodnight? I rather like that idea, t. We'd just need to think of a better ending for this installment. Any ideas?

Maybe an ending with Mr. White speaking to someone that the audience wouldn't actually see (presumed to perhaps be the head of Quantum), regarding the embarrassment brought on the organization by Bond, Leiter, Goodnight, etc and that steps need to be taken to eliminate those agents. It could help to perhaps lead-in to a secondary plotline that I had in mind for the next project, which would have Quinn being tasked by the head of Quantum with carrying out her own "Smiert Spionam" type of campaign based on a list of spies provided by Guy Haines. This would be something that would kind of run parallel to the main plot, and would culminate midway through the story with Quinn setting the trap that Bond, Goodnight, and the other Double-oh agent fall into that results in the elimination of the as-of-now unnamed Double-oh agent and the injury to Goodnight.

#988 coco1997


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Posted 19 October 2010 - 05:38 AM

Very good idea, t. Teasing the head of Quantum would be a nice tie-in to the rest of the trilogy and show that this truly is the start of the endgame. I will incorporate that into the treatment.

We still need the Senegal sequence to be fleshed out.

#989 tdalton



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Posted 19 October 2010 - 05:47 AM

Very good idea, t. Teasing the head of Quantum would be a nice tie-in to the rest of the trilogy and show that this truly is the start of the endgame. I will incorporate that into the treatment.

We still need the Senegal sequence to be fleshed out.

One of the (rather vague) ideas that I was trying to incorporate into the ending when I was spending some time trying to flesh it out was to have Bond cornered by both Marcus and Quinn, with the two ganging up on Bond in a fight that he has some trouble with, considering that they're both highly trained ex-military people. Since there's a multi-helicopter battle going on outside the resort where the finale is taking place, one of those could get hit and then fall into the resort, greatly damaging whatever building Bond, Quinn, and Marcus happen to be fighting in, allowing Bond a chance to get away. When he makes his way out of the rubble, he finds Marcus holding Mercedes at gunpoint while he and Quinn are trying to get on the remaining chopper to make their getaway. The three speak for a few moments before Bond fires a shot, hitting Marcus in the shoulder, giving Mercedes the opportunity to escape while a stunned Marcus falls back into the helicopter and Quinn gives the pilot orders to take off. Mercedes could then use her computer know-how to transfer the funds back into the proper accounts and the mission is complete, although the villains have escaped.

Obviously more could be added to it to pad it out a bit (or it could just go unused, as I wasn't able to really build much around the initial concept anyway), but this was kind of the direction I was going in when I was making an attempt at fleshing out the sequence.

Edited by tdalton, 19 October 2010 - 05:49 AM.

#990 terminus


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Posted 19 October 2010 - 07:57 PM

Good work so far chaps.

My one problem is that, at no point, does Bond seem to use his license to kill. I have to say I'm unsure about turning Lucia into whatever she's become - just seems a bit of a radical overhaul from how I originally envisaged the character and destroys the purity of both the character and the innocence of her relationship with Bond. I'm not keen on this change to the character - but if the group consensus is that she remains in this capacity then I'm happy to see that kept in.

What might be an idea is if Lucia doesn't know she's being used to courier the weapons - which allows the character to retain the same basic function that she's been developed to have, but retain the purity that I originally envisaged her to have and the dancer background that was also suggested for her. She could, in effect, be an 'arms mule' - asked by someone (we could even retain that she is a terrorists mistress) to convey weapons from Point A to Point B (Barcelona to, for example, Madrid - or even on to Paris) when the terrorist attack on the train takes place, leading into coco1997's idea of the assault involving a bridge, a mountain and possibly a river.

Bond could realise what's going on and take the briefcase, for whatever reason - discovering what it is. But that doesn't mean we need to see it being used, which seems to have been the problem of integrating it into the project so far. This would also allow the reintegration of the Lucia epilogue which wouldn't, either, cause any significant deviation to the Goodnight Arc that has been previously discussed (as I really can't imagine Goodnight being THE girl he'd ultimately fall and give up the service for).

I would also suggest the introduction of a tertiary villain - the leader of the rebel Senegalese who Quantum are funneling weapons and cash to. This would allow some sort of resolution to the immediate problem and allow Bond some sort of point where he actually appears to defeat someone - (given that Marcus and Quinn escape from the finale battle, and that it would be Mercedes who'd ultimately delete their cybercrime plans) - which would further work if we made the abandoned resort in the finale the rebels base of operations and the helicopter battle that occurs above them part of a more traditional 'UN Troops vs The Villain'.

I'm sure that could be integrated with tdalton's thoughts above!

I may be around a smidgeon more than I have been the past week, so I'll be popping in and voicing my opinion a bit more, but I have to say I am very proud of the way that things have been conducted in my absence :D