Just curious Shark, but what do you think of the preview clip?
I like it, but more for the chorus (really dig the punchy drums, which have got a lot more balls to them than in DA's three songs). There's a neat half time groove going to it. I'm also liking the vulnerability in Adele's vocals (noticed how she doesn't perfectly hit the high C in the chorus, i.e. "stand tall"). Not trying to be diva or ape Bassey.
I wish the harmony was a bit more interesting. Some Major 7ths or jazz chords would be nice. From what I've heard it sounds like the chord progression's straight ripped from Arnold's spin on the Bond theme in YKMNK - with the m6/half-dim 7th chord replaced by a IV (in this case - Cm6 becomes F) - but in the more sombre and brooding key of C minor rather than B minor (like Barry's instrumentals of DAF in its score). Just listen to the YKMN variation at the end of "Dinner Jackets" from CR - then play "Skyfall" immaterially after, and you'll hear what I mean.
The crunchy trombones/tuba in the second verse are promising, and leave me to guess that this is a builder.
Don't know what half of that meant but I feel smarter and more informed for just reading it.