It must be wonderful to be so perfect. To have no weaknesses. You are clearly a bastion of rectitude we must all look up to. After all, who needs compassion when one has such certainty? Who needs objectivity when one can be judgemental? And how terrible for you to be surrounded by the rest of humanity, each and every one of whom must disappoint you every day.
Of course, whether that equates with being "an adult", as you seem to suggest, is another matter. Personally, I feel it is far more mature to accept that people have weaknesses; and history suggests that great artists have rather more than the rest of us. But, then, what do I know? I smoke. I drink. I go to gay bars. I say "
" when I stub my toe. I am clearly a degenerate. That must be why I don't stand in judgement of Amy Winehouse. (And I'm fascinated to know how you can be quite so certain that those wonderful Broadway performers you refer to aren't doing exactly what Ms. Winehouse is? I'm acquainted with a few of their West End counterparts and I happen to know their offstage behaviour makes her look like the Virgin Mary.)
I didn't even imply that I was perfect. I'm far from it. However when famous peopleget to behave badly and go unscathed because of their fame it's a bad example for everyone. When I was young if a singer or movie star got arrested for drugs it was over for them, unless the studie got it hushed up first. Now it seems that as long as you're a famous actor or singer or sports player you can drive drunk, show up to parties w/o underwear, rape and pillage and the world goes: "How awful it must be to be them. " Yeah how awful to make money doing what you love when most people trudge to a thankless job everyday.
I also say bad words when I stub my toe or mess up when I'm hanging a picture. I've been to gay bars and I even enjoy a good stiff drink and cigar from time to time. I've had casual sex and enjoyed it. I used to be in the theatre business, I know of which you speak when you talk about the outrageous behavior. What I'm saying is when you reach the spot where you're lauded as the best, then it's time to grow up and act like the best. Beacuse there are so many waiting to take your place. You'd think that alone would keep them in line. You know Clark Gable and Sinatra and the Rat Pack, JFK and Marilyn Monroe were a randy, hard drinking, crazy bunch. But we didn't find out about it till years later. They had some self respect and decorum. Sorry if I offended your delicate sensibilities.
You for get back when those legends were around the media was no where near as intensified as it is now, celebrities lives are put under a micropscope and they are open to all.
The press had no where near the same access, yes their was gutter press like Devito in L.A Confidential but not in comparisson with the pap these days. Their is the Internet as well, everthing is available for all to see pretty much after it's happened.
Maybe if those legends you mention were put under the same scrutiny that celebs are now you wouldn't be so proud of these supposed bastions of restraint. Winehouse isn't a racist and a bully that I know but Sinatra treated Sammy Davis Jnr like dirt at times and was always calling him the N word.
Winehouse is just harming herself and sacrificing her talent not beating people up belittling them or consorting with gangsters. It would be wise to think about mentioning Frank as a some cool dude who kept it all behind doors and far from the public but his past has caught up with him and he is revealed to us as rather ugly man.
I love the man's music but what I learn about the real Sinatra makes me have very little respect for Frank the man, I love Miles Davis's music but I've read his own auto biography and numerous other books on the man and he wasn't very nice man and his drug consumption would make Winehouse seem like Kylie.
We're all to quick to dismiss people these days and compare them to legends of days gone by but we live in a very different world now and the media's microscopes are far more magnified than they were back then, you only now what you saw but it's clear now alot of these so called decent celebs were habouring a dark side that as only come to light in recent times, as far as Monroe, I can't beieve you put her in there, legend yes but was seriously messed up woman and Winehouse hasn't reached that stage yet.