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Daniel Craig on Letterman show - 10 November

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#181 RJJB



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Posted 08 January 2007 - 05:43 AM

I thought the interview was fine, no disrespect on Letterman's part. If anything, I would say that DC was not the most talkative guest and Dave asked him enough leading questions to get him to talk. And what was wrong with showing the clip with the chimps? Sounds like everyone is rushing to DC's defense when he really doesn't need it.

Sidebar: I remember when Brosnan appeared on Letterman. Dave was making a point about the overmarketing of the movies and all the product tie-ins. He displayed a sample of Mrs. Paul's fishsticks with a picture of PB as 007 on it. It was a quick glimpse, as PB grabbed it and threw it into the audience. Really poor conduct and it seemed as though he couldn't take a joke. I can't remember if PB was ever on Letterman after that.