Slightly off topic from TDK, but still related - I also noticed people mentioned "THE INCREDIBLE HULK" as an example of the sequel to the Ang Lee movie "HULK." But that doesn't hold true here, because THE INCREDIBLE HULK isn't a sequel - it's a reboot a la Batman Begins. So of course they're using a different title, and they're going with the more famous full title and adjective of the main character to show that it's a new adaptation, to show that it's being faithful to the source material, and to distinguish it from the previous Ang Lee movie.
THE INCREDIBLE HULK is being termed a reboot by some, but that's not true. It's not a reboot. It doesn't rewrite what happened in the last HULK. It's essentially a story set later in Bruce Banner's life that doesn't refer to the events of the first film, but never indicates that it's something separate, either. The audience gets to decide what it wants it to be (nobody expecting a sequel ends up confused, but those who hate the first film can take it entirely on its own). But it's certainly no BATMAN BEGINS-style reboot. Given the fact that they're not really taking the time to come out and advertise it as a reboot, I'm going with it as a sequel that's just trying to distance itself from the first film.
Actually, the recent script review of the Incredible Hulk (http://www.comics2fi...a=story&b=30429 ) suggests that it IS a reboot and that the way Banner became the Hulk is to do with some super soldier experiment which he tested on himself because of lack of funding. It does not use the same contrived Ang Lee origin from the first film of all this mutant jellyfish DNA etc which Banner's father was supposed to have injected him with. So in that sense it IS rewriting what happened in the first movie.
And they said at the San Diego Comic Con panel that it was a reboot anyway - that it's ignoring the first film.