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Owen Versus Jackman

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Poll: Owen .vs. Jackman

Owen .vs. Jackman

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#1 crashdrive


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Posted 27 April 2004 - 02:16 PM

"Q: Is there another actor you think they will go with? PIERCE: Yeah, I mean they

#2 [dark]


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Posted 27 April 2004 - 02:20 PM

Easy. Jackman.

Whilst Owen's far from my first choice, well, there are much worse potentials out there [Bloom and Ledger included].

#3 Bond Bug

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 02:20 PM

Hugh Jackman, because I think the lighter touch is important. I also believe he would be better at promoting the movies, interviews etc and he's on course to become a major league movie star in his own right which is a big boost for the series from a comercial point of view.

#4 M_Balje


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Posted 27 April 2004 - 02:27 PM

Welcome back..
You know my Top 4 and that

#5 crashdrive


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Posted 27 April 2004 - 02:34 PM

I never left. My first choice has been Hugh Jackman from the start and he still has my support. Clive Owen never struck me as the Bond type. Granted, Owen is a more interesting actor to watch, but Jackman has those matinee looks the part requires in my humble opinion. Jackman is a better actor people give him credit for, largely due to his poor choices, and I'm confident he'll bring something to the part that was lacking in Brosnans era; toughness.

#6 urhash



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Posted 27 April 2004 - 02:35 PM


#7 Slaezenger



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Posted 27 April 2004 - 02:39 PM

...Between the two -- Jackman over Owen. But neither of these guys look the part really. They can do better. Keep looking Eon...

#8 Lazenby880



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Posted 27 April 2004 - 02:41 PM

Clive Owen easily. Ever since he was first mooted as a Bond potential I have supported his candidature. As far as I can see he would provide a darker, edgier and more menacing portrayal, which I would very much like to see.

Not knowing much about Jackman, other than his X Men work, I have no reason to actively argue against him as Bond, were he to be picked, before seeing a film with him in the role. However, the artistic revival of the series after the, on the whole at least, disappointing Die Another Day, which included a lacklustre performance by Brosnan in comparison with his earlier Bond work, would be best achieved with Owen as Bond.

However, I am still not entirely convinced as others seem to be that Brosnan will definitely not be Bond in Bond 21.

Edited by Lazenby, 27 April 2004 - 02:48 PM.

#9 Civilian_007 Samurai_*

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 02:49 PM

Hmmm, let me collect some of my thoughts on this (that is loko up some of things things I have said previously)

I have said....

"To ask an actor to do one film with a false accent may work - to sign them up for a series would, to my mind, be madness. If the accent was laughed at by critics then that actor would have to be got rid of, and the whole process of turning somebody into James Bond would start again. It would be a huge risk to get anybody without a natural British accent (or a very non-descript accent such a Brosnan's). And lets not forget Eon have been once bitten."

Owen 1
Jackman 0

"I think Jackman will take too much of the character from Brosnan's deep soul-searching/brooding moments. I mean this is how he played the animal hard basditch that is Wolverine (more 'who am I?' than 'Who the frag are you!?') so I really do dread to think how he'd play an already weakened man."

Owen 2
Jackman 0

"Nobody [who has played Bond] has ever been as famous as Jackman - and certainly not famous for being the most uncouth, least like James Bond, blockbuster screen character in recent years (i.e. Wolverine in X-men)"

Owen 3
Jackman 0

"Clive Owen?? Not a household name, but one that might be recognised as pertaining to quality productions with Bond like characteristics - The Driver, The Croupier, The Bourne Identity. Cartainly past signings [of people who played James Bond] would indicate that Owen has played, and is recognised as playing, the type of role that the next actor to play James Bond will have also played - and has a current level of recognition that is just about right."

Owen 4
Jackman 0

Here's some new ones:

I know some people don't like the way Owen looks, but I think that Jackman is just too darned pretty. Owen looks like he could be a spy, and not like he would describe his personality as 'good looking, with a great hiarcut'.

Owen 5
Jackman 0

Personally I don't care whether Jackman gets more people throught the door - just as long as the film is good, I don't give a hoot how many people see it. In fact the more people who see it, the bigger the budget for the next one, the more like Die another Day it will be.
[this doesn't effect the score - but is a shot against Jackman]

Owen 5
Jackman 0

Owen is British!!

Ooh a sneeky last goal there by the boy Owen, a lot like his first strike, but with significantly more class. He scores his second hat trick of the match, and takes the cup!

Final Score

Owen Six
Jackman Nil

#10 Agent 76

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 03:00 PM

Clive Owen.

#11 Athena007


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Posted 27 April 2004 - 03:02 PM

I added a poll guys... time to vote vote vote! :)

for me, I'm going with Jackman!

#12 Jim


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Posted 27 April 2004 - 03:05 PM


or Jackman...

Hmm...Owen. Both have potential.

(That sounds pompous, doesn't it? I doubt either seek/need my approval)

Either would make an interesting choice; Owen maybe shades it as more interesting...

#13 Turn



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Posted 27 April 2004 - 03:08 PM

I vote for Jackman, although I like Owen a bit more than I did initially. Either would be superior to Heath Ledger or Orlando Bloom or these teen favorites some of these people favor so much.

I like Jackman because I think he would bring a bit of a lighter touch. We've had 17 years of broody, introspective 007s. Let's get back to what makes the character fun. A few moments of personal stuff are okay, but no more personal missions overwhelming a whole film.

And anybody who wants Owen on the basis he will bring a darker Bond and don't care about if he doesn't put more people in the seats, watch what you wish for. Remember the actor who was Bond for two films in the late '80s and was later forced out due to the suits?

#14 Civilian_007 Samurai_*

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 03:18 PM

Yeah, but we got two of my fave films (certainly better than the one before them, and better than the one we've just had)..

and I'm not so sure about Jackman's lighter touch. Brosnan WAS a funny guy - his role in Mrs. Doubtfire was great, and he nearly didn't get offered the part in the eighties because Cubby thought he was too like Roger Moore (judging by Remington Steele). But, Brosnan wanted to go all broody with the role - very much like Jackman has done with Wolverine.

Owen on the other hand does have a perhaps more subtle sense of humour, but it is defintly there, and I don't see him as being very broody - more a get out there and get the job done kind of guy.


#15 Martin Mystery

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 03:21 PM

'nuff said!

#16 H.M.Servant



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Posted 27 April 2004 - 03:28 PM

Clive Owen

#17 Turn



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Posted 27 April 2004 - 03:32 PM

Yeah, but we got two of my fave films (certainly better than the one before them, and better than the one we've just had)..

Those are two of my favorites too. But it just seems to make more sense to have a guy who is better known out there than take a chance on an unknown when you look at history. Besides the upcoming Arthur film and The Bourne Identity, about the only place to see Owen films is on the Sundance Channel or Independent Film Channel.

The claim is the producers are wanting to get somebody with some public identification and bring in a younger audience. Jackman recently showed up on Nickelodeon's kids awards and burped. Not the most subtle Bond trait, but identifiable enough for the younger audience to appreciate and remember him. Seems a more all-around desirable way to keep the series out there than with a guy with a "subtle sense or humor." Who remembers that?

#18 DLibrasnow



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Posted 27 April 2004 - 03:35 PM

Jackman - easy!

#19 Johnboy007


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Posted 27 April 2004 - 03:38 PM

Jackman, but not by much.

#20 Civilian_007 Samurai_*

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 03:40 PM

Who wants Bond to be remembered as the guy that Burped on a children's show?

Connery was virtually unknown
Lazemby was known as being good looking
Moore was reasonably known as having played a spy like character on TV(the saint)
Dalton was known as being a classical actor
Brosnan was best known as having played a spy like character on TV.

Jackman is associated with other roles which are counter to his James Bond peronsa. Owen is 'liitle known', yet good actor, mostly famous for being in quality productions where he might have even been confused with James Bond (i.e. a guy in a tux in a casino [croupier], a spy with a mission to kill [Bourne Identity], a suit wearing hero with sports care [The Driver].

This is what I want to associate with the guy who plays Bond - not burping at a childrens party.


#21 The Admiral

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 04:00 PM

Clive Owen.

#22 Martin Mystery

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Posted 27 April 2004 - 04:03 PM

The way I see it, EON's choice for the part will give us a pretty good indication of where the producers want to go with the series; If they chose Owen, they could be going for a more character driven piece... more in the Connery mold - whereas with Jackman, ...well I'm afraid we would just get the same old dish they've served us the last six/seven years.
I voted for Clive Owen because I want to se the series go in another direction. More character - less BOOM!

Edited by Martin Mystery, 27 April 2004 - 04:06 PM.

#23 mkkbb



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Posted 27 April 2004 - 04:04 PM

I have nothing against Jackman, in fact I'd support him if he were chosen, but I think Owen has that more edgy, rougher looking edge to him which would make him seem much more suave in a dinner jacket, and a look that you know he could kill you, which I think Bond is all about.

Owen for me.

#24 urhash



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Posted 27 April 2004 - 04:05 PM

If they chose Owen, they could be going for a more character driven piece... more in the Connery mold - whereas with Jackson, ...well I'm afraid we would just get the same old dish they've served us the last six/seven years.

Couldn't agree more.

#25 doublenoughtspy


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Posted 27 April 2004 - 04:05 PM

For the love of God, please hire Clive Owen.

#26 WhiteKnight2000



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Posted 27 April 2004 - 04:17 PM

Clive Owen.

Hackman should be The Fall Guy instead.

#27 scaramanga1



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Posted 27 April 2004 - 04:28 PM

Owning the BMW DVD that Owen did -I have to say he really seems to me as a great candidate for Bond. He fits in the sense that he is a film star who is not as overly exposed as Jackman -so his portrayal will be deemed as a step up from other roles whereas Jackman is hot property thanks to XMen and Van Helsing and Swordfish -and consequently may be "too" big a star to take the role.

Owen has always been my choice anyway so naturally that is what I've voted. however I still hope Brosnan will do one more, or end up in a Tarantino spy thriller in the future. :)

#28 Loomis


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Posted 27 April 2004 - 04:41 PM

Woo-hoo! Owen's winning!

That'll probably change, though. :)

I voted for Clive, of course (although Jackman's growing on me - not literally, since that would be revolting). Come on, Eon, show some cojones, and give us the next Dalton, not the next Brosnan! (Sorry, crashdrive, we'll have to agree to disagree on the theory that Owen = Dalton 2. :) )

BTW, crash, looks like you were right all along re: the two top candidates.

#29 Prav_007



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Posted 27 April 2004 - 04:42 PM

Owen has that Connery-Dalton syndrome, whilst Jackman is that Brosnan & Moore type virus. Which one kills?

#30 Loomis


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Posted 27 April 2004 - 04:44 PM

And anybody who wants Owen on the basis he will bring a darker Bond and don't care about if he doesn't put more people in the seats, watch what you wish for. Remember the actor who was Bond for two films in the late '80s and was later forced out due to the suits?

So what? Dalton still gave us two excellent films (or, if you're a member of the anti-LTK brigade, at least one excellent film).