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Mel Gibson's The Passion

157 replies to this topic

#151 Jaelle


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Posted 09 March 2004 - 08:20 PM

[quote name='Loomis' date='9 March 2004 - 14:33'] [quote name='Jaelle' date='9 March 2004 - 14:44'] There have been some analogies made in this thread by various people that I think are completely inappropriate.

#152 Loomis


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Posted 09 March 2004 - 08:29 PM

I think it's too reductive to simply depict this as a liberal-conservative divide. (and there goes my pledge to shut up!)

Well, it would indeed be too reductive to simply depict this as a liberal-conservative divide, but I'm not doing so (intentionally, anyway - I may not be expressing myself too well, though). The liberal-conservative divide is only part of the picture, of course.

Oh, and Jaelle, no one wants you to shut up. :)

#153 Four Aces

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 08:51 PM

I just saw the movie today. It was brilliant! I think it captured most human traits and emotions in a short film: betrayal, loyalty, cowardice, courage, authoritarianism, bureaucratic indifference, love, hate, suffering, forgiveness, repentance, hope.

As a film, I thought it was extremley well done. The only poor aspect I thought was the overuse of the protrayal of "goblins" via the special effects. The highlight for me was the Resurrection at the end, the simplicity of it was the beauty.

As for the current protestations on the violence, I found it no more so than a movie like Saving Private Ryan. I would question the true motives of those protesting the violent aspect of the film as having another agenda.

Kudos to Mel Gibson for doing this. I have heard projections of $300 million in the U.S. alone, and another $300 million in overseas. He will net approximately $300 million as profit for this venture he went in on alone. Excellent business acumen! Congratulations and well deserved!


Edited by Four Aces, 09 March 2004 - 08:52 PM.

#154 Sensualist



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Posted 09 March 2004 - 10:49 PM

[quote name='Jaelle' date='9 March 2004 - 14:44'] Ok, folks...

Edited by Sensualist, 09 March 2004 - 11:33 PM.

#155 Loomis


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Posted 30 August 2004 - 03:05 PM

Just bumping this, as THE PASSION is now out on DVD. Anyone here buying it? Still haven't seen this film, but am toying with the idea of doing so.

#156 Harmsway



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Posted 30 August 2004 - 03:09 PM

Just bumping this, as THE PASSION is now out on DVD. Anyone here buying it? Still haven't seen this film, but am toying with the idea of doing so.

I'm tempted to buy it. The problem is I don't know how often I'll watch it, since watching it once was so exhausting. It is a piece of religious art, though, and I want it in my film library. I'll probably end up purchasing it sooner or later, but probably later than sooner.

#157 Tim007


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Posted 30 August 2004 - 03:21 PM

Saw it at the cinema. Don't think it's worth buying it.

#158 Blofeld's Cat

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Posted 31 August 2004 - 01:56 AM

Just bumping this, as THE PASSION is now out on DVD. Anyone here buying it? Still haven't seen this film, but am toying with the idea of doing so.

Me too Loomis.

I knew I wouldn't have a oportunity of seeing the movie at the cinemas here, so I was going to wait of the DVD. Definitely will get this one.