2013: Movies
Posted 23 May 2012 - 04:14 PM
Posted 23 May 2012 - 04:17 PM
Posted 23 May 2012 - 04:20 PM
So I'll be giving this one a miss.
Posted 23 May 2012 - 04:34 PM
47 Ronin, Fast & Furious 6, The Wolverine and Pacific Rim.
Posted 23 May 2012 - 04:41 PM
Posted 23 May 2012 - 05:32 PM
The first one was awful. Actually apallingly awful. My friends seem to love it, and quote it non stop, and I usually sit there really awkwardly. Tried watching it so many times, and I just can't. It's too bad.
So I'll be giving this one a miss.
I like it, but I do think it's overrated. I'll sit there and laugh for sure, but I don't see why people put it on some kind of pedestal. Same goes for Dodgeball and Knocked Up, which are two films that I very much disliked in spite of popular opinion.
Posted 23 May 2012 - 05:47 PM
1.) Last Stand - January 18th
2.) Bullet To The Head - February 1st
3.) A Good Day To Die Hard - February 14th
4.) Elysium - March 1st
5.) Evil Dead - April 12th
6.) Oblivion - April 26th
7.) Iron Man 3 - May 3rd
8.) Star Trek 2 - May 17th
9.) Fast & Furious 6 - May 24th
10.) The End Of The World - June 14th
11.) Man Of Steel - June 14th
12.) World War Z - June 21st
13.) R.I.P.D. - June 28th
14.) Pacific Rim - July 12th
15.) The Wolverine - July 26th - My Birthday!
16.) 300: Battle Of Artemisia - August 2nd
17.) RoboCop - August 9th
18.) Sin City: A Dame To Kill For - October 4th
19.) The Hobbit part II - December 13th
20.) Parker - Unknown
Edited by x007AceOfSpades, 23 May 2012 - 07:10 PM.
Posted 23 May 2012 - 06:54 PM
And of course, the return of Superman in 'Man Of Steel'. I think he made a wise choice leaving his return until NEXT summer. This year seems super-heroed out already!!
Posted 23 May 2012 - 07:08 PM
And I almost forgot one last film.
Parker - Unknown
Starring the best, Jason Statham!
Posted 23 May 2012 - 08:11 PM
Posted 23 May 2012 - 08:38 PM
Either way, I wont say no to John McClane back on the screen!
Posted 23 May 2012 - 08:41 PM
Posted 23 May 2012 - 09:07 PM
Live to Die Hard Another Day.
Posted 23 May 2012 - 09:18 PM
Posted 23 May 2012 - 09:38 PM
- I, Frankenstein
- Carrie
- A Good Day to Die Hard
- Fast and Furious 6
- The Last Stand
- Anchorman 2
- On the Road
- Trance
- Now You See Me
- Horizons
- The Evil Dead
Posted 23 May 2012 - 10:23 PM
Posted 23 May 2012 - 10:50 PM
Posted 24 May 2012 - 07:21 AM
If you were awaiting the arrival of Mr Dwayne Johnson and the rest of the G.I. Joe: Retaliation crew, we have some news you might want to sit down for: they’re not coming this summer. Actually, the entire film is being shifted to March 2013 so that Paramount can run it through the 3D-O-Matic machine. We can hear the complaints even now…
According to Deadline, one studio exec explained the move thusly: "We’re going to do a conscientious 3D job because we’ve seen how it can better box office internationally. Jim Cameron did all of Titanic‘s 3D in post – and look how well that movie turned out.” Well, at least they were honest about the reason. But it won't stop anyone thinking that there's more to it than that...
The movie had been scheduled to arrive on June 29th across the pond and August 3 here. While the shift means a March 29, 2013 release in the US, we don’t yet know what that means for the UK.
G.I. Joe: Retaliation is directed by John M Chu and features Johnson, Bruce Willis, Channing Tatum, Adrianne Palicki, Jonathan Pryce, Byung-hun Lee, Elodie Yung, Arnold Vosloo and DJ Cotrona.
Posted 24 May 2012 - 07:33 AM
The Drummer (2013)
The Drummer is the story of this inimitably talented but perennially disparaged man, the only true surfer of The Beach Boys and one of the truly original voices in Rock & Roll history. Intimate and personal, the story tracks the last six years of Beach Boys drummer's life, the younger brother to front man Brian, as he evolves into a creative force. Dennis Wilson digs his way out from under the shadow of his tyrannical father, corrals the demons and harnesses the will to tap his own artistry in order to create the critically applauded Pacific Ocean Blue. The film starts in the midst of The Beach Boys' fame and follows Dennis' journey, replete with decadence, drugs, love and tragedy. Despite Dennis' fall into drugs and alcohol, ultimately it is his music and his uniquely magnanimous spirit that endures.
Posted 25 May 2012 - 08:46 AM
Posted 25 May 2012 - 09:54 AM
Posted 25 May 2012 - 11:03 AM
Posted 25 May 2012 - 11:06 AM
Posted 25 May 2012 - 11:13 AM
...I hope Die Hard's 5 villain is like the first 3 and not a wet young sap like we had in 4. Simon Grueber was immense.
Posted 25 May 2012 - 11:17 AM
Posted 25 May 2012 - 11:17 AM
Posted 25 May 2012 - 11:18 AM
Posted 25 May 2012 - 11:30 AM
And the fact in the theatrical version they played the final gunshot over "Yippie-ki-yay-mother-*BANG*" was disgusting.
R rated, or don't bother making it kid friendly. Make the sequels for 'die-hard' fans (Excuse the pun!) and not for box-office glory. That will follow if the film is faithful to what it was we all fell in love with years ago.
Posted 25 May 2012 - 05:04 PM
A Good Day for the Whole Family to Die HardMaybe it will all have a happy ending and Die Hard 6 will have his ex wife and they get back together. A lovely story for the whole family.
Posted 30 May 2012 - 08:36 AM
Ha haA Good Day for the Whole Family to Die Hard
Maybe it will all have a happy ending and Die Hard 6 will have his ex wife and they get back together. A lovely story for the whole family.
The Wolverine will be the film I'm looking forward to the most in 2013.
2) The Fast & Furious 6,
3) A Good Day To Die Hard
4) Star Trek 2
5) Iron Man 3
If, 'The Girl Who Played With Fire' make it out in 2013 then it would be my number 2.