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A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)

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#1 DamnCoffee



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Posted 18 July 2010 - 10:33 PM

Just read in the recent ODEON Magazine that Die Hard 5 is in production, and is being penned by one of the A-Team screenwriters and is slated for a 2011 release. Bruce Willis is game so I guess it'll be a fun ride!

Also, THIS idea is REALLY interesting....

Die Hard 5 to be a John McClane/Jack Bauer crossover?
Ryan Lambie

Rumours suggest that Die Hard 5 could star Bruce Willis and Kiefer Sutherland. And just what until you see what it might be called...

Published on Jun 11, 2010

The Hollywood rumour mill throws out some bizarre stories on occasions. Over the last day or two, an unnamed source told Aint It Cool News that the title for the fifth John McClane action saga would be, oddly, Die Hard 24/7.

The story goes that Bruce Willis was so inspired by Sylvester Stallone's The Expendables ("He went gaga for it," Sly reportedly said), that it has encouraged him to press on with a new Die Hard film with the harder edge of the earlier trilogy.

Now, further rumours have surfaced that Fox was considering making a John McClane/Jack Bauer crossover adventure, which explains the thinking process behind the curious/S*** Die Hard 24/7 title.

It's a plausible story, and the thought of seeing Bauer and McClane's characters teaming up for a joint adventure is an appealing one, but is there any truth to behind the rumours? Only time will tell. More news on this as we get it.

#2 jaguar007



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Posted 18 July 2010 - 10:37 PM

I would TOTALLY go see this!

#3 dinovelvet



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Posted 18 July 2010 - 10:55 PM

This is a long-debunked rumor. Not happening with Kiefer.

#4 OmarB


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Posted 18 July 2010 - 11:32 PM

Those two together would slay. I'm all for it.




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Posted 19 July 2010 - 12:19 AM

The Bourne/Bond crossover worked well enough for everyone so they might as well go for it. ;)

#6 tdalton



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Posted 19 July 2010 - 12:24 AM

I'm glad that rumor has been debunked. Such a concept just reeks of desperation, trying to let a potentially hot commodity at the box office (24) with an aging and far past its prime franchise (DIE HARD). I also can't imagine those behind the 24 movie going for it either.

#7 The Shark

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Posted 19 July 2010 - 12:37 AM

Don't like the sound of this. DIE HARD 4 pretty much killed the franchise for me, with it's ugly cinematography, generic **** score, excessive digital grading, CGI planes, shaky cam, lack of humour, shoddy script and the infamous motorway/jet scene.

Without Michael Kamen and John McTiernan, there's no point.




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Posted 19 July 2010 - 02:16 AM

Don't like the sound of this. DIE HARD 4 pretty much killed the franchise for me, with it's ugly cinematography, generic **** score, excessive digital grading, CGI planes, shaky cam, lack of humour, shoddy script and the infamous motorway/jet scene.

Without Michael Kamen and John McTiernan, there's no point.

Yep, unless they're willing to bring back McTiernan, have Bruce grow a bit of hair to distinguish McClane from his other action heroes and ditch the "down with the kids" villains and OTT CGI crap and generic action movie vibe of the last flick, then this is artistically doomed IMO.

#9 Harmsway



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Posted 19 July 2010 - 02:23 AM

There's not really any need for a DIE HARD 5, but I daresay there is room for a decent film in there (Loomis came up with a reasonable storyline at one point).

Best way to go would be to ditch the cartoonishness of LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD/DIE HARD 4.0 and go back-to-basics in tone, while taking a few risks in terms of narrative. Hiring McTiernan would be a nice touch, but it's not a guarantee of quality (see DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE, which is really quite dull once you get down to it, to say nothing of McTiernan's current washed-up state). They might do better to go for Shane Black.




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Posted 19 July 2010 - 02:38 AM

There's not really any need for a DIE HARD 5, but I daresay there is room for a decent film in there (Loomis came up with a reasonable storyline at one point).

Best way to go would be to ditch the cartoonishness of LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD/DIE HARD 4.0 and go back-to-basics in tone, while taking a few risks in terms of narrative. Hiring McTiernan would be a nice touch, but it's not a guarantee of quality (see DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE, which is really quite dull once you get down to it, to say nothing of McTiernan's current washed-up state). They might do better to go for Shane Black.

Just any director who understands what made McClane and Die Hard work in the first place will do. Quite why Willis was so enthusiastic about Wiseman last time out is utterly beyond me. It felt like it could have been directed by any hack out there, the whole thing just felt so bloody listless and generic. And yep, I've also little love for Die Hard With A Vengeance but at least it felt like I was still somewhat in the company of John McClane, as well still having the music of Michael Kamen. It was an overall rather disappointing Die Hard, but at least it was still Die Hard, or more kind of an "all over the place Die Hard".... in short, it was far less painful than Die Hard 4.0.

#11 The Dove

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Posted 19 July 2010 - 05:40 AM

The whole Jack Bauer / McClane crossover was considered but now has been pretty much ruled out..Nevertheless Im eager for Die Hard 5..if Bruce Willis is as keen on doing it as he has stated in recent interviews, then thats a good sign in my book!!

#12 Safari Suit

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Posted 19 July 2010 - 08:58 AM

I'm glad that rumor has been debunked. Such a concept just reeks of desperation, trying to let a potentially hot commodity at the box office (24) with an aging and far past its prime franchise (DIE HARD). I also can't imagine those behind the 24 movie going for it either.

Eh, I'm not sure 24 is such a hot commodity these days; it's not ending because it's at its commercial zenith.

#13 marktmurphy



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Posted 19 July 2010 - 10:00 AM

Shane Black would be great, yes. I'm in for another: Die Hard 4 was an enjoyable action film- as long as John cheers up for another one (his character wasn't quite right last time) I'll be happy to see him.

#14 Aris007



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Posted 19 July 2010 - 10:32 AM

Another one? Pffffff!

#15 tdalton



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Posted 19 July 2010 - 10:56 AM

I'm glad that rumor has been debunked. Such a concept just reeks of desperation, trying to let a potentially hot commodity at the box office (24) with an aging and far past its prime franchise (DIE HARD). I also can't imagine those behind the 24 movie going for it either.

Eh, I'm not sure 24 is such a hot commodity these days; it's not ending because it's at its commercial zenith.

I didn't say that it was a surefire box office hit. It just has more potential to be one than a fifth DIE HARD film does. True, the show's ratings were on the decline when FOX opted to not bring it back, but there still could be a market for it on the big screen. Those that had tuned out by the time the last season came around may go see it to see Jack Bauer one last time or just out of sheer curiosity as to how the show would look on the big screen. Those that watched until the very end would be there as well, and also the film would draw in a good number of those that go to see the other big-budget action films that Hollywood churns out every couple of months.

I don't think that there's much of a market left for DIE HARD, though, so while 24 isn't a sure thing at the box office, it has far more potential to be a hit than another entry in a tired DIE HARD franchise.

#16 Loomis


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Posted 19 July 2010 - 12:22 PM

There's not really any need for a DIE HARD 5, but I daresay there is room for a decent film in there (Loomis came up with a reasonable storyline at one point).

Thanks. The DIE HARD 5 I have in mind would, I think, be an excellent way of harking back to the original film and giving the series a decent sendoff a la ROCKY BALBOA.

My idea was to set the film in Japan and bring back the Nakatomi Corporation. McClane would once again be a fish out of water (somewhat improbably, the first film's script tries to make us believe that this New Yorker is dazzled and bewildered by.... California), and more so than ever.

Holly has now been based in Tokyo with Nakatomi for about twenty years and speaks pretty fluent Japanese (further distancing her from McClane both geographically and culturally). The villains are Japanese gangsters trying to muscle in on the Nakatomi Corporation, and the finale is an epic shootout as McClane singlehandedly takes on the bad guys at Nakatomi's Tokyo HQ - but this time it's during daylight hours and the skyscraper is packed with people working.

Oh, and instead of setting it at Christmas, I'd set it over New Year, which is a big deal in Japan (and, funnily enough, the Japanese tend to play Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" a lot around that time).

The film I have in mind is a cross between the first DIE HARD and Sydney Pollack's wonderful THE YAKUZA - a relatively small-scale (at least, by comparison to the last two DIE HARD flicks), R-rated affair that brings back the characterisation, claustrophobia (please no more sidekicks for McClane - it defeats the whole point of DIE HARD) and bloody violence of the original, adding some small touches of LOST IN TRANSLATIONish travelogue and quiet poignancy.

#17 Loomis


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Posted 19 July 2010 - 12:30 PM

Hiring McTiernan would be a nice touch, but it's not a guarantee of quality (see DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE, which is really quite dull once you get down to it, to say nothing of McTiernan's current washed-up state).

DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE has its moments. There are some very intriguing ideas in this film, but sadly not all of them are developed very well. The British version is heavily censored for language and violence, and when I was finally fortunate enough to see the original U.S. cut I found it a much more hard-hitting and absorbing experience. I wish, though, that the filmmakers had gone with the original ending featuring Willis and Jeremy Irons in a Hungarian bar, which plays so much better than the underwhelming helicopter finale.

I'd certainly love McTiernan to return for DIE HARD 5, although that's largely for sentimental reasons - I agree that he's a hit-or-miss director, to say the least. I wonder whether we'll ever see another film from him. I hope so, but he really does appear to be on the scrapheap.

The sort of director I don't want to see for DIE HARD 5 is precisely the sort of director I fear they'll hire, e.g. someone like McG, Brett Ratner or Len Wiseman.

Many years ago, the rumoured director of DIE HARD 3 was none other than Richard Rush, probably best known for the 1980 cult classic THE STUNT MAN (and he ended up directing Willis in the lacklustre COLOR OF NIGHT). He's the sort of bold choice I'd like the DIE HARD 5 producers to make.

Otherwise, Martin Campbell could do a pretty decent job, I guess.

#18 Conlazmoodalbrocra



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Posted 19 July 2010 - 12:33 PM

I don't quite know what to make of this. I love the first three Die Hard movies, but Die Hard 4.0 was a big big disappointment. I'll certainly watch Die Hard 5, but given the last installment, I think it may be a painful viewing!

#19 tdalton



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Posted 19 July 2010 - 12:34 PM

Hiring McTiernan would be a nice touch, but it's not a guarantee of quality (see DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE, which is really quite dull once you get down to it, to say nothing of McTiernan's current washed-up state).

DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE has its moments. There are some very intriguing ideas in this film, but sadly not all of them are developed very well. The British version is heavily censored for language and violence, and when I was finally fortunate enough to see the original U.S. cut I found it a much more hard-hitting and absorbing experience. I wish, though, that the filmmakers had gone with the original ending featuring Willis and Jeremy Irons in a Hungarian bar, which plays so much better than the underwhelming helicopter finale.

I think just about anything would have played better than the helicopter finale. It almost feels as though the filmmakers are trying to wrap it up because they ran out of film or something, because it ends rather abruptly (if I'm remembering it correctly, as it has been a while).

Other than the finale, though, I quite enjoyed DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE. Sure, not as good as DIE HARD, but I'd certainly take it over LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD, and it does have its fair share of great moments. The idea of McClane having to go all over the city in an attempt to stop the villain as opposed to being confined to just one location was a nice change of pace for the series.

#20 Safari Suit

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Posted 19 July 2010 - 12:50 PM

I don't think that there's much of a market left for DIE HARD, though, so while 24 isn't a sure thing at the box office, it has far more potential to be a hit than another entry in a tired DIE HARD franchise.

Well obviously I don't know, but in my opinion a fifth Die Hard would still be more likely to be a major box office hit than a 24 movie. The last one made almost $400million in cinemas only three years ago, sold well on DVD/Blu-ray, and was (justifiably or not) reasonably well received. The original three films are still very popular with a wide age-range appeal. A 24 movie would be a lock with its hardcore fanbase, certainly, but probably would be unlikely to stretch beyond that. One only need look at the last X-Files movie to see that a sizable hardcore fanbase isn't enough to make a movie a hit. Obviously 24 is much more popular at the moment than The X-Files, but I think the point still stands.

Not that I particularly want a fifth Die Hard (though I wouldn't mind), but I don't think it would flop if they made it.

#21 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 19 July 2010 - 02:59 PM

I'd put McClane on a Cruise ship as a retirement cruise in the carribean...the ship stops in Cartegena and a few pesky FARC members board and...well you get the idea. The ship offers the confined space element and gives the series a logical reason to have a 5th installment. You can also give John a romantic storyline for a change(not the ex). add a hurricane Katrina type of storm to further the drama and this could be a boatload of fun. B)

#22 Safari Suit

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Posted 19 July 2010 - 03:20 PM

An action film sequel set on a cruis ship? That could never go wrong! ;)

#23 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 19 July 2010 - 03:31 PM

An action film sequel set on a cruis ship? That could never go wrong! ;)

Sandra Bullock and Jason Patric aren't exactly the action icons that Bruce Willis (as Mcclane) is. I say go for it. Use the cruise ship device and just do a better job and noone will fault them for it.

#24 Loomis


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Posted 19 July 2010 - 03:33 PM

Anyone remember the rumour that DIE HARD 4 would be set in a jungle in Central/South America? If memory serves, it was based on an spec action script that featured a bunch of guys crashlanding in the Amazon rainforest or somewhere and having to fight their way out through machine gun-toting cocaine gangsters.

It'd be a bit like PREDATOR without the alien (and cue the inevitable McClane-goes-over-world's-biggest-waterfall moment), but it would at least be a fresh backdrop for our hero.

Alternatively, I guess they could adapt the DIE HARD: YEAR ONE prequel comic, although it might be wise to save that one for after Willis has left the series for good.

BTW, wasn't there a recent rumour that DIE HARD 5 would be directed by Bruce's buddy Sly Stallone? I don't believe this is true (then again, Stallone did direct STAYING ALIVE for his pal Travolta), but Sly in the director's chair (and possibly also playing the villain) would be---- well, I don't even need to mention how awesome it would be.

#25 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 19 July 2010 - 03:39 PM

McClane isn't a commando...he's a street smart cop. He would be all wrong in the jungle.

Anyone remember the rumour that DIE HARD 4 would be set in a jungle in Central/South America? If memory serves, it was based on an spec action script that featured a bunch of guys crashlanding in the Amazon rainforest or somewhere and having to fight their way out through machine gun-toting cocaine gangsters.

It'd be a bit like PREDATOR without the alien (and cue the inevitable McClane-goes-over-world's-biggest-waterfall moment), but it would at least be a fresh backdrop for our hero.

Alternatively, I guess they could adapt the DIE HARD: YEAR ONE prequel comic, although it might be wise to save that one for after Willis has left the series for good.

BTW, wasn't there a recent rumour that DIE HARD 5 would be directed by Bruce's buddy Sly Stallone? I don't believe this is true (then again, Stallone did direct STAYING ALIVE for his pal Travolta), but Sly in the director's chair (and possibly also playing the villain) would be---- well, I don't even need to mention how awesome it would be.

Rambo V would have been awesome. :(

#26 marktmurphy



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Posted 19 July 2010 - 03:49 PM

Die Hard in Japan? Yeah, I like that idea. Still needs a more specific setting, though: it's hard to beat a skyscraper-then-an-airport.

How about chucking him in a prison? Do the wrongful arrest thing, then stick him in some massive prison, fighting the inmates all the way, riots etc. then inevitably some terrorists/thieves turn up for some reason. Oh I dunno.

#27 DamnCoffee



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Posted 21 July 2010 - 01:47 PM

have Bruce grow a bit of hair to distinguish McClane

I thought he looked great without the hair. He suited the bald look. If Die Hard 5 is released, then I'd prefer his look to be identical to the one he had in 4.

#28 Loomis


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Posted 21 July 2010 - 02:37 PM

have Bruce grow a bit of hair to distinguish McClane

I thought he looked great without the hair. He suited the bald look. If Die Hard 5 is released, then I'd prefer his look to be identical to the one he had in 4.

It would be ridiculous for him to suddenly have hair again in DIE HARD 5. Although I think he might look quite good with a beard, like a bulked-up Michael Eavis.

#29 DamnCoffee



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Posted 21 July 2010 - 02:39 PM

He does look cool with a beard, actually.

Posted Image

#30 marktmurphy



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Posted 21 July 2010 - 02:50 PM

have Bruce grow a bit of hair to distinguish McClane

I thought he looked great without the hair. He suited the bald look. If Die Hard 5 is released, then I'd prefer his look to be identical to the one he had in 4.

It would be ridiculous for him to suddenly have hair again in DIE HARD 5. Although I think he might look quite good with a beard, like a bulked-up Michael Eavis.

I saw 13 Blocks recently and all they'd done there was plonk a little bit directly on top of his head; and somehow that instantly made him look more like McClane! :) Shame they didn't do that for DH4, as without that, the vest or the sense of humour I did occasionally struggle to recognise him as McClane.