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This Or That?

With A Bond-Style Twist!

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#4711 PrinceKamalKhan



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Posted 25 October 2015 - 07:45 PM

NO-no risks taken. I'm staying clean:


Which American TV detective would you like to have seen play Felix Leiter:

Mike Connors a.k.a. "Mannix" in a 1960s or 1970s James Bond film





Lee Horsley a.k.a "Matt Houston"  in a 1980s or 1990s James Bond film





#4712 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 26 October 2015 - 08:33 AM

Lee Horsley has a good look I could see working for sure.

'SPECTRE' opens in the UK today. Are you...

One of the lucky UKers seeing it today (me!)


One of the unfortunate international fans holding out a few more days!


#4713 The Dove

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Posted 26 October 2015 - 05:05 PM

Sadly, I'm one of the unfortunate international fans..but I am thrilled nonetheless for you lucky bast...err...folks in the U.K.. :P


With SPECTRE out today, are you finding it difficult to concentrate on work or whatever you have going on? YES, ABSOLUTELY YES, OR SCREW TRYING TO FOCUS ON OTHER THINGS TODAY??

#4714 seawolfnyy



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Posted 26 October 2015 - 09:22 PM

All of the above. I've got two weeks more to wait here in Spain AND I have to travel to Madrid to see it English!

How will you react if the main title sequence has an instrumental version of WotW:
You'll be so excited that you wet yourself
Screw it, Bond's back who cares!

#4715 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 27 October 2015 - 02:48 PM

Screw it. Bond is back! :)



Which classic henchman does Hinx remind you of, physically and his interactions with Bond from trailers/the movie:


Red Grant







#4716 seawolfnyy



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Posted 27 October 2015 - 04:26 PM

Jaws, no question.

Lea seydoux in her blue satin dress
Eva Green in her black evening gown

#4717 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 27 October 2015 - 04:42 PM

Eva Green...no question!



How do you feel about Bond always seeming to go "rogue"?


BORED - Bond doesn't go rogue. He needs to do more official missions working in and around his limitations with MI6




EXCITED - Bond works best on his own, the pressure of who to trust pushing him and racing to stay one step ahead



#4718 seawolfnyy



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Posted 27 October 2015 - 05:20 PM

Excited. Espionage is dangerous, knowing who the good guys and bad guys are isn't fun. It's much more fun when they get all mixed up.

Will Craig be back for 1 more go:
Yes, he'll get over the fatigue and go out with a bang
No, he's had a great run (maybe the best) and it's time to pass off the mantle

#4719 The Dove

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Posted 28 October 2015 - 02:57 PM

Yes.. I can tell already, just by the post-release interviews, that he's very pleased with the result and I think that the eventual world-wide reaction to SPECTRE will win him over for at least one more go in the tux..


Do you think that SPECTRE will hold it's own, in terms of box office comparison with Star Wars: The Force Awakens? YES, it may not make as much money but it'll stand proud and be one of the year's top money making films, OR NO, Star Wars will completely obliterate Mr. Bond and Co.??

#4720 seawolfnyy



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Posted 28 October 2015 - 03:04 PM

I'm going to answer this strangely. I'm going to say that (unless The Force Awakens happens to absolutely suck), Star Wars is unfortunately going to blow Bond out of the water. I can honestly see SW:TFA outgrossing Jurassic World and Furious 7....combined. That being said, Spectre will certainly hold its own and should top $1 billion. But I think it'll finish fifth for 2015 behind SW, Furious 7, Avengers: AOU and Jurassic World....unfortunately.




Who will go down as the year's best villain in cinema:



Kylo Ren


#4721 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 29 October 2015 - 08:41 AM

Well, sadly, even thought Oberhauser really was a great Bond villain, the mainstream SMASH that will be 'The Force Awakens' will obliterate everything we remember before it so I think, on the whole, it'll be Kylo Ren.



Do you think the rumour that Daniel Craig filmed a scene as a Stormtrooper is true for 'The Force Awakens'?


YES - Simon Pegg name dropped him, he'd be in London at the time so why the heck not for a film this big.




NO - It was just a bit of fun acting like 007 would be in a Star Wars movie. Why would he result to filming an un-credited cameo.



#4722 seawolfnyy



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Posted 02 November 2015 - 01:30 PM

You know, this is one of those things that just seems strange enough to be true. So I'll say that yes he in fact did film an uncredited-cameo, because why not?




Spectre has broken the UK's record for opening week gross, with a take of £~42 million (or ~$63 million for us Yanks). Will this trend continue in the United States?

Yes, 2015 is the year of the mega blockbuster and each film has grossed higher than the previous (Jurassic World outdid Avengers: AoU, which in turn, outgrossed Furious 7)


No, James Bond will hold his own, but some middling reviews and maybe franchise fatigue will prevent it from reaching those otherwordly numbers


#4723 The Dove

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Posted 02 November 2015 - 06:34 PM

YES, Bond will indeed make a remarkable splash here in the Unite States and there is plenty of time for it to leave its mark and earn a boat-load of money before Star Wars comes out on Dec. 18th..especially over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend we'll have here in a couple of weeks! :)


Which tux do you prefer Daniel Craig's 007 in...the black tux (CR, QOS and SF) OR the white tux in SPECTRE??

#4724 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 03 November 2015 - 08:17 AM

I have to say the black tux; he pulls that off far better.



For those who haven't seen 'SPECTRE', with all the discussion raging, what part are you looking forward to seeing for yourself:


The Mexico City opener




The London finale



#4725 seawolfnyy



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Posted 03 November 2015 - 01:21 PM

Mexico City, no question.

Will Mendes be enticed back for one more film:
Yes, he'll want to complete his story arc
No, he's told the story he wanted to and is ready to move on

#4726 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 04 November 2015 - 08:12 AM

Yes I think he'll want to finish what he started.



In that respect: will Craig return only if Mendes does for one more?


YES - this has become their successful Bond story and they need to wrap it up in style




NO - Bond is more than just one man, and Craig will be back if Mendes is or not



#4727 seawolfnyy



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Posted 04 November 2015 - 11:27 AM

He seems to be singing a different tune since the film's premiere, so I think Craig will be back for one more regardless of whether or not Mendes returns.




Spectre's RT score currently sits at 64% (though 79% among top critics). Where will Spectre end at?

Above 60%


Below 60%


#4728 The Dove

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Posted 04 November 2015 - 05:27 PM

Above 60% (I am now, no longer trusting the idiotic reviews for any movie I read on RT.. Sam Mendes and Daniel Craig have absolutely the right idea in not paying any attention to anything online)


Right...when do you think we'll get the next James Bond video game...Sometime before Bond 25 OR after Bond 25??

#4729 seawolfnyy



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Posted 04 November 2015 - 07:07 PM

I don't put much faith into RT either. One of my favorite superhero movies, The Punisher, stands at a paltry 24%. All that matters, is if you or I like it. Also, I don't wanna mention the T-word. That got me into trouble with one of my best friends recently and I fear that because of it, I may have lost her forever.


Anyhoo, I'll say before Bond 25. If Spectre grosses anything near Skyfall, then whoever buys the property after, will want to cash in every which until Sunday. It's crazy to think that we haven't had a Bond game in 3 years and even crazier that the last ORIGINAL Bond game came out 5 years ago.



With Sony losing the distributing rights to James Bond after Spectre, what will happen to them:

Sony will make a huge push to keep them as Bond is now a $billion juggernaut to compete with the MCU, SW and the like

The pay-days are not worth the production troubles of these films and someone else will takeover


#4730 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 05 November 2015 - 08:37 AM

I think Sony will want to keep Bond a little longer with the income showing it's as strong as ever!


'SPECTRE' is out tomorrow in the US! Will it...


Open bigger than 'Skyfall'




Open less than 'Skyfall'



#4731 seawolfnyy



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Posted 05 November 2015 - 11:05 AM

Finally. It's seemed like an eternity to wait for it. Though, I'm going to see it in Madrid on Saturday. That's a tough one. I think it'll open bigger than Skyfall, but will ultimately gross less than Skyfall.




Do you think we've heard the last of SPECTRE:

YES, this was a one-off and it'll be time to start fresh in Bond 25


NO, SPECTRE are Bond's Nemesis and you don't bring them back for just one film


#4732 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 05 November 2015 - 04:02 PM

Noooo! They'll be back - it's the Joker to Batman kind of relationship. Bond has SPECTRE and can't let them be a wasted villainous organisation.

Which classic film do you feel 'SPECTRE' feels / looks closest to from all you've seen and know so far:

'From Russia With Love'


'On Her Majesty's Secret Service'


#4733 The Dove

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Posted 07 November 2015 - 04:56 PM

I think that the FRWL feel outweighs the OHMSS feel for me..

Funnier moment in SP..

Bond pressing the button which blasts out Frank Sinatra over the DB10's stereo during the Rome chase OR Bond, stealing the DB10, meant for 009, and leaving a bottle of champagne in its place for Q??

#4734 seawolfnyy



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Posted 07 November 2015 - 07:28 PM

Definitely hearing Frank Sinatra. More unexpected than Bond stealing the DB10.




Which sequence did you prefer:





#4735 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 09 November 2015 - 10:23 AM

...hm. Morocco overall but Rome had it's moments.
Monica Bellucci in 'SPECTRE':
Criminally under-used and deserved more screentime and plot points
Just the right role, if a little small, but she played it perfectly

#4736 seawolfnyy



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Posted 09 November 2015 - 01:10 PM

Criminally under-used. I'd be hard-pressed to believe that her screen time amounted to more than 5 minutes at most. In a movie that pushes 2 1/2 hours, that is just absurd.




Were you shocked by the Blofeld reveal:

Yes, it was surprising how they did it, even if they didn't hide it well


No, the backstory was weak and could've been done better


#4737 The Dove

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Posted 09 November 2015 - 03:34 PM

Yes..They pulled it off much better than I was expecting..

Mr. Hinx... Do you think he had enough screen time?? Yes, just the right amount OR No, he could have had more moments?

#4738 seawolfnyy



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Posted 09 November 2015 - 06:23 PM

I'd say he had enough. The film is overly long and saturated as it is, we don't need more.




For you, Is Spectre:

A rousing success and welcomed return to old school Bond


A disappointment and it's clear that Blofeld and Spectre should've stayed in the 60s


#4739 thecasinoroyale



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Posted 10 November 2015 - 11:37 AM

I say a rousing success, and a very old-school themed entertaining and successful (if still teasing) return for Blofeld and SPECTRE.



Do you feel SPECTRE will be used again?


YES - They were brought back for a reason and we will see them again to give Bond his nemesis




NO - Like many recent elements, they will be wasted and something/someone  new introduced



#4740 The Dove

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Posted 10 November 2015 - 02:47 PM

YES- SPECTRE will definitely be brought back at some point..

What sort of plot do you expect SPECTRE to be hatching when they eventually return?? The traditional hold the world for ransom as has been done so many times before, OR something totally unexpected??