Will Bond 23 Be Titled SKYFALL?
Posted 06 October 2011 - 02:52 PM
Posted 06 October 2011 - 03:14 PM
Umm, the Hollywood Reporter has jumped on the Skyfall train and actually done a story about this rumor: http://www.hollywood...ll-films-245021
Interesting. It seems that THR are the first to contact Sony for a comment… even though they didn’t get one.
Posted 06 October 2011 - 03:18 PM
Posted 06 October 2011 - 03:58 PM
Posted 06 October 2011 - 04:11 PM
Who's the guy who always wants to see Kurt Angle fight Daniel Craig? He's in the comment section of so many Bond related news stories on a very large number of sites. It's actually pretty funny.
I’ve spotted that too. Also, someone always saying it should be shot in the U.S and include well know American actors. I must have seen that (and versions of it) 100s of times. Hilarious.
Posted 06 October 2011 - 04:11 PM
The Hollywood Reporter, in its story, credited the website. Some of the other websites have linked to it while not crediting Fusible in the text (while using the domain names that Fusible dug up).
So if SkyFall does end up as the title, Fusible should get the credit for finding it.
Posted 06 October 2011 - 04:21 PM
Fusible.com is the website that started all of this:
The Hollywood Reporter, in its story, credited the website. Some of the other websites have linked to it while not crediting Fusible in the text (while using the domain names that Fusible dug up).
So if SkyFall does end up as the title, Fusible should get the credit for finding it.
From what I understand a scooper sent the info to What Cuture! and Fusible on Wednesday morning at about 9.45 (and possibly Mi6 too, though they did not get round to doing anything with it until that evening, after we’d been discussing it all day) So I’d say What Cuture! and Fusible were both first, regardless of what THR says.
Posted 06 October 2011 - 04:48 PM
Fusible.com is the website that started all of this:
The Hollywood Reporter, in its story, credited the website. Some of the other websites have linked to it while not crediting Fusible in the text (while using the domain names that Fusible dug up).
So if SkyFall does end up as the title, Fusible should get the credit for finding it.
From what I understand a scooper sent the info to What Cuture! and Fusible on Wednesday morning at about 9.45 (and possibly Mi6 too, though they did not get round to doing anything with it until that evening, after we’d been discussing it all day) So I’d say What Cuture! and Fusible were both first, regardless of what THR says.
Fusible post doesn't have a timestamp, only the date. The first reply came at 5:20 a.m. yesterday (time zone not specified but the post itself would have to be before that; the next response isn't until 12:14 p.m.). Whatculture! post has a time stamp of 10:15 a.m. yesterday (also time zone not specified). Whatculture post uses the words "is appears" to link to Fusible. Here's the passage where that link ccurs:
//So with that in mind and taking this with as big a grain of salt as you can grab, I got an email less than 30 minutes ago that makes a good argument for the 23rd James Bond movie, which begins filming soon for a release in just over 12 months time, to be officially titled…. Skyfall.
It appears that a brand protection company working for Sony Pictures registered a dozen URLS two days ago (on October 3rd) which suggest they are planning something around the term “Skyfall” and James Bond;
Not knowing where each site is based, I guess the evidence isn't conclusive. If Fusible and Whatculture were in the same time zone, Fusible published first. If Fusible is Los Angeles time and Whatculture is New York time, Fusible should still be first (sometime before 8:20 a.m. NY time vs. 10:15 a.m.). If one is on, say, London time, I'm not as sure. Fusible did provide a link to this site, http://whois.domaint...onypictures.com , which seems to be used to do the search.
One question: if Whatculture! published first, why bother to link to Fusible?
Apologies for the tangent.
Posted 06 October 2011 - 04:58 PM
One question: if Whatculture! published first, why bother to link to Fusible?
Good point. A later addition as Fusible had done a bit of extra research. Possibly, possibly not.
It does seem as if a number of wed-sites were ‘furnished’ with this info at the same time.
I think What Culture! are in the UK.
Posted 06 October 2011 - 05:18 PM
One question: if Whatculture! published first, why bother to link to Fusible?
Good point. A later addition as Fusible had done a bit of extra research. Possibly, possibly not.
It does seem as if a number of wed-sites were ‘furnished’ with this info at the same time.
I think What Culture! are in the UK.
Agreed that somebody was trying to get out the news. Both Whatculture! and MI6 make references to tipsters, or whatnot.
Posted 06 October 2011 - 05:29 PM
Posted 06 October 2011 - 05:47 PM
SkyFall is not the title = Honestly! Fattiest Kill.
Skyfall, the new James Bond film = Wolfishly Flaked Enjambments. (This is very profound. I feel my enjambments are wolfishly flaked, daily. Look at those enjambments, I say to Mrs Jim, look at how they're flaked; bit wolfish. Happens all the time. It makes as much sense as Quantum of Solace).
The truth is in the code. I am Dan Brown.
Posted 06 October 2011 - 06:18 PM
Ah, happy days. Looks like, from memory and about page 32 of that thread
- Quantum of Solace title registered to Sony domains in about September 2007
- Title ultimately revealed as - stunningly enough - Quantum of Solace, in mid-January 2008, by which time they had filmed a fair old chunk of it.
Posted 06 October 2011 - 06:38 PM
- Quantum of Solace title registered to Sony domains in about September 2007
Not true. Quantumofsolace.com was registred on the 22nd of January 2008, just two days before it was announced officially.
Proof: http://whois.domaint...tumofsolace.com
"Created on..............: 2008-01-22."
Fairy nuff, may have misread that.
Posted 06 October 2011 - 06:47 PM
Posted 06 October 2011 - 07:00 PM
Sony registered a slightly different domain name in September 2007: quantumofsolacemovie.com. So, you were effectively right, Jim.
Interesting. And here we have them registering skyfallmovie.com back in August and the more tell tale jamesbondskyfall.com on 3rd October.
Posted 06 October 2011 - 07:04 PM
Skyfall, the new James Bond film = Wolfishly Flaked Enjambments. (This is very profound. I feel my enjambments are wolfishly flaked, daily. Look at those enjambments, I say to Mrs Jim, look at how they're flaked; bit wolfish. Happens all the time. It makes as much sense as Quantum of Solace).
The truth is in the code. I am Dan Brown.
Heh. Also just learned the word "enjambments." The education (for better or worse) continues.
Posted 06 October 2011 - 07:34 PM
Posted 06 October 2011 - 09:31 PM
Curious. PR anytime, please.
Posted 06 October 2011 - 10:52 PM
- Quantum of Solace title registered to Sony domains in about September 2007
Not true. Quantumofsolace.com was registred on the 22nd of January 2008, just two days before it was announced officially.
Proof: http://whois.domaint...tumofsolace.com
"Created on..............: 2008-01-22."
Fairy nuff, may have misread that.
This was not only discovered by our very own CBners and reported on here, but their posts featured on a BBC News story just before the official press conference.
It was a great time to be on CBn.

Posted 06 October 2011 - 11:41 PM
So I assume you live by the Nile?Okay, that makes sense. No doubt forum members have connections to the press.
Last time, as I understand it, media outlets were told about the press conference about 24 hours in advance, we got word of this shortly after that.
How long was it between the discovery of the domiain registration and the press conference?When the title is announced.so when are we changing the title of this forum and moving the which fleming title do you want for bond 23 thread to bond 24 and changing the title?
No, it isn't, and no, we don't.it's 100% true and we all know it!
It is
Change the title of this forum Bond 23 is Officially Skyfall
Posted 06 October 2011 - 11:48 PM
Posted 06 October 2011 - 11:58 PM
Posted 06 October 2011 - 11:59 PM
Skyfall.. hmmm, it's pretty stock to me. Sounds like an elevator company or something.. or maybe one of these new "Young Bond" novels. It's like a Bond film title that some kid might name their fan-fiction, rather than an actual official James Bond movie. Oh well, not been holding out high expectations for this film anyway - QoS disappointed me no end and still retains the shame of being one of the very few Bond movies I just can't watch again. Shame.
Posted 07 October 2011 - 12:01 AM
I know. But when QUANTUM OF SOLACE was announced, they had a conference for the title, cast and plot details, and to annouce the beginning of filming. I know filming isn't planned until November, but I was hoping that the domain registrations might foreshadow an imminent annoucement, because, as has been pointed out, the QUANTUM OF SOLACE conference was held within two days of the discovery.Tightpants, there won't be a conference as such just for the title.
Posted 07 October 2011 - 12:46 AM
but i'm sorry we all know it is.No, because we don't have official confirmation. Dur.
Posted 07 October 2011 - 12:49 AM
Speak for yourself, thank you.but i'm sorry we all know it is.
Posted 07 October 2011 - 12:52 AM
I know. But when QUANTUM OF SOLACE was announced, they had a conference for the title, cast and plot details, and to annouce the beginning of filming. I know filming isn't planned until November, but I was hoping that the domain registrations might foreshadow an imminent annoucement, because, as has been pointed out, the QUANTUM OF SOLACE conference was held within two days of the discovery.
Tightpants, there won't be a conference as such just for the title.
I was hoping the same thing, Captain.

Posted 07 October 2011 - 01:12 AM
Posted 07 October 2011 - 01:12 AM
why would Sony register the sites if Skyfall isn't the title?Speak for yourself, thank you.
but i'm sorry we all know it is.