Gibson slams Dalton's son during latest tirade
Posted 29 July 2010 - 03:02 AM
Now, no matter whose side you're on, his or Oskana's, the man has degenerated into an utter douchebag. And it is more than a little unsettling that he's made his career playing instinctive, brave but unbalanced characters. Don't think I'll ever be able to watch a "Lethal Weapon" movie again. It'd be too creepy.
Posted 29 July 2010 - 11:51 PM
I know, I saw that too. How can people think like that? Apparently we've become a nation that supports abusive know what the bad thing is that HLN took a poll and like 68% of the people are supporting him in his actions which is total $#%#@$5
I was watching that on Showbiz Tonight as well. I almost thought about getting on here and posting it. And the sad thing is it's all Mel's fault. I don't know what he's so mad about, but he doesn't need to bring Tim into it.
So I was watching HLN news and they had a heads line called Mad max vs. James bond talking about the whole mess right now. and when reporter had asked Dalton about the situation he said no comment. the reporter asked 3 or 4 times and timothy dalton kept repliying no comment is no comment. I till you what Dalton is the most calmest person i have seen i figured he would tell them to go @#$* @#$ but just stayed calm i feel sorry for dalton for all this mess keeping silent and his personal life out of the news almost all his acting life and then this happened to him
You're so right! Tim is showing true spirit and decency to just keep quiet about it. He won't be brought down to Gibson's level and that has to be applauded. Good old Tim, what a guy!
Posted 02 August 2010 - 04:58 AM
Gibson's xenophobia is not a new trait to me; he has major issues.
Posted 02 August 2010 - 05:04 AM
well are nation is falling apart anyways what can we expect really lol .....I know, I saw that too. How can people think like that? Apparently we've become a nation that supports abusive men...
you know what the bad thing is that HLN took a poll and like 68% of the people are supporting him in his actions which is total $#%#@$5
I was watching that on Showbiz Tonight as well. I almost thought about getting on here and posting it. And the sad thing is it's all Mel's fault. I don't know what he's so mad about, but he doesn't need to bring Tim into it.
So I was watching HLN news and they had a heads line called Mad max vs. James bond talking about the whole mess right now. and when reporter had asked Dalton about the situation he said no comment. the reporter asked 3 or 4 times and timothy dalton kept repliying no comment is no comment. I till you what Dalton is the most calmest person i have seen i figured he would tell them to go @#$* @#$ but just stayed calm i feel sorry for dalton for all this mess keeping silent and his personal life out of the news almost all his acting life and then this happened to him
You're so right! Tim is showing true spirit and decency to just keep quiet about it. He won't be brought down to Gibson's level and that has to be applauded. Good old Tim, what a guy!
Posted 02 August 2010 - 08:35 PM
I think Mel talking about his son is going way too far.
Posted 01 October 2010 - 01:59 PM
Posted 01 October 2010 - 02:34 PM
OK this is a horrible accusation about Timothy Dalton. I seriously think this chick is lying now.
If you read the article, she herself says the allegations are false insinuated they were drummed up by the Gibson camp.