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Your Bond 23 Ideas

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#1 Joey Bond

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Posted 25 November 2008 - 12:30 PM

There's a lot of threads going around with different ideas for Bond 23, I just thought we could have a place where we could all put our ideas in. Captain Tightpants seem to echo my sentiments in another thread. Perhaps the mods could merge this with the other threads?

I'll have my version up soon, hopefully.

#2 DanMan


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Posted 25 November 2008 - 02:09 PM


#3 Dainshdude118



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Posted 25 November 2008 - 03:55 PM

Highway chases in South Africa YES!!!!
Skyscraper scaling in Dubai, maybe a little far fetched, but Dubai sounds nice.
More Quantum
A cameo for Olga
Tanner, Villiers, Mr White, Leiter
Title music by Ville Valo

Edited by Dainshdude118, 25 November 2008 - 03:58 PM.

#4 Sir James Moloney

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Posted 25 November 2008 - 05:17 PM

Daniel Craig is Ian Fleming´s James Bond in


A shot of Bond´s DB5 parked outside his appartment in London.
Him doing some scrambled eggs.
The garden of death
One of those battle prearation scenes as in the books, swimming, running, in some far away beach near the garden of death (another crime scheme from Quantum that involves elaborate suicides).
A giant squid.
The return of the ppk and the 42 PO.
More Felix.
David Gilmour doing the song.
A bond girl who resembles Jacqueline Bisset.
Bond having fun with his job (like the CR bahamas scene).
Some more of that QOS class rate film making.
Alfonso Cuarón or Sam Mendes directing.

#5 tdalton



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Posted 26 November 2008 - 04:32 AM

My idea for Bond 23


Daniel Craig..........James Bond
Olivia Wilde..........Gala Brand
Edward Norton.........Jack Spang
Jeffrey Wright........Felix Leiter
Claire Danes..........Mary Ann Russel
Judi Dench............M
Jesper Christensen....Mr. White

Directed by...........Gavin Hood
Screenply by..........Brian Helgeland
Story by..............Brian Helgeland, Michael G. Wilson, Ian Fleming
Music by..............Charlie Clouser
Title Song by.........U2

"A Whisper of Hate" is a partial adaptation of Fleming's "From A View To a Kill" short story, as well as the novel Diamonds Are Forever. In the beginning of the film, we find Bond hot on the trail of Quantum. After a failed assassination attempt on Bond, Bond assumes the identity of his attacker and infiltrates the Quantum organization, attempting to strike a major blow to the organization from within and learn just how extensive and dangerous Quantum is.

#6 sharpshooter



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Posted 26 November 2008 - 05:02 AM

"A Whisper of Hate" is a partial adaptation of Fleming's "From A View To a Kill" short story, as well as the novel Diamonds Are Forever. In the beginning of the film, we find Bond hot on the trail of Quantum. After a failed assassination attempt on Bond, Bond assumes the identity of his attacker and infiltrates the Quantum organization, attempting to strike a major blow to the organization from within and learn just how extensive and dangerous Quantum is.

Nice. :(

#7 HH007


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Posted 26 November 2008 - 05:12 AM

"A Whisper of Hate" is a partial adaptation of Fleming's "From A View To a Kill" short story, as well as the novel Diamonds Are Forever. In the beginning of the film, we find Bond hot on the trail of Quantum. After a failed assassination attempt on Bond, Bond assumes the identity of his attacker and infiltrates the Quantum organization, attempting to strike a major blow to the organization from within and learn just how extensive and dangerous Quantum is.

Nice. :(

Yes, I actually rather like that idea.

#8 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 26 November 2008 - 10:25 AM

Where Wikipedia leads, I follow; these are some ideas I put together on the other forum:

- When the Americans are about to finally withdraw from Iraq, the President attends a formal meeting. His Iraqi opposite number is killed in a daring - and imaginitive - attack, the the US re-occupies Iraq. In response, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Venezuela announce an embargo against America, refusing to sell oil. As America searches for a new source of oil to fuel its war effort, James Bond is in Russia investigating a member of Quantum who has been picking up drilling rights in the Caspian Sea for twice their normal value. But when the oil embargo starts, the value of those oil fields increases tenfold.

- Bond is in South-East Asia, investigating the disappearance of Sir Fidele Barbey, a British geologist and a friend of M who made a fortune as a mining magnate. The retired Barbey disappeared aboard his luxury yacht, but Bond finds out that he was anything but retired. Rather, he was looking into a mine in Papua New Guinea that was dumping tailings into a nearby river (rather like the controversial Ok Tedi mine). His task is made more difficult by the situation in the region as political instability sweeps through neighbouring countries. Ultimately, Bond finds that a group of Indonesian businessmen conceived the plan: having lost billions in Soeharto's failed regime and the Asian Economic Meltdown in the 1990s, they plan to assimilate several of the smaller island nations adjacent to Indonesia in order to seize control of their resources. Barbey was killed when he found the Indonesians had caused the mine dumpings to generate political unrest.

- Quantum are trying to "go to ground" by killing off its operatives that the world's intelligence services know about. When Bond learns of the mysterious accidents that befall these Quantum members, he has to work against a consortium of assassins to save the Quantum members and earn the next pieces of the puzzle. Along the way he encounters Eulogy, an assssin who fondly recalls each of his kills and his victims and seems intent on killing only the opertive ond is trying to protect. Eulogy is the "Last Child of Chernobyl", a Belorussian-born man who received a dose of radiation during the Chernobyl accident. He favours strangulation by garrotte because he has a "Chernobyl Necklace", a razor-thin scar around his neck where he had thyroid surgery.

- Bond wakes up in a prison cell, unable to recall the events leading up to his incarceration. He is interrogated with barbiturates to put him to sleep, and amphetamines to wake him straight back up again; he is questioned in his disoriented state and only able to recall that he was betrayed. Escaping, he finds himself in a nuclear wasteland and gradually pieces everything together: he was investigating a Russian businessman who was selling warheads to terrorist groups and then tippping the Russian special forces off to the site where the terrorists would be. However, one Spetsnaz unit was killed off, and Bond is trying to find the warhead. At the same time, Felix Leiter is investigating unusual activities by a private military corporation, but Congress keeps blocking him as PMCs are becoming increasingly important. Discreet enquiries find a connection to Bond's investigation, and Leiter betrays Bond in an effort to get him into the PMC's hideaway, a ghost city in Central Asia that the Soviets used to test the effects of nucear warheads against cities. The PMCs plan to launch a warhead at the continental United States and plant evidence to suggest it was a terrorist attack. This will cause the War on Terror to rage for yers to come, keeping the PMCs in business and making millions.

- Bond goes up against Johnathan Edo ("John Doe" being far too obvious), a man who seems intent upon bringing anarchy to the world, though he rejects titles like anarchist, zealot, terrorist and fanatic. He doesn't care for Bond's presence or intereference, and is only trying to kill him because Bond orks for he government. Edo believes that people need to show what they're willing to live, fight and die for, and that the only way for the to demonstrate it is when there is no order. It is implied that Edo worked for the CIA overthrowing governments and installing new ones in their place, but grew disillusioned when the new governments proved to be just as corrupt as the old ones.

- In 1985, Jean-Louis Michel and Robert Ballard located the Titanic with the help of the US Navy, who only agreed to it on the condition that the explorers first look for the wrecks of two Cold War submarines that were lost in the Atlantic. Twenty years later, it is feared that their nuclear reactors are leaking, and an effort is made to retrieve the submarines. But they find something else down there, something that shouldn't be there. From the controls of a mini-submarine, they find a long cigar-like object that they believe could be a spaceship. Before the crew can investigate further, they are attacked by unknown assailants. As the expedition was a join US-UK project, Bond starts investigating. Ultimately, he finds himself looking into the legends of the Lost Cosmonauts, Soviet space pilots who were stricken from history, as the "spaceship" is actually a Russian rocket. Some believe the Lost Cosmonauts were erased to cover up the failings of the Soviet space program, but others speak of darker times, where the rockets were deliberately sabotaged to be destroyed once the Cosmonauts had achieved their objctives to stop them telling anyone what they had been doing ...

- MI6 receives a distress call from a deep-cover agent in Tokyo, and Bond is sent in to rescue the man before someone else catches up with them. As they escape by means of a glider, they are knocked out of the sky by an unseen explosion from an unknown source, and they crash-land. Bond is unconscious, but the agent is killed on impact. An investigation leads him to find the man had compiled entire files on a radar array in Alaska known as the High Altitude Auroral Research Project, or HAARP, which uses very low frequency radio waves - radio waves which hug the curvature of the earth - as a non-lethal weapon. Chemtrails - contrails left by aircraft laced with a chemical compound - are laid over the target area and HAARP fires in their direction. The radio waves interfere with the articles, causing an air burst overhead and causing debilitating headaches before knocking out people over the target area.

- A British diplomat and his family are killed in a car accident, with one exception: their thirteen year-old daughter. She needs a liver transplant, and fast, but when she gets one, she somehow acquires the donor's imune system as well. Scientists immediately see the potential in this as it could form the basis of a cure for AIDS. As the girl is a British citizen and her body could be priceless, Bond is sent to proect her until a foster family can be found. Things go awry when he finds Quantum have holdings in pharmacetical corporations and have been lacing their products with live samples of the AIDS virus. They intend to flood the mrket with contaminated drugs, abduct the girl and then use her body to produce a vaccine, which will net them billions of dollars at the very minimum.

#9 Vanya86



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Posted 26 November 2008 - 03:33 PM

Posted before but what the hell, seems like a good place for it.

Property of a Lady
Pre Title Sequence: A Quantum member has come to the CIA with information. Felix Leiter has been charged with the defectors security and has enlisted Bond's to aid in the transfer to a safe house in Montreal. However the operation has been compromised, the defector is killed and the Quantum hit men escape.

Plot: The two escaped Quantum operatives, Horowitz and Morant arrive at an isolated motel in Quebec where they take the owner Vivienne Michael hostage while they secure the area for a rendezvous with their superiors.
Meanwhile Bond and Leiter are debriefed on the mission's failure, Bond follows a lead and head's north.
Horowitz and Morant are joined in the motel by two more Quantum members, Maria, a double agent, who provided them with details of the opening operation, and her mysterious handler Mr. Sanguinetti. The defector was going to use his knowledge of Quantum's operations in Indonesia and it's deal with local terrorist cells to buy his freedom, but the leak has been dealt with. The next stage of the operation is discussed. Believing Quantum's money supply to be tainted Maria has demanded payment in the form of a valuable antique, The Hildebrand Rarity(a mermaid sculpture made by a German artist, it is the only surviving piece from a set), currently in the possession of a wealthy marine biologist based in the Seychelles who is on Quantum's payroll. The double agent and her handler leave for Indonesia (meeting Mr White along the way) while Horowitz and Morant are ordered to lie low and wait for further instructions.
Bond arrives at the motel and is able to identify the hit men. He takes note of Vivienne's cries for help and ultimately saves her, but in doing so allows Horowitz and Morant to escape, but believing that Bond and Vivienne are dead.
Bond then travels to Seychelles to recover the statue, and then onto Indonesia with Vivienne in tow. He plans to use the antique to draw out the double agent and Vivienne is the only person who can identify her......

James Bond.................... Daniel Craig (obviously)
Vivienne Michael............ Caroline Dhavernas
Sol 'Horror' Horowitz..... Anthony Flanagan
'Slugsy' Morant...............Kevin Durand (but with no hair)
Maria..............................Monica Bellucci
Mr. Sanguinetti...............Alessandro Gassman
And of course
Mr White.........................Jesper Christensen
Felix Leiter.....................Jeffrey Wright
M...................................Judi Dench

#10 RedKelly



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Posted 27 November 2008 - 02:29 AM

I've always wanted to see a Bond movie that would have him thrown into the plot. Like some big political meeting and M sends him to watch over or he is just there and there is an assination attempt but it is just to cover up something bigger. Of course you could always have Quantum be behind it. The pre-titles would be the political meeting with attempted killings and Bond tracking down the killers. This could take place in NY a perfect way to have 007 in NY. What if the whole movie was set in one location and took place over a number of days? Or you could start the movie in England,move to the middle east, then retrack back to NY. I would like to see some action on rooftops but we don't need parkour. To see Bond wheeling his aston around NY would be nice. I thought all the locales in Quantum were nice but not that necassary in the future.

#11 Joey Bond

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Posted 27 November 2008 - 02:18 PM

Some great ideas, Captain! I particular liked

Where Wikipedia leads, I follow; these are some ideas I put together on the other forum:

- Quantum are trying to "go to ground" by killing off its operatives that the world's intelligence services know about. When Bond learns of the mysterious accidents that befall these Quantum members, he has to work against a consortium of assassins to save the Quantum members and earn the next pieces of the puzzle. Along the way he encounters Eulogy, an assssin who fondly recalls each of his kills and his victims and seems intent on killing only the opertive ond is trying to protect. Eulogy is the "Last Child of Chernobyl", a Belorussian-born man who received a dose of radiation during the Chernobyl accident. He favours strangulation by garrotte because he has a "Chernobyl Necklace", a razor-thin scar around his neck where he had thyroid surgery.

- Bond goes up against Johnathan Edo ("John Doe" being far too obvious), a man who seems intent upon bringing anarchy to the world, though he rejects titles like anarchist, zealot, terrorist and fanatic. He doesn't care for Bond's presence or intereference, and is only trying to kill him because Bond orks for he government. Edo believes that people need to show what they're willing to live, fight and die for, and that the only way for the to demonstrate it is when there is no order. It is implied that Edo worked for the CIA overthrowing governments and installing new ones in their place, but grew disillusioned when the new governments proved to be just as corrupt as the old ones.

#12 Eurospy



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Posted 27 November 2008 - 03:20 PM

Many cool ideas out there.

Ms. Broccoli and Mr. Wilson will stay away from anything related to Iraq I believe.

Although I do have a strong feeling that the "New York as a location" rumour may be true. In terms of marketing, it would be a logical step to have him go someplace in the US of A.

It's a funny thing though, that Quantum of Solace (which I think is overall cool as it is - they've finished building Craig's Bond, thus the barrel sequence at the end) seems a bit inspired by the Bourne franchise (nothing wrong with that - before Moonraker there was Kiss the Girls & Make Them Die, for example) in terms of action sequences, and time ago I remember reading somewhere that the Bourne producer intended to continue their franchise, with Mr. Bourne going to South America in the fourth film.

By having the latest Bond there, they killed two birds with one stone, and possibly delayed a potential rival franchise (audience-wise). Smart thinking from the Bond producers.

#13 Vanya86



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Posted 28 November 2008 - 08:22 PM

Since this has gone a bit quiet I thought I would take the opportunity to ask a question about my idea. I'm trying to develop it a bit further and I've been wondering what to do with the character of Maria (the double agent). The way I see it there are two ways to play the character, she's either a full on villain, or she can be convinced to switch sides help Bond. With the intelligence communities closing in on Quantum she knows its only a matter of time before her betrayal is discovered, so she wants out. Whichever way she's played this mission was always intended to be her last, she would take her payment and disappear. There are also two ultimate fates for her, either she dies or she lives. This gives us four possible conclusions.

1. She's evil, she dies.
Pretty straight forward, she's one of the bad guys for the whole film and she's killed by Bond.
2. She's evil, she lives.
I always wanted to give her the same veteran edge Bond has (hence the suggestion of a 40+ actress) so I thought it could be interesting if she was able elude Bond and the authorities and escape into exile/retirement.
3. She's good, she dies.
Again, pretty straight forward, she helps Bond and her betrayal is discovered by Quantum so she is killed by them (Horowitz and Morant would do the deed) making her the obligatory sacrificial lamb.
4. She's good, she lives.
Bond is able to enlist her aid in thwarting Quantum, but as a traitor she can't return to her own government, so she takes the Hildebrand Rarity and disappears. As professional curtsy for her help Bond lets her go rather than turning her in.

Personally I find the idea of her surviving to be more interesting, where villains go when the jobs done is something that's never really been explored. But I'd be interested to see what other people think.

#14 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 28 November 2008 - 09:24 PM

Some great ideas, Captain! I particular liked

Thanks, Joey. In that first one, I wanted to reverse the status quo and have Bond being forced to save Quantum members, rather than killing them or putting them in a position to die easily. In the second, I wanted to create a suitably Joker-like villain without being a carbon copy of Heath Ledger. I imagine his plot would involve elements from Anthony Burgess' unused THE SPY WHO LOVED ME draft, like humiliating world leaders by forcing the Pope to paint over the Sistene Chapel, have the Royal Family parade naked through the streets of London, the American President wipe his own behind with the Decalration of Independence, and the Russian President masturbate on live television; failure to do so would incure Edo's wrath, while trying to pay him off would simply make him attack ...

#15 Eurospy



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Posted 29 November 2008 - 05:27 AM

I certainly like your ideas, Cap.But I think your idea for a joker-type villain would have worked better in the Moore Era (and I mean it in a good way).

I'm not very good at this kind of thing - I like reading about Bond fans' suggestions/ideas, but I'm not very good at coming up with them - I'l make a mild suggestion:



- also suggested in another forum, taken from a line in a Fleming novel (Moonraker?), it seems to fit Craig's Bond just fine. It's a cool, sexy and mysterious tiltle (?)


- how about taking some elements from TMWTGG novel, with Bond facing his equal, an evil twin-type (not literally!), using the "typical" spy plot of assassinating (a) key political figure(s) (where Bond has to stop him). The Bourne trilogy of books was about the hero's confrontation with Carlos the Jackal (not even shades of this plot having been used in the movies).

We've had that villain-type in TMWTGG movie and GE, but never used in an assassination plot (which was use a great deal by Gardner).

It could be a contemporary take of "James Bond meets Day of the Jackal".

#16 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 29 November 2008 - 08:16 AM

The Bourne trilogy of books was about the hero's confrontation with Carlos the Jackal (not even shades of this plot having been used in the movies).

Bond should never do anything remotely Bourne plot-wise. Sure, they didn't use Carlos the Jackal in the films, but the Bond Is Bourne crowd will easily be able to go to the source material and claim plagiarism.

That said, maybe Bond could go APOCALYPSE NOW: strip the story down to its basic elements, with Bond being sent in to kill one man but discovering some terrible secret in the midst of it.

#17 Jim


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Posted 29 November 2008 - 08:34 AM

The Bourne trilogy of books was about the hero's confrontation with Carlos the Jackal (not even shades of this plot having been used in the movies).

Bond should never do anything remotely Bourne plot-wise. Sure, they didn't use Carlos the Jackal in the films, but the Bond Is Bourne crowd will easily be able to go to the source material and claim plagiarism.

That said, maybe Bond could go APOCALYPSE NOW: strip the story down to its basic elements, with Bond being sent in to kill one man but discovering some terrible secret in the midst of it.

Interesting ideas.

Happy Birthday, by the way.

#18 Eurospy



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Posted 29 November 2008 - 12:16 PM

Cpt. Tightpants: first of all - Happy Birthday then.

Well, I'm not saying that Bond should imitate Bourne (like I said in another thread, there is a shade of Bourne to QOS, but without going overboard, which is fine by me, don't find anything wrong with it).

Bond going up against an assassin who's as much of a determined killer as him just seems to fit right in with Craig's take on the character. And it's a fresh kind of plot for the Bond franchise.

I'm not saying that the assassin should be Carlos the Jackal - no, no, no, not at all.

But they could take a great deal of inspiration from the from the unused material from TMWTGG novel to weave such a plot.

Like them or loathe them, I found it quite nice that in LTK they took a great deal of inspiration from the LALD novel (with a villain smuggling drugs instead of treasure - it even sounds closer to the novel than the movie with the same name that introduced us to Moore), just like in DAD there was a great deal of inspiration taken from the MR novel.

Stripping Bond to his bare essentials... In terms of plot yours is a cool idea, but a bare-bones Bond is what we saw in CR and QOS, and by now many Bond fans would like Craig's Bond to have just a little bit more of the formulaic elements.

My, oh my, we Bond fans sure seem like a tough crowd to please.

#19 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 30 November 2008 - 02:08 AM

I wanted to create a suitably Joker-like villain without being a carbon copy of Heath Ledger. I imagine his plot would involve elements from Anthony Burgess' unused THE SPY WHO LOVED ME draft, like humiliating world leaders by forcing the Pope to paint over the Sistene Chapel, have the Royal Family parade naked through the streets of London, the American President wipe his own behind with the Decalration of Independence, and the Russian President masturbate on live television; failure to do so would incure Edo's wrath, while trying to pay him off would simply make him attack ...

Your ideas are sick, revolting, disturbing, and disgusting. I love them, and hope EON uses them somehow in a future Bond film! :(

Don't blame me, blame Burgess (and maybe Icebreaker from the other forums). Burgess came up with the ideas thirty years ago, and Icebreaker posted them on the other board. All I did was take them and transpose them into a 21st-Century Bond film.

#20 dogtherock



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Posted 30 November 2008 - 02:41 AM

We start with the questioning of Dominique Greene and he tells 007 that the leader of Quantum is a man named Blofeld. Bond chases after him in london where he runs into a girl named Jane Moneypenny. She gets a job with MI:6 and Quantum is changed to SPECTRE. that would b so awesome. (but it needs work)

#21 Quantumofsolace007



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Posted 30 November 2008 - 03:56 AM

I'm not particularly fond of some people wanting to make Quantum Spectre. Spectre should remain in the past Quantum is now.

I'm not a fans of Bond Versus A jokeresque villian. I mean It's inventive writing don't get me wrong and if we were to start a new franchise it would be perfecrt but not for 007.

My idea .

Basicaly a loose adaptation of Diamonds are forever

i think Jack Spang could becoming Quantum's high financhel Advisor handling all of there profit and finaces. bsacially he was Greene and le chiffe's boss but he's no where near the top.

#22 Eurospy



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Posted 30 November 2008 - 08:59 PM

I'm not particularly fond of some people wanting to make Quantum Spectre. Spectre should remain in the past Quantum is now.

I'm not a fans of Bond Versus A jokeresque villian. I mean It's inventive writing don't get me wrong and if we were to start a new franchise it would be perfecrt but not for 007.

My idea .

Basicaly a loose adaptation of Diamonds are forever

i think Jack Spang could becoming Quantum's high financhel Advisor handling all of there profit and finaces. bsacially he was Greene and le chiffe's boss but he's no where near the top.

I think that a loose adaptation of the DAF novel would be excellent. Although I'd prefer not to see it connected to Quantum. Having Bond involved in a diamond-related caper that owuldn't involve sattelites would be interesting with Craig-Bond.

The same goes for the TMWTGG book.

#23 B. Ret Smythe

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Posted 01 December 2008 - 02:19 AM

I think the next Bond film should be called "Agent Under Fire" or "Moonraker Part 2". I really hope they bring back the control mines from Goldeneye 007. They were my favourite weapon. Set the timer for 3 minutes instead of 6. I also think they should have Shaggy singing the theme song.

#24 Quantumofsolace007



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Posted 01 December 2008 - 04:36 AM

got a new idea for u all to chew over


Basic plot

due to inteligence they Believe they have located the head of Quantum a Man by the name of John Maverick an american business man.

we are lead though out half the movie to belive John is really the head of quantum Bond is about to take the shot till he realizes that quantum has tricked m and him and are using him to kill of a rival. 007 spend's the rest of the time trying to figure out who is really a member of Quantum. with a few suspect ranging from the lovely photographer from green peace Vivine Michaels to the Mi6 informant Alberto Risico Bond must figure oput Quantum's true intentions and fast.

#25 Eurospy



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Posted 01 December 2008 - 05:03 AM

It would be fantastic to have a "mystery villain" sort of plot. A plot with much more intrigue where the viewer could pick up the pieces along with Bond, while up to point he's unknowingly being manipulated by the villain.

It reminds me of FYEO, and it is indeed what TWINE tried to do.

(Although if you want to have the viewers guessing the villain's identity, you'd have to change either the title or one of the character's names, as they both share the same :( )

#26 Quantumofsolace007



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Posted 01 December 2008 - 05:07 AM


the operation is Risico

the characters are hmm that's a tough one.

I like John Maverick for the American guy

but can't think of the other name. the operative of Quatnum who is over seeing the hit of John to make sure it goes according to plan.

i'd go with a fleming name like Ultric Von hammerstien but anyone reading fleming would know "hmm he was villian in the short story i bet he's a villian here too" you need a flemingish name like Dominic Greene but without being to obvious otherwise it negates the mystery villian idea. Plus this would be the first bond film the more you watch it the more you notice the subtle hints as to the real villain's idenity.

#27 Captain Tightpants

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Posted 01 December 2008 - 07:49 AM

Let me guess ... this "Maverick" character will be played by James Garner? Or maybe Mel Gibson?

#28 DamnCoffee



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Posted 01 December 2008 - 11:05 AM

Something that I would really like to see in a future Bond movie is something that I loved in the Diamonds Are Forever novel. It's pretty minor, but It made me chuckle. I think Craig would do this brilliantly, anyway.

When Tiffany is sitting at the dressing table looking at Bond in the mirror, she asks him to sit down, Bond then walks over to the arm chair and repositions it so that he can still see her in the mirror and sits down.

A minor idea, I know, but I'm convinced that Craig would be able to pull this off perfectly. Complete with the boyish grin he always does. :(

#29 Eurospy



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Posted 01 December 2008 - 01:34 PM

That kind of details is what brings one a step closer towards perfection.

And the Risico idea would work actually great if the "red herring" villain had an unused villain's name from the novels, thus further keeping a potetial audience guessing.

#30 Blonde Bond

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Posted 01 December 2008 - 09:38 PM

Male M
Female M
Blonde Bond
Dark Bond
African-American / Black-British / Asian / Japanese / Indian / Canadian / Nordic / Russian / Irish / Scottish / Australian Bond
Jane Bond
Number 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Blofeld's Daugter
Blofeld's Son
Jack Bauer
Jack Black
Jack White
Jason Bourne
Bond's Dad played by former Bond actor
Directed by Lee Tamahori / Quentin Tarantino / Robert Rodniguez