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First James Bond Videogame You Played

91 replies to this topic

#91 Janus Assassin

Janus Assassin

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Posted 27 March 2014 - 04:13 PM

Goldeneye 64 is still the best IMO but I haven't played them all so. Perfect Dark was pretty good too. 


Was disappointing when I found out Goldeneye Reloaded wasn't a remake but rather re-imagining. 


It was also disappointing Rare Ware I believe the company that made GE64 didn't get to make the TND game which went to the PS. Never played that either...


TND is garbage so you're not missing anything. GE Reloaded disappointed me as well, with the only level resembling the original game was the Facility.

#92 Walecs



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Posted 29 March 2014 - 02:30 PM

Goldeneye 64 is still the best IMO but I haven't played them all so. Perfect Dark was pretty good too. 


Was disappointing when I found out Goldeneye Reloaded wasn't a remake but rather re-imagining. 


It was also disappointing Rare Ware I believe the company that made GE64 didn't get to make the TND game which went to the PS. Never played that either...



Rare were offered to make TND as well, but they refused because they intended to create a brand-new IP of theirs. That's why they did Perfect Dark instead.  What they're doing nowadays is pretty arguable, but during the Nintendo 64 era, Rare were one of the best developers ever.