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Spider-Man returns for #s 4 & 5

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#61 Trident



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Posted 20 January 2010 - 11:27 AM

Enjoyed this. Make of it what you will.

Pretty much agree with most of the article, thanks for sharing!

That reboot route would seem to upset even a large part of those fans that weren't sold entirely on the Raimi films. While personally I think this series has left out many of the more interesting elements of Spidey's silver age, such as Gwen's death which has given the entire genre a different direction, I still think it did remarkably well under the circumstances dictated by modern cinema. Letting this tale down now for a cheap high school drama version just doesn't show much dedication to the character and in my opinion also underestimates the target audience. You can get those kiddies to watch a film even if it doesn't revolve around characters their own age.

And let's be frank here, whoever thought up this awful step backwards also doesn't seem to grasp what Peter Parker is in his high school days: a nerd, wonk, dweep, geek, so on. It's not like Peter is playing in the same league as tv's Clark Kent. The cheerleaders don't exactly swoon in his presence and neither do his coeds file up to date him, at least not in the source material. So whoever thinks of a large screen version of 'Smallville' with Spiderman instead of the young Superman may be in for a surprise. To me a large part of Spidey's attraction stems from him not being the typical winner. How (if at all) this should find it's way into the next film, remains to be seen. My impression at least certainly wasn't that Maguire's age or appearence would have made a reboot necessary.

#62 Zorin Industries

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Posted 20 January 2010 - 11:34 AM

Couldn't care less now. It's a bit like SUPERMAN IV not starring Christopher Reeve. Without him, it would feel hollow and with him....well, it would still be, er, THE QUEST FOR PEACE.

#63 SecretAgentFan



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Posted 20 January 2010 - 12:08 PM

Seems 500 Days of Summer director Marc Webb has got the job.

I'm 99% certain I would hate 500 Days of Summer if I ever saw it, and I haven't seen any of Webb's previous masterworks like Jesse McCartney: Up Close (he's the one who voices the cute chubby Chipmunk isn't he?), but nonetheless this seems like an interesting choice.

I understand the doubts. And let me also say: a re-boot was neither necessary nor does it make sense to me why Sony thinks that their major blockbuster-material has to be marketed even younger now than it already was.

But... after having seen 500 Days of Summer AND completely loving it, I give Marc Webb a lot of goodwill to do his version of Spider-Man. If he does a bad job he surely was only in it for the money. But I doubt that. Unless Zac Ephron pops up as Peter Parker this new film could really work.

Guys, check out "500 Days of Summer"! You will like it!

#64 Zorin Industries

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Posted 20 January 2010 - 12:42 PM

So Joseph Gordon Levitt is the new Spidey then...?

#65 SecretAgentFan



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Posted 20 January 2010 - 12:56 PM

I think he could do a good job - but isnĀ“t he much too old for this high school-reboot?

#66 Zorin Industries

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Posted 20 January 2010 - 01:19 PM

I hate to tell the Spidey powers-that-be but weren't the last three films a high school reboot of sorts?!

#67 bondrules


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Posted 20 January 2010 - 01:48 PM

So Joseph Gordon Levitt is the new Spidey then...?

He could be Heath Ledger's brother. Don't they look alike?

#68 Safari Suit

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Posted 20 January 2010 - 02:04 PM

Couldn't care less now. It's a bit like SUPERMAN IV not starring Christopher Reeve. Without him, it would feel hollow and with him....well, it would still be, er, THE QUEST FOR PEACE.

Hmm, I don't really think McGuire is as simpatico as Reeve was with Superman. He obviously had a lot of popular appeal but I don't think he's irreplaceable by any means.

Guys, check out "500 Days of Summer"! You will like it!

I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to see it, and I was fully prepared to go if my company had been requested/demanded while it was in cinemas, but I know enough about it to know it is very, very unlikely to be my cup of tea and really quite likely to get on my nerves.

#69 Trident



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Posted 20 January 2010 - 03:51 PM

Couldn't care less now. It's a bit like SUPERMAN IV not starring Christopher Reeve. Without him, it would feel hollow and with him....well, it would still be, er, THE QUEST FOR PEACE.

Hmm, I don't really think McGuire is as simpatico as Reeve was with Superman. He obviously had a lot of popular appeal but I don't think he's irreplaceable by any means.

Not irreplaceable, but pretty hard to replace I daresay. I think the first three films have earned him considerable standing with the audience as he radiates just the right kind of boyish charm and unease. The first two films IMHO were the closest depiction of the original's spirit I've ever seen. I expect it won't be easy to sell a new Spiderman after the last one's costume has just barely dried.

#70 bondrules


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Posted 20 January 2010 - 04:01 PM

I don't see why rebooting is a good idea in any way. The last entry came out just 3 years ago, and was pretty successful. Batman was a different breed altogether. Dead franchise for almost a decade (shout to clooney).

#71 SecretAgentFan



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Posted 20 January 2010 - 04:04 PM

I hate to tell the Spidey powers-that-be but weren't the last three films a high school reboot of sorts?!


#72 tdalton



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Posted 20 January 2010 - 04:07 PM

I'm greatly encouraged by this news. The only decent film of the previous films was the first film. The other two were dreadful (the first wasn't particularly good either, but a mediocre film), so the decision to bring on a whole new creative team is a welcome one for me. I thoroughly enjoyed Marc Webb's (500) Days of Summer, which I thought was one of the absolute best films of 2009, so I think that he's a very good choice to helm the film, as I think that he'll help to improve the way the characters are depicted on screen, as they were over-the-top annoying in the previous 3 films.

#73 Trident



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Posted 20 January 2010 - 04:11 PM

I hate to tell the Spidey powers-that-be but weren't the last three films a high school reboot of sorts?!

Of sorts, maybe. Which leads me to expect an even greater emphasis on that angle may be the aim of 4 & 5. 'High School Superhero Musical Crush' or 'I Dated A Teenage Spider-Man For The Prom' being the working titles...

#74 Tybre



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Posted 20 January 2010 - 07:32 PM

I hate to tell the Spidey powers-that-be but weren't the last three films a high school reboot of sorts?!

Of sorts, maybe. Which leads me to expect an even greater emphasis on that angle may be the aim of 4 & 5. 'High School Superhero Musical Crush' or 'I Dated A Teenage Spider-Man For The Prom' being the working titles...

As long as it doesn't turn into these four series here (okay, two, technically) it shouldn't be too bad. Still not the wisest move if you ask me, but as long as they don't play up the high school aspect and the teenage romance schmaltz, I could take it, if everything else were good. If they are going back to high school, I'd rather they go the route of the Ultimate universe, because from my mild dabbling there, it seems like they mostly just treat high school as just another piece of the setting, like New York. Yeah, it factors into the stories to a point, but they're not like "Ooh, look, Parker's in high school!" He's still Spider-Man saving the day. He's just a brat doing it instead of a college kid.

#75 Jose


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Posted 21 January 2010 - 03:52 AM

However this turns out, I remain optimistic. I just hope they keep JK Simmons as JJJ. And that Peter Parker is wittier and cracks wise more often.