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Spider-Man returns for #s 4 & 5

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#31 gkgyver


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Posted 26 October 2008 - 01:46 AM

Gwen back to life?

Nice going, way to ruin comic book history!

#32 Joe Bond

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 12:41 AM

According to the press release on this aintitcool article it seems as though Spider-man 4 has been scrapped and will now be a reboot for 2012 with a new director and cast. I am really not looking forward to this at all because they already have made an origin story and I don't really want to see it again.

#33 zencat


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 12:45 AM

Nikki Finke broke this story (of course), and has all the inside dirt.


EDIT: Whoops, sorry, I see GS posted it above. But she keeps updating.

#34 dinovelvet



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Posted 12 January 2010 - 12:59 AM

Now we're re-booting a series that's what, eight years old? Shall we reboot Star Trek again while we're at it?

#35 Safari Suit

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 10:12 AM

I like how rebooting has become the answer to everything in Hollywood these days. "Jason Statham wants too much money for Transporter 4""B) Him! Cast Channing Tatum and make it Frank Begins!"

Having said that this could have potential if they go the Incredible Hulk route and don't give us a bloody origin story again. Didn't particularly like any of the Rami films so I'm not too bothered.

#36 SecretAgentFan



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Posted 12 January 2010 - 11:49 AM

I think that despite or because of the incredible niceties of RaimiĀ“s statement that there was a huge fight over "Spiderman 4" after Raimi had been forced to do the "Spiderman 3" script that just had too many cooks in a kitchen that was mainly designed by SONY.

Of course, "Spiderman 3" was a huge financial success. And Raimi is coming off a huge financial failure with "Drag me to hell". Although not only in my opinion the financial success of these pictures should have been just the opposite, according to their artistic value.

Nevertheless - Raimi was definitely pushed again to do something that he did not think was right for "Spiderman". Maybe he overestimated his influence, banking on his actors to leave the ship with him.

Sony obviously was not intimidated. They threw him out and the actors with him.

Which was definitely not necessary. Raimi would have understood, he is a realist and knows Hollywood, if Maguire (and Dunst) had stayed on. Another director, after three consecutive films by Raimi, would have been a good idea to freshen things up anyway.

But this? A re-boot? And - an essential point in this - a re-boot mainly tailored to the teenage market?

This is SONY putting their foot down. And disrespecting the team that had brought them their biggest hits in many years.

Which makes me wonder whether our JAMES would really be better off with SONY, my friends. They obviously would not hesitate to throw Daniel Craig out and re-cast the role. For the teenage market, of course.

Bond 23 is on shakier ground than I ever imagined...

#37 marktmurphy



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Posted 12 January 2010 - 12:46 PM

Bleh; I was up for 4 even if the whole thing was feeling a little tired. Raimi's always good value, though; I feel a spark will be lost.
Not bothered about doing the origin yet again (I hope they don't) but if it can be anything like the Spectacular Spider-Man TV show (which is fantastic) I suppose it might not be all bad. A proper teenage Peter would be quite good.

#38 Safari Suit

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 03:53 PM

Personally I would prefer they went the opposite direction and made him older, tougher and less angsty, but I realise that may be going against the spirit of the character.

#39 Trident



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Posted 12 January 2010 - 04:13 PM

Don't like what I hear about those reboot plans. Maguire for me was definitely close to the perfect lead, as was Dunst's MJ. Together with Raimi the team has given some terrific depictions of Spidey and even the last film, while far from as good as the first two, was decent fun at times (although I wouldn't have needed a fourth, let alone fifth flick).

SONY showing their dream-team the door now makes me really sceptical what a permanent share of theirs would mean for the Bond franchise. Reflexively just catering to the youth market neither is a sign of artistic awareness nor of particular confidence in their very own material.

#40 Conlazmoodalbrocra



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Posted 12 January 2010 - 05:49 PM

Don't like what I hear about those reboot plans.

Me too, I've never been a fan of reboots...unless they work of course! Casino Royale worked, as did Batman Begins, but others tend to crash and burn e.g. The Pink Panther and Punisher: War Zone

#41 Safari Suit

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 05:53 PM

Pink Panther wasn't really a reboot, I would say more of a remake. I don't remember it being publicised as a reboot, although now that the term has spread like flu it probably would be if it were released today.

#42 bondrules


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 05:55 PM

Tobey Maguire was a great Spiderman. He did everything right IMHO. Why change that? It's not the same with Batman, or Bond in the early 2000's.

Clooney and Brosnan were terrible performers.

#43 Conlazmoodalbrocra



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Posted 12 January 2010 - 05:57 PM

Tobey Maguire was a great Spiderman. Why change that? It's not the same with Batman, or Bond in the early 2000's.

Clooney and Brosnan were terrible performers.

"Terrible" is a bit of a strong word to describe Monsieur Brosnan IMO.

#44 bondrules


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 06:00 PM

Tobey Maguire was a great Spiderman. Why change that? It's not the same with Batman, or Bond in the early 2000's.

Clooney and Brosnan were terrible performers.

"Terrible" is a bit of a strong word to describe Monsieur Brosnan IMO.

I couldn't wait for him to leave. It was hard being a Bond fan when he was at the helm. He was the Jay Leno of Bonds. He wouldn't leave, he wouldn't die. Nothing. It was like an emperor. You couldn't get rid of him.

#45 Conlazmoodalbrocra



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Posted 12 January 2010 - 06:03 PM

Tobey Maguire was a great Spiderman. Why change that? It's not the same with Batman, or Bond in the early 2000's.

Clooney and Brosnan were terrible performers.

"Terrible" is a bit of a strong word to describe Monsieur Brosnan IMO.

I couldn't wait for him to leave. It was hard being a Bond fan when he was at the helm. He was the Jay Leno of Bonds. He wouldn't leave, he wouldn't die. Nothing. It was like an emperor. You couldn't get rid of him.

Haha, fair enough!

With regards to Mr Clooney, I think the big problem with Batman & Robin was both the script and the piss-poor directing of Joel Schumacher. He really screwed up what was a great series after the Burton/Keaton films. Batman Forever was OK, but Batman & Robin was terrible, unless you were about 8 years old at the time (I was, but as I've matured, I've seen that film for what it truly was!) Anyhoo, I admire George Clooney, and he wasn't THAT bad in Batman & Robin, but he wasn't great either!

#46 bondrules


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 06:12 PM

Tobey Maguire was a great Spiderman. Why change that? It's not the same with Batman, or Bond in the early 2000's.

Clooney and Brosnan were terrible performers.

"Terrible" is a bit of a strong word to describe Monsieur Brosnan IMO.

I couldn't wait for him to leave. It was hard being a Bond fan when he was at the helm. He was the Jay Leno of Bonds. He wouldn't leave, he wouldn't die. Nothing. It was like an emperor. You couldn't get rid of him.

Haha, fair enough!

With regards to Mr Clooney, I think the big problem with Batman & Robin was both the script and the piss-poor directing of Joel Schumacher. He really screwed up what was a great series after the Burton/Keaton films. Batman Forever was OK, but Batman & Robin was terrible, unless you were about 8 years old at the time (I was, but as I've matured, I've seen that film for what it truly was!) Anyhoo, I admire George Clooney, and he wasn't THAT bad in Batman & Robin, but he wasn't great either!

Speaking of Schumacher, I don't see how he is still hired for anything? He was such a lousy director. He made the studios money back in the 80s, but his craft was soooo overrated.

#47 Conlazmoodalbrocra



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Posted 12 January 2010 - 06:14 PM

Tobey Maguire was a great Spiderman. Why change that? It's not the same with Batman, or Bond in the early 2000's.

Clooney and Brosnan were terrible performers.

"Terrible" is a bit of a strong word to describe Monsieur Brosnan IMO.

I couldn't wait for him to leave. It was hard being a Bond fan when he was at the helm. He was the Jay Leno of Bonds. He wouldn't leave, he wouldn't die. Nothing. It was like an emperor. You couldn't get rid of him.

Haha, fair enough!

With regards to Mr Clooney, I think the big problem with Batman & Robin was both the script and the piss-poor directing of Joel Schumacher. He really screwed up what was a great series after the Burton/Keaton films. Batman Forever was OK, but Batman & Robin was terrible, unless you were about 8 years old at the time (I was, but as I've matured, I've seen that film for what it truly was!) Anyhoo, I admire George Clooney, and he wasn't THAT bad in Batman & Robin, but he wasn't great either!

Speaking of Schumacher, I don't see how he is still hired for anything? He was such a lousy director. He made the studios money back in the 80s, but his craft was soooo overrated.

Phone Booth was quite a good film. I remember thinking to myself when I saw it: "Is this the same guy who messed up Batman? No way!"

#48 bondrules


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 06:16 PM

Tobey Maguire was a great Spiderman. Why change that? It's not the same with Batman, or Bond in the early 2000's.

Clooney and Brosnan were terrible performers.

"Terrible" is a bit of a strong word to describe Monsieur Brosnan IMO.

I couldn't wait for him to leave. It was hard being a Bond fan when he was at the helm. He was the Jay Leno of Bonds. He wouldn't leave, he wouldn't die. Nothing. It was like an emperor. You couldn't get rid of him.

Haha, fair enough!

With regards to Mr Clooney, I think the big problem with Batman & Robin was both the script and the piss-poor directing of Joel Schumacher. He really screwed up what was a great series after the Burton/Keaton films. Batman Forever was OK, but Batman & Robin was terrible, unless you were about 8 years old at the time (I was, but as I've matured, I've seen that film for what it truly was!) Anyhoo, I admire George Clooney, and he wasn't THAT bad in Batman & Robin, but he wasn't great either!

Speaking of Schumacher, I don't see how he is still hired for anything? He was such a lousy director. He made the studios money back in the 80s, but his craft was soooo overrated.

Phone Booth was quite a good film. I remember thinking to myself when I saw it: "Is this the same guy who messed up Batman? No way!"

Is that the one with Colin Farrel locked in phone booth having a sexy/suave/creepy Kiefer Sutherland at the other end? Never saw it.

#49 Conlazmoodalbrocra



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Posted 12 January 2010 - 06:19 PM

Tobey Maguire was a great Spiderman. Why change that? It's not the same with Batman, or Bond in the early 2000's.

Clooney and Brosnan were terrible performers.

"Terrible" is a bit of a strong word to describe Monsieur Brosnan IMO.

I couldn't wait for him to leave. It was hard being a Bond fan when he was at the helm. He was the Jay Leno of Bonds. He wouldn't leave, he wouldn't die. Nothing. It was like an emperor. You couldn't get rid of him.

Haha, fair enough!

With regards to Mr Clooney, I think the big problem with Batman & Robin was both the script and the piss-poor directing of Joel Schumacher. He really screwed up what was a great series after the Burton/Keaton films. Batman Forever was OK, but Batman & Robin was terrible, unless you were about 8 years old at the time (I was, but as I've matured, I've seen that film for what it truly was!) Anyhoo, I admire George Clooney, and he wasn't THAT bad in Batman & Robin, but he wasn't great either!

Speaking of Schumacher, I don't see how he is still hired for anything? He was such a lousy director. He made the studios money back in the 80s, but his craft was soooo overrated.

Phone Booth was quite a good film. I remember thinking to myself when I saw it: "Is this the same guy who messed up Batman? No way!"

Is that the one with Colin Farrel locked in phone booth having a sexy/suave/creepy Kiefer Sutherland at the other end? Never saw it.

Yeah it is. A good movie IMO.

#50 Safari Suit

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Posted 12 January 2010 - 06:24 PM

Falling Down is a great film (and on the basis of that I can see why he was hired for Batman). Phone Booth and Flawless are pretty good (I think Flawless is the last time DeNiro was really, really good), The Lost Boys and St. Elmo's Fire are entertaining enough to merit one viewing and A Time To Kill and 8mm have their moments. Flatliners could and should have been so much more, but it's OK. He's a hack, certainly, but he doesn't deserve to be cast into the pits of ineptitude with the Uwe Bolls and such that fanboys put him in because they still can't get over batnipplegate.

#51 Tybre



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Posted 12 January 2010 - 07:36 PM

Don't like what I hear about those reboot plans. Maguire for me was definitely close to the perfect lead, as was Dunst's MJ. Together with Raimi the team has given some terrific depictions of Spidey and even the last film, while far from as good as the first two, was decent fun at times (although I wouldn't have needed a fourth, let alone fifth flick).

Just found out about this myself, and I am a bit upset about it as well. I thought the Raimi films were the best adaptations of adult Spidey we were going to get, and I know a lot of people had complaints with a lot of the cast, but I've always thought a lot of their choices were as spot-on as you can get. I do think the best Spider-Man adaptation out their is The Spectacular Spider-Man, which Sony turned over to Disney after Disney bought out Marvel (even though they didn't have to) and now it's looking like Spectacular won't be continuing, which is a terrible shame. Especially if the whole "high school Spidey gritty reboot" thing goes down. Very good film adaptations and, well, spectacular animated adaptation, poof! Down the drain. Sure, I was a bit hesitant about SM4 after 3, but I felt like the filmmakers were at least trying to learn from their mistakes and 4 would be better, if not to the quality of the original (I doubt any will approach 2 again). Oh well. C'est le studio de cinema.

#52 Trident



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Posted 12 January 2010 - 07:55 PM

Don't like what I hear about those reboot plans. Maguire for me was definitely close to the perfect lead, as was Dunst's MJ. Together with Raimi the team has given some terrific depictions of Spidey and even the last film, while far from as good as the first two, was decent fun at times (although I wouldn't have needed a fourth, let alone fifth flick).

Just found out about this myself, and I am a bit upset about it as well. I thought the Raimi films were the best adaptations of adult Spidey we were going to get, and I know a lot of people had complaints with a lot of the cast, but I've always thought a lot of their choices were as spot-on as you can get. I do think the best Spider-Man adaptation out their is The Spectacular Spider-Man, which Sony turned over to Disney after Disney bought out Marvel (even though they didn't have to) and now it's looking like Spectacular won't be continuing, which is a terrible shame. Especially if the whole "high school Spidey gritty reboot" thing goes down. Very good film adaptations and, well, spectacular animated adaptation, poof! Down the drain. Sure, I was a bit hesitant about SM4 after 3, but I felt like the filmmakers were at least trying to learn from their mistakes and 4 would be better, if not to the quality of the original (I doubt any will approach 2 again). Oh well. C'est le studio de cinema.

It's truly a shame. Where did they have their brains and sanity deposited when making this decision? Must have been a big deal further than just at the cloakroom or lobby... B)

SM4 would have been the chance to go further with Spiderman, show him seasoned, also in his professional life. Why leaving this chance for a cash-in reboot with uncertain cast and director? This is a bit as if EON had sacked Connery after 'Goldfinger' to reboot with a Young Bond storyline. I'm afraid whoever is cast in whichever plot will have to face a less than friendly welcome from the audience. I strongly doubt SONY has made the right decision here.

#53 Robinson


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Posted 12 January 2010 - 08:16 PM

Me too, I've never been a fan of reboots...unless they work of course! Casino Royale worked, as did Batman Begins, but others tend to crash and burn e.g. The Pink Panther and Punisher: War Zone

PUNISHER: WAR ZONE was considered a sequel. The Punisher's origins were alluded to but we didn't spend half the film on it.
The filmmakers were too busy blowing up free-running gangsters with rocket launchers! B)

Spidey 3 was a mess and I'm sorry that I had to sit through it twice. I don't think they need a reboot, just a fresh story idea and let's keep it to 1 main villain this time around.

#54 Conlazmoodalbrocra



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Posted 12 January 2010 - 08:23 PM

Me too, I've never been a fan of reboots...unless they work of course! Casino Royale worked, as did Batman Begins, but others tend to crash and burn e.g. The Pink Panther and Punisher: War Zone

PUNISHER: WAR ZONE was considered a sequel. The Punisher's origins were alluded to but we didn't spend half the film on it.
The filmmakers were too busy blowing up free-running gangsters with rocket launchers! B)

A sequel? Really? The only reason I can't swallow that is because in WarZone, Soap talks about when Castle's family was murdered. He says it happened in a park, where his wife and two children were murdered. But in the Thomas Jane movie, Castle's family are murdered on a jetty, and there's only one child present.

It's a crap movie anyhow! They should have brought Thomas Jane back for a start, and not cast the shambles that is Dominic 'I'm so freaking huge and better than everyone else in the world' West as Jigsaw.

#55 Professor Dent

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Posted 13 January 2010 - 01:37 AM

This is a bit disappointing. Outside of Dunst, who I never really thought fit the MJ role well, I liked the casting of the other regulars. Now that I think about it, I'm just more annoyed that I'm hearing the word "reboot" being thrown around again. I just hope we don't get Spider-man 90210. B)

#56 Tybre



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Posted 13 January 2010 - 01:39 AM

My biggest issue with them saying they're planning to take it back to his high school days is, well, the inevitable. C'mon. You all know they're gonna d oit.

#57 Harmsway



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Posted 13 January 2010 - 01:53 AM

Personally I would prefer they went the opposite direction and made him older, tougher and less angsty, but I realise that may be going against the spirit of the character.

It would fit the character just fine, I think.

Anyway, I'm glad Raimi and Maguire are out. I don't like any of their SPIDEY flicks. But I'm not happy about the decision to reboot. I don't need to see more of Peter Parker as a teenager.

#58 Tybre



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Posted 18 January 2010 - 04:25 AM

Enjoyed this. Make of it what you will.

#59 jrcjohnny99



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Posted 18 January 2010 - 05:12 AM

I'm not sure I care either way about this; I quite enjoyed the first flick, but I didnt really enjoy either of the sequels.
Compared to Donners Superman, Singers X-Men, Favreau's Iron Man and either Burton or Nolan's Batman' I thought Raimi's Spiderman flicks look very average.
Oh yeah, and I HATED Dunst in the movies.....

#60 Safari Suit

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Posted 20 January 2010 - 09:45 AM

Seems 500 Days of Summer director Marc Webb has got the job.

I'm 99% certain I would hate 500 Days of Summer if I ever saw it, and I haven't seen any of Webb's previous masterworks like Jesse McCartney: Up Close (he's the one who voices the cute chubby Chipmunk isn't he?), but nonetheless this seems like an interesting choice.