Nine fan stories by nine authors celebrating the Centenary of Ian Fleming
Maybe this one should have been in the Fan Fiction section and youre welcome to move it there in case...
Anyway I sat here thinking that there are many talanted writers here at CBN. My thought was, could it be possible to make a serious tribute to Ian Fleming in form of a CBn Centenary Short story Collection?
Lets say like this:
- A collection of 6-7 short storys by different fan fiction writers.
- A "board" of members from CBN that makes the final selecton of the contributions.
- Contributions should not have published beforeand kept secretly until publishing date.
- The storys should be set between Golden Gun and Colonel Sun or maybe right after CS for example.
- Make it available here at CBN in may 2008, downloadable in PDF. Maybe wiht a cover by Evan Willnow (maybe in the style of his Per fine ounce cover).
- The winning contributors gets a copy of the real Centenary novel, or maybe...a printed copy of the CBN Centenary collection if possible.
PS. That was my 100. DS.