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U.S. cover art for RED TATTOO and NDOD paperback here!

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#31 RossMan


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Posted 11 April 2002 - 09:14 PM

Tanger (11 Apr, 2002 10:10 p.m.):
Thanks Rossman. I wanted to start getting all the books and I was going to start off by getting one from each author. This was in a Tomorrow Never Dies set that's going cheap on EBay and I've got my eye on it.

Keep your eye out for Fleming and Gardner on e.bay, I often see a lot of sets with their books being sold, mostly at fairly decent prices.

#32 Tanger



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Posted 11 April 2002 - 09:21 PM

Yeah I'm actually scrolling through the lists right now. There are some pretty good deals on there. I'm mainly looking for the books just to read them and there are a few on there for like, 20p. I'll probably get most of, if not all the new Fleming releases. I think the covers are quite nifty and I quite like them. Talking of which, do you think that the cover for 'Doubleshot' looks too 80s?