U.S. cover art for RED TATTOO and NDOD paperback here!
Posted 04 March 2002 - 04:43 PM
Posted 11 April 2002 - 09:40 PM
Tanger (11 Apr, 2002 10:21 p.m.):
Talking of which, do you think that the cover for 'Doubleshot' looks too 80s?
The US or UK cover, if US is it paperback or hardback?
I like the covers for both first editions, I think the UK cover just looks mysterious and intriging.
Posted 11 April 2002 - 09:49 PM
Posted 11 April 2002 - 09:57 PM
I see that it's signed as well.

Posted 04 March 2002 - 04:54 PM
Posted 04 March 2002 - 04:45 PM
Posted 04 March 2002 - 10:23 PM
I like the paperback cover as well, I'm glad that the Benson books, unlike Gardner's, are keeping with the same basic cover pattern.
Posted 04 March 2002 - 11:39 PM
Amazon.com usually posts bigger, higher quality pics. When they do, I'll post them here.RossMan (04 Mar, 2002 10:23 p.m.):
I like it, I think it looks better than the UK edition this time. I wish bn.com had a close up of the cover, I'd like to see what that image is behind the title.
Posted 05 March 2002 - 05:34 AM
zencat (04 Mar, 2002 04:43 p.m.):
These just appeared on BN.com. Here's the cover art for the U.S. hardcover edition of the new Benson book...
Is it just me or is that a very much like ur fan one Zencat?
Posted 05 March 2002 - 03:50 PM

Posted 05 March 2002 - 03:51 PM

Posted 06 March 2002 - 04:38 AM
Didn't you know that he has a shingle up on his door:MDSmith (05 Mar, 2002 03:51 p.m.):
Yeah it does look very much like that, which goes to prove that Zencat is Raymond Benson.![]()
Posted 06 March 2002 - 07:50 AM
You can't judge a book by its title.
You can't judge a film by its title.
You can't judge sheep at a cow competition.
(This is a bit commandmenty, innit? Probably all true though)
Posted 10 March 2002 - 01:52 AM
And here it is.zencat (04 Mar, 2002 11:39 p.m.):
Amazon.com usually posts bigger, higher quality pics. When they do, I'll post them here.RossMan (04 Mar, 2002 10:23 p.m.):
I like it, I think it looks better than the UK edition this time. I wish bn.com had a close up of the cover, I'd like to see what that image is behind the title.
Posted 10 March 2002 - 07:31 AM
Posted 11 March 2002 - 01:52 PM
Posted 11 March 2002 - 11:33 PM
I really like the US covers for the Gardner hardcovers. Each a different color, with the same cover scheme of the silhoutte Bond and the same binding which looks really nice lined up on my bookshelf.
The Benson US books binding alternate which looks a little awkward. ZMT, TFOD, and NDOD all have the title on the side with The New Bond Adventure beneath and Benson's name on the right. HTTK and DS just have the title with Benson's name under it. Sorry for being so picky.
Posted 12 March 2002 - 02:40 AM
While I agree the cover art on the UK editions (at least up until NDOD) have been superior to the US editions, I do think the overall quality and layout of the US books are far superior. Just look at the typesetting of Doubleshot and NDOD, and notice how the front boards of the US editions are stamped with a "007", each one just a bit different and matching the title font. Very nice. Some of the UK editions are downright sloppy. FOD and HTTK have whole words running together in the typeset, and any concept of "design" ends with the cover art. As a whole, I gotta confess I prefer the US editions.RossMan (11 Mar, 2002 11:33 p.m.):
The US covers look nice but compared to the UK editions, they're not too good. I don't like the UK cove for TMWTRTT for some reason.
You're not being picky Rossman. I've noticed the same thing and it does mess up the look. But I am happy they went back to the ZMT, FOD look. Let's just hope they stick with it from here on out.RossMan (11 Mar, 2002 11:33 p.m.):
The Benson US books binding alternate which looks a little awkward. ZMT, TFOD, and NDOD all have the title on the side with The New Bond Adventure beneath and Benson's name on the right. HTTK and DS just have the title with Benson's name under it. Sorry for being so picky.
Posted 12 March 2002 - 08:23 AM
Posted 04 March 2002 - 09:08 PM
Mister Asterix (04 Mar, 2002 08:40 p.m.):
You've got a deal, Mr. Page. I was going to suggest the same thing.
Oh, I was teeing you up for the reply:
"No deals Mr Page"

But yes, swapping editions is cool with me.
Posted 04 March 2002 - 08:40 PM

Posted 04 March 2002 - 08:17 PM
Mister Asterix (04 Mar, 2002 08:11 p.m.):
I personally like the JOOTMCRMWPOSCB, and will probably buy that version rather than this one.
K, you buy the US one. I'll buy the UK one. And we'll swap. Deal?

Posted 04 March 2002 - 08:11 PM
James Page (04 Mar, 2002 07:30 p.m.):
At least with TMWTRT they've finally dropped the "just-out-of-the-microwave-chinese-ready-meal-with-packet-of-sprinkly-cripsy-bits" look. I hated that cover.
They didn't drop that. The JOOTMCRMWPOSCB cover is the British cover. This is the U.S. cover.
I personally like the JOOTMCRMWPOSCB, and will probably buy that version rather than this one.
Posted 04 March 2002 - 07:53 PM
Posted 04 March 2002 - 07:30 PM
Posted 04 March 2002 - 07:27 PM
Thanks for the news though, zencat.
Posted 11 April 2002 - 08:43 PM
Posted 11 April 2002 - 08:54 PM
Jim (12 Mar, 2002 08:23 a.m.):
It's not what's on the outside that concerns me.
I'm guessing Jim, that you are not a Raymond Benson fan.
While I'm here, is 'Zero Minus Ten' any good?
Posted 11 April 2002 - 09:06 PM
Tanger (11 Apr, 2002 09:54 p.m.):
While I'm here, is 'Zero Minus Ten' any good?
ZMT is great, it is, in my opinion, the perfect cross bewteen the literary Bond and movie Bond, so the perfect introduction for a new reader. It has a nice plot with Bond running around Hong Kong following leads and putting clues together.
Posted 11 April 2002 - 09:10 PM