Emilio Largo is one of the series' best villains.

Unorthodox Bond Opinions
Posted 27 August 2014 - 07:17 PM
Posted 28 August 2014 - 03:28 AM
I love "Another Way to Die".
Posted 28 August 2014 - 03:57 PM
- The World Is Not Enough is a GOOD Bond film (in my top 5);
- So is Die Another Day (but not in my top 5);
- I love Madonna's "Die Another Day" (albeit not the weirdly limp mix actually used in the film's titles);
- A View To A Kill is my favourite Roger Moore outing;
- Casino Royale is overrated;
- Quantum of Solace was not, as that prat Mark Kermode put it, "a miss-fire" and could be argued as Craig's best Bond film.
Edited by BrozFan, 28 August 2014 - 03:58 PM.
Posted 28 August 2014 - 04:03 PM
Sorry if I've posted in this thread before. Couldn't be bothered to look but here goes.
Goldeneye in my opinion is the best Bond film ever made, and Pierce Brosnan is my favourite in the role. I stand by that despite having read all of Fleming's original novels and being something of an aficionado on the subject in general.
I LOVE Eric Serra's score to Goldeneye (although many years ago said in here I didn't. What can I say? I changed my mind).
I actually prefer Never Say Never Again to Thunderball.
Moonraker is my all time favourite Roger Moore entry followed perhaps by For Your Eyes Only.
I find The Spy Who Loved Me a little bit overrated.
I find Casino Royale to be grossly overrated and would say it's only slightly above average. If I were to do a top ten it probably wouldn't be in there.
It took Skyfall to make me finally warm to Daniel Craig as Bond.
I actually think Diamonds Are Forever would have been better if George Lazenby was in it. Connery totally phones that one in.
I think Licence To Kill is a damn good film and wish it was shown a bit more love in these parts. It's a terrific revenge thriller.
David Arnold got BLOODY BORING after a while.
The World Is Not Enough COULD HAVE been a masterpiece.
Pierce Brosnan may have been starting to look a bit old in Die Another Day but I still reckon he had ONE MORE in him. They should have sat on Casino Royale and let Brosnan have a last hurrah. Perhaps hung a campaign on the fact it was Brosnan's last and not only given him, but the OLD STYLE of Bond a big hearty goodbye. Maybe even have Bond retire at the end of the film, made it like it was going to be the last one ever. THEN do the big reboot!
I think that's all I've got.
Posted 28 August 2014 - 04:08 PM
I actually think Diamonds Are Forever would have been better if George Lazenby was in it. Connery totally phones that one in.
You, sir, are the most correct any human being has ever been.
Posted 28 August 2014 - 11:07 PM
I'm beginning to think that "Brosnan is a fantastic Bond" is an unorthodox opinion around here.
Posted 29 August 2014 - 09:17 AM
In response to Lukas' post, I think Emilio Largo is one of the best villains in the series. Maybe it's just a twinge of nostalgia on my part, but one thing I think the series got (mostly) right in the Connery era was villainy.
Posted 29 August 2014 - 01:32 PM
Ever since I was young, I thought Baron Samedi was always the mastermind behind Kananga/Mr. Big in Live and Let Die. Seeing as he's "still alive" at the end of the film... I still think he was the one pulling the strings.
Posted 29 August 2014 - 03:07 PM
I'm beginning to think that "Brosnan is a fantastic Bond" is an unorthodox opinion around here.
I really hated the anti-Brosnan backlash that began when Craig took the role. Those same people were more than likely saying "Bring back Brosnan - we don't want a blonde guy!" when the casting news was first announced. I'll always pledge my allegiance to the Broz. He is the greatest Bond.
Posted 31 August 2014 - 01:32 PM
Was the backlash really against Broz personally or more against the type of Bond films we got during the era? Looking back, he had everything on his side at the time and was often labeled best Bond since Connery. But he didn't do himself any favors when he went public with his sentiments after he FULLFILLED HIS CONTRACT and wasn't asked back.
I can say from personal experience I was disappointed when he replaced Dalton in the role. So I was never fully in from the beginning. Didn't stop me from being excited for the films and enjoying him in the role. Also wasn't sad to see him go and come Craig in. This, in turn, didn't stop me from seeing and enjoying The November Man last night. Broz looked great for being 60 and could've gone as long as Moore had, but would that have been a good thing?
Posted 28 September 2014 - 05:19 PM
Ok, here's mine...
- FYEO is a fantastic soundtrack
- David Arnold's scores... every single one of them suck epic penis.
- Goldfinger is the most overrated Bond movie, and Goldfinger himself is a dreary, boring villain.
- Seconded on Largo being a great villain.
- Lazenby should've gone on to do more (though that's an opinion that's become less unorthodox over time)
- Daniel Craig is a good Bond, no more, no less. His over-zealous champions act like he's the first Bond to ever F*** or kill anyone and are oblivious to the fact that Bond survived for 20 films without him.
Posted 29 September 2014 - 05:36 AM
- FYEO is a fantastic soundtrack
You hit the nail on the head here.
Posted 29 September 2014 - 11:41 PM
Although it's good on it's own merit, OHMSS could have been the BEST Bond EVER.....IF.....Roger Moore starred.
Posted 30 September 2014 - 09:20 AM
Never say never again isn't such a bad movie everyone is telling you!
Over the years I've gonna like it more and more
and now I think it's even better (or at least I enjoy it more) than some official ones, like A view to a kill, Tomorrow never dies, Die another day and Quantum of Solace.
Posted 05 October 2014 - 01:09 PM
My slightly unorthodox opinion - and I am planning on possibly altering this as soon as possible - despite watching the films countless, countless times, I have only ever watched OHMSS once. Yes, once. And many years ago. I've always disliked Lazenby as Bond (for reasons I'm not so sure of, certainly not particularly because I disliked the film - I barely remember it). Also, having read all the books OHMSS stands out as one of the ones I most enjoyed reading, and one of the most pleasingly action-packed.
I aim to watch the film in the near future and hope I am pleasantly surprised by it, especially after reading people's opinions about it on this board. But yeah, only ever watched it once, which is kinda insane for a Bond fan.
Posted 06 October 2014 - 06:40 AM
First of all, welcome agentbug!
OHMSS - it was the first Bond film I ever saw, decades ago. I was thinking about it yesterday, oddly enough. In some ways it seems to be in a separate place compared with the other Bond films. One obvious reason is that its leading man, George Lazenby, only starred as 007 once, but for me its not just that which makes it unique. Lazenby was not only a younger actor than Connery, but he looks and sounds younger. His Bond is reckless at times, as if he was a raw recruit, which in real life Lazenby was. It is almost like a "Bond begins" movie even though we know it is actually supposed to be Bond chasing after Blofeld following YOLT.
Bond's marriage, of course, makes OHMSS unique, and its tragic ending is out of synch with the usual "Bond and girl go off into the sunset" endings of previous and successor films. Only 2006's CR repeats that. (Unless one count's SF's ending as similar, though Judi Dench's M isn't a "Bond girl")
Other touches - the OHMSS story is probably the most faithful to the original novel, meaning that Blofeld's meeting with Bond, even when the latter is pretending to be Sir Hilary Bray, doesn't fit the film continuity (Blofeld would have surely thought "That Bray fellow looks vaguely familiar. Didn't I bump into him in Japan?"). Even John Barry's music score - one of the best in the series - is different, not relying on a fall back on the original James Bond theme as much.
So, any Bond fan might enjoy OHMSS, as I still do, but I think its a film that doesn't completely fit into the Bond canon, for the reasons given above. It is, though a great Bond film which improves with age. And I suspect that, had CR 2006 not been a phenomenal success but a box office disappointment, and had Daniel Craig quit after just one film, I might now be thinking along similar lines about that film too.
Posted 06 October 2014 - 05:35 PM
CR'06 is light years ahead of OHMSS and TLD. CR'06 is ALMOST exactly how you do a serious Bond film.
edited: Okay, so CR'06 isn't perfect. It's still light years ahead of those other two films, especially TLD.
Edited by glidrose, 09 October 2014 - 11:30 PM.
Posted 06 October 2014 - 08:31 PM
CR'06 is light years ahead of OHMSS and TLD. CR'06 is exactly how you do a serious Bond film.
Especially the sinking house, which would not have looked out of place in DAD.
Posted 06 October 2014 - 08:45 PM
CR'06 is light years ahead of OHMSS and TLD. CR'06 is exactly how you do a serious Bond film.
Especially the sinking house, which would not have looked out of place in DAD.
Well, I would take the sinking house any day over the hovercraft/minefield idea. I'm not entirely sure that a house on wooden poles could not - under very lucky circumstances - 'sink' in much the same manner shown in the film. But I am positive that you try crossing a minefield in a hovercraft only once.
Posted 10 January 2015 - 08:29 PM
I don't know why people are so against Tanya Roberts and Denise Richards. Both give much better performances than Maryam D'Abo in TLD who frankly is awful. In fact Kara Milovy ranks as one of the most clueless women in the series.
Posted 10 January 2015 - 10:56 PM
I don't know why people are so against Tanya Roberts and Denise Richards. Both give much better performances than Maryam D'Abo in TLD who frankly is awful. In fact Kara Milovy ranks as one of the most clueless women in the series.
THAT is 100% true. She nearly ruined TLD, but Dalton was in it, so she couldn't.
My list:
- Brosnan could have been the best Bond of them all, but then...you know...he wasn't
- QoS might be just as good as SF
- I haven't watched a Moore Bond in YEARS...wait, are these confessions or unorthodox opinions?
- Dalton in LTK is better than Connery in TB
- Brosnan never once delivered "Bond. James Bond." correctly
- They should've gotten rid of Jaws after one film. Annoying him showing up all the time.
Edited by __7, 10 January 2015 - 10:58 PM.
Posted 11 January 2015 - 12:39 AM
I realy like Lynn-Holly Johnson as Bibbi Dahl and I don't understand where all the hate/bashing is coming from.
I think she's beautifull & funny and that makes her very, very sexy to me!
Posted 11 January 2015 - 02:06 PM
- Roger's best performance is in TMWTGG
- LTK was a more energetic film than GE
- I really liked Another Way To Die (Except for Alicia Keys)
- John Terry was not a terrible Leiter
-Rik Van Nutter was.
-Aki was one of my favorite Bond girls (I love the fact that Akiko Wakabayashi was not overdubbed by a Western voice actress)
Posted 11 January 2015 - 05:51 PM
-Aki was one of my favorite Bond girls (I love the fact that Akiko Wakabayashi was not overdubbed by a Western voice actress)
Posted 12 January 2015 - 07:31 PM
THAT is 100% true. She nearly ruined TLD, but Dalton was in it, so she couldn't.I don't know why people are so against Tanya Roberts and Denise Richards. Both give much better performances than Maryam D'Abo in TLD who frankly is awful. In fact Kara Milovy ranks as one of the most clueless women in the series.
I agree. Dalton absolutely did more damage to that film than anybody else in the cast. That is what you were trying to say?
- They should've gotten rid of Jaws after one film. Annoying him showing up all the time.
Yep. I hated the way he kept photobombing every important scene in the Timothy Dalton/Pierce Brosnan/Daniel Craig era. I wouldn't be surprised if the producers find some way of inserting him into SPECTRE.
Posted 12 January 2015 - 10:22 PM
THAT is 100% true. She nearly ruined TLD, but Dalton was in it, so she couldn't.I don't know why people are so against Tanya Roberts and Denise Richards. Both give much better performances than Maryam D'Abo in TLD who frankly is awful. In fact Kara Milovy ranks as one of the most clueless women in the series.
I agree. Dalton absolutely did more damage to that film than anybody else in the cast. That is what you were trying to say?
Haha. Uh. no. Dalton was an outstanding Bond. Therefore no one was going to ruin those films.
- They should've gotten rid of Jaws after one film. Annoying him showing up all the time.
Yep. I hated the way he kept photobombing every important scene in the Timothy Dalton/Pierce Brosnan/Daniel Craig era. I wouldn't be surprised if the producers find some way of inserting him into SPECTRE.
Point taken. Jaws showed up in too many of the Moore films. One was enough.
Posted 13 January 2015 - 05:35 PM
THAT is 100% true. She nearly ruined TLD, but Dalton was in it, so she couldn't.I don't know why people are so against Tanya Roberts and Denise Richards. Both give much better performances than Maryam D'Abo in TLD who frankly is awful. In fact Kara Milovy ranks as one of the most clueless women in the series.
I agree. Dalton absolutely did more damage to that film than anybody else in the cast. That is what you were trying to say?
Haha. Uh. no. Dalton was an outstanding Bond. Therefore no one was going to ruin those films.
- They should've gotten rid of Jaws after one film. Annoying him showing up all the time.
Yep. I hated the way he kept photobombing every important scene in the Timothy Dalton/Pierce Brosnan/Daniel Craig era. I wouldn't be surprised if the producers find some way of inserting him into SPECTRE.
Point taken. Jaws showed up in too many of the Moore films. One was enough.
It was more to do with how comically written his character was. They completely ruined his character. I wouldn't have any problem if Jaws showed up in Moonraker if he was as intimidating as he was in The Spy Who Loved Me. The closest we got to this in Moonraker was the carnival scene, and for what it's worth, it's pretty good.
Posted 14 January 2015 - 01:23 AM
Posted 09 March 2015 - 04:59 PM
You want unorthodox opinions? Here's one! John Barry's scores do not age well. Thick syrup sludge. That patented John Barry sound has really begun to drive me up the wall. They work well within the context of the films, I suppose, but listening to the scores on their own doesn't do it for me any more.... and so I do everything I can not to have to listen to them. That goes for his non-Bond scores as well.
Posted 11 March 2015 - 08:05 AM