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Parkour Chase in 'Casino Royale'

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#61 dinovelvet



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Posted 29 January 2006 - 11:26 PM

The "other" Bond site is claiming that this scene is going to similar to the cut rooftop chase from On Her Majesty’s Secret Service and is indeed the PTS. Take that as you will...

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Lol yeah I read that too. Sure, they suddenly decided to resurrect a scene they considered doing 37 years ago :tup: Well done, MI6 :D

#62 K1Bond007


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Posted 29 January 2006 - 11:52 PM

This would literally destroy Bond's casual viewers. No gun barrel? No pre-title? No song? This isn't Bond and people would skip. Trust me. People freaked out when a CG bullet came through the screen during the gun barrel. How do you think the world's fans of Bond would react to this? Haha.. not good at all. Seriously. Dumbest idea ever.

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That's a little OTT. It doesn't really matter. Most people don't realise Never Say Never Again isn't what we'd call a 'proper' Bond film and that had none of those things. Seriously; you could lose them and no-one would care that much. But I suspect they will keep them just because they're quite nice to have around. But hopefully they give them a good shaking up- no need to keep pretending we're in the sixties anymore guys; this is New Bond.

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Most people also claim (when including it) that Never Say Never Again is the worst James Bond film too. Sean Connery was also back as James Bond. Theres a huge difference there. Acceptance does not mean that people like it. Starting off with a new actor as James Bond and a "reboot", "rebirth", "reinvigoration", rewhatever will hurt the franchise. That's seriously how it is. I'll call it now in the possible (however unlikely) event that this happens.

#63 Gobi-1


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Posted 29 January 2006 - 11:56 PM

Originally the pre-title sequence for TWINE was to end after Bond jumps out of the Swiss Banker's office with the case of money, with the boat chase coming after the credits. Early on it was decided the opening wasn't big enough so the boat chase was moved up ahead of the credits.

I think CR's pre-credit's should be somewhere between TWINE's original opening and The Living Daylights training exercise pre-credit sequence.

Edited by Gobi-1, 30 January 2006 - 12:02 AM.

#64 K1Bond007


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Posted 30 January 2006 - 12:09 AM

Originally the pre-title sequence for TWINE was to end after Bond jumps out of the Swiss Banker's office with the case of money, with the boat chase coming after the credits. Early on it was decided the opening wasn't big enough so the boat chase was moved up ahead of the credits.

I think CR's pre-credit's should be somewhere between TWINE's original opening and The Living Daylights training exercise pre-credit sequence.

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I hate TWINE's opening. It's fun and whatever, but it's long and really goes unexplained (why was she there - you have to read the script of the novelisation to really know). It should have ended after the banker scene. Actually I would have preferred ending it with King getting blown up, but then you'd have to remove the chase sequence and then have Bond do a similar scene with Cigar girl killing herself and possibly him getting hurt (him getting hurt was a weak plot point anyway). This would have been much better though, IMO.

#65 Andrew


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Posted 30 January 2006 - 12:12 AM

The World Is Not Enough definatly should've ended after the bank. It just goess onnnn to me.

I hope that this PTS sequence is similar to The Living Daylights, a routine training mission going wrong but Bond saves the day in a high suspense scene.

Or perhaps Bond won't even be involved in the scene at all and will be introduced afterwards ala Live And Let Die.

#66 dinovelvet



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Posted 30 January 2006 - 12:25 AM

Most people also claim (when including it) that Never Say Never Again is the worst James Bond film too. Sean Connery was also back as James Bond. Theres a huge difference there. Acceptance does not mean that people like it. Starting off with a new actor as James Bond and a "reboot", "rebirth", "reinvigoration", rewhatever will hurt the franchise. That's seriously how it is. I'll call it now in the possible (however unlikely) event that this happens.

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Yeah the only thing that made up for the lack of gunbarrel, title credits, Bond theme music and all the other familiar elements was the fact that Sean Connery was in it. Daniel Craig is not Sean Connery (yet :tup: ) so we need those 'safety nets' to introduce him as Bond in his first film.

(I suppose NSNA could have also worked as a recognizable James Bond film with Roger Moore, if for some bizarre reason after OP, Rog decided to do a 'rogue' Bond movie just for a laugh)

#67 Dmitri Mishkin

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Posted 30 January 2006 - 01:29 AM

The gunbarrel opening eliminated? The absence of the Bond theme to officially kick off a new film?


I tend to agree that, as dinovelvet puts it, Eon will include the "safety nets" normally associated with Bond films if, for nothing, but to reassure viewers that this is still a Bond film, after all. As Craig said, "We are making a Bond film, first and foremost." Further, Michael Wilson and Barbara Broccoli strike me as being basically cautious people. I'm not sure they do want to radically change the franchise or reboot it as much as argued here. Look how far Pierce had to push just to include elements of deeper characterization in TWINE and DAD (ignoring for a moment, the public pressure to do the same after the action-stacked TND). The addition of the bullet in-your-face in DAD's gunbarrel will probably be the biggest deviation from the norm. And that was because of one of the more daring, unfettered Bond directors to come in sometime, Mr. Tamahori. No, In the end, all the trademarks will appear, true to tradition.

#68 Andrew


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Posted 30 January 2006 - 01:32 AM

Look how far Pierce had to push just to include elements of deeper characterization in TWINE and DAD (ignoring for a moment, the public pressure to do the same after the action-stacked TND).

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Well he must have not pushed hard enough...

#69 Flash1087


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Posted 30 January 2006 - 01:45 AM

I'm a bit of a Parkour enthusiast myself, so this is rather interesting to me. I've done it quite a few times...never any good, but that never stopped me before.

#70 Harmsway



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Posted 30 January 2006 - 02:30 AM

Look how far Pierce had to push just to include elements of deeper characterization in TWINE and DAD (ignoring for a moment, the public pressure to do the same after the action-stacked TND).

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Well he must have not pushed hard enough...

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Yeah, regardless of his desires for character, Brosnan's still said over and over again his favorite movie was GE. Not TWINE.

And honestly, TWINE was utter crap. That was NOT the direction to go in with James Bond. Deeper characterization is fine and great when handled well. Hopefully it will with CASINO ROYALE, and I have every reason to believe it is (Bond is apparently retaining his arrogant, cold, masculine, SOB nature).

That said, the characterization in TWINE was not James Bond. It turned him into more of a sensitive, feminine-fantasy figure, instead of the masculine icon that he should remain. That "Stockholm syndrome" confrontation was totally out of line, and the fact that Bond (on her betrayal) didn't descend into coldness and removal when he found out she betrayed him, instead moping about and even giving that ludicrous Stockholm syndrome speech, just hurt that. Not to mention that Sophie Marceau and Judi Dench took every opportunity to overact during that whole movie. Even Brosnan overacted a lot during the course of the film.

And, honestly, what happens when you run out of trauma for the character to undergo? There is a danger in making Bond nivues all about character - it should still be about escapism, as the majority of the Fleming novels were. I mean, Fleming still provided some characterization, but the majority of Fleming novels were fairly shallow affairs.

#71 sharpshooter



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Posted 30 January 2006 - 04:58 AM

Parkour looks great for a bond movie, especially if it is used to introduce Craig as 007. It is fast and exciting. Do you think they will have 007 doing this `free running' also? If he was, it would show his resourcefulness, and using his wits.

#72 Blofeld's Cat

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Posted 30 January 2006 - 07:26 AM

Is this the famous "foot chase" that I've always heard Purvis & Wade have tried to get into a Bond film? Sounds like it. Cool.  :tup:

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Wow, if it's anything like what you can see in Yamakasi it should be a doozy! :D

#73 Harmsway



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Posted 30 January 2006 - 07:29 AM

[quote name='Blofeld's Cat' date='30 January 2006 - 01:26'][quote name='zencat' date='30 January 2006 - 01:57']Is this the famous "foot chase" that I've always heard Purvis & Wade have tried to get into a Bond film? Sounds like it. Cool.

#74 Blofeld's Cat

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Posted 30 January 2006 - 07:33 AM

Interesting. Possibly another example of reusing discarded ideas from previous movies.

#75 Skudor



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Posted 30 January 2006 - 09:53 AM

But will Casino Royale have a PTS?

Until we hear these classic elements will be retained, I'm leaving my mind open to the possibility that they may be dropped. Gunbarrel, Per Title Sequence, Title Sequence... I think they will seek to establish the fresh start idea by jettisoning one of these major elements right at the top of the film...if not all. :tup:

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Are you trying to kill me??????

I may as well jump in front of a train right now...

The Parkour things sounds cool, and like something that very much belongs in a Bond film - it's possible, looks cool and can be done without CGI. Perfect.

#76 Seannery



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Posted 30 January 2006 - 10:01 AM

[quote name='zencat' date='29 January 2006 - 18:57']Is this the famous "foot chase" that I've always heard Purvis & Wade have tried to get into a Bond film? Sounds like it. Cool.

#77 marktmurphy



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Posted 30 January 2006 - 10:09 AM

Wasn't there a fun foot chase in an earlier draft of TWINE? Just after Valentin gets blown up?

#78 ACE



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Posted 30 January 2006 - 12:44 PM

The purported rooftop chase in OHMSS is wrong. That is based on a publicity still but the script which features the chase in the College of Arms is not on rooftops.

#79 Double-Oh Agent

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Posted 30 January 2006 - 09:15 PM

If they don't have the gunbarrel, pre-title sequence, etc. I will be mighty upset. They are iconic images that make Bond Bond. To remove them is to take away the mystique of the character that has been built up over the years. Shoot, they're already doing a stupid reboot, cast an against-type lead actor Daniel Craig (which I'm fine with) who is, at best, a question mark with the general public and who is stepping into some big shoes vacated by a popular predecessor. Plus, the film has a downbeat ending. Throwing all that iconic stuff out the window will make it that much harder for the cinema-going public to accept Craig as 007. No, they need to keep all of it (although they could shorten the PTS a little) and I imagine they will.

As for this parkour news, I like it. A foot chase over a city's rooftops and stuff? Sounds like a good, exciting introduction for Craig's Bond. After reading on the "other" site that the parkour scene was being filmed in the Bahamas for the PTS and that a local hotel was doubling for an embassy in Madagascar, I couldn't help but put two and two together and come up with four--or is it five?--regarding how this might be presented. As I read it, I kept seeing the opening scenes of Raymond Benson's High Time To Kill where a Union assassin kills the Bahamas governor, but instead of having a foot chase on city streets, this will be on rooftops. Am I off-base? I think my scenario is possible. As for why Bond might be there, maybe he's part of a security detail for either an ambassador, an admiral, or perhaps even M and that is how he gets noticed by the head of MI6.

#80 Monsieur B

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Posted 30 January 2006 - 10:33 PM

If they don't have the gunbarrel, pre-title sequence, etc. I will be mighty upset. They are iconic images that make Bond Bond. To remove them is to take away the mystique of the character that has been built up over the years. Shoot, they're already doing a stupid reboot, cast an against-type lead actor Daniel Craig (which I'm fine with) who is, at best, a question mark with the general public and who is stepping into some big shoes vacated by a popular predecessor. Plus, the film has a downbeat ending. Throwing all that iconic stuff out the window will make it that much harder for the cinema-going public to accept Craig as 007. No, they need to keep all of it (although they could shorten the PTS a little) and I imagine they will.

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Sounds much like On Her Majesty’s Secret Service to me, so that must mean that this film is going to be outstanding! Maybe twenty or thirty years down the road, we will all come to realize that Casino Royale is THE best Bond movie in the history of the franchise. :D :D

Concerning the parkour news, this is looking to be quite the intriguing development. With every passing day, my anticipation for this movie rises higher and higher. I'm getting the feeling that I am going to be picking my jaw up off of the floor throughout the whole film starting with the gunbarrel sequence. :tup:

#81 Fro



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Posted 31 January 2006 - 12:33 AM

Yeah, this is an excellent for an action scene in that it actually can be done, will be really exciting, hasn't been done before in a Bond film, and doesn't use CG.

Hopefully it's written to where Bond can't keep up with all the physical stuff the parlour guy is doing but uses his wits to stay with him.

#82 sharpshooter



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Posted 31 January 2006 - 04:35 AM

I hope the parkour guy doesnt do bondian things like in that clip, eg jumping out to a rope and kicking a man while wall running. It could maybe similar when Zao jumped out of window, and Bond blew the wall open with the gas bottle, so he can keep up with this skilled runner.

#83 Harmsway



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Posted 31 January 2006 - 04:49 AM

Originally the pre-title sequence for TWINE was to end after Bond jumps out of the Swiss Banker's office with the case of money, with the boat chase coming after the credits. Early on it was decided the opening wasn't big enough so the boat chase was moved up ahead of the credits.

I think CR's pre-credit's should be somewhere between TWINE's original opening and The Living Daylights training exercise pre-credit sequence.

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While this is a common rumor, I'm not sure it's actually true given the screenplay history.

In the first two drafts, both the P&W and Dana Stevens drafts, the titles come after the boat chase (and actually, there's no jump out the window - Bond escapes on a counterweight in an elevator shaft).

I mean its possible that such a decision was made to cut it up during the writing of the Feirstein draft, or even after the film had been shot and was in editing, but I doubt it. It just doesn't seem likely, to me. This seems like something that the fans created because the whole Bilbao thing seems like it could have been that way.

That said, I miss the short-and-sweet pre-title sequences that were common in the Connery films. FRWL, GF, TB, YOLT... all of 'em rank as my favorites. I prefer them to the all-out, action-filled affairs that came later on.

#84 dunmall



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Posted 31 January 2006 - 05:04 AM

just my two cents about TWINE in the commentary track, David Arnold says that an early rough cut did indeed finish after the bank scene, with the addition of a brief scene introducing Renard as the sniper and that he knows the cigar girl.
I think he, Peter Lamont and Vic Armstrong also briefly state that it was after early test screenings that the PTS was expanded.

OTther than that i like the idea of this Parkour chase it looks nice and different and innovative, just what we need :tup: