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Grover: Set in the cold war era

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#61 Pussfeller



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Posted 24 December 2005 - 05:18 AM

How many of you predicted Toby Stephens,Rick Yune,Will Yun Lee as the villians in Die Another Day.How many of you had any one of these names on the shortlist for Bond villians before that film.How many of these guys are well known to both the American and British audiences ?

The guys at EON dont ask for your opinion on who they should cast.It is entirely their prerogative.

So stop acting as EON casting agents or Barbara Broccoli or Wilson coz you arent any of them.

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Sorry, Mrs. Grover. :tup:

#62 Domlense



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Posted 26 December 2005 - 09:07 PM

Geez, does this Grover even work, or is he just a full-time self-promoter? I guess he's confident EON won't comment on it, so he can ride the wave of petty publicity for a few months and eventually claim that "after much consideration", he's decided his career is moving in a different direction, and must reluctantly turn down the offer. Naturally, all five million copies of CR will be donated to charity.

I wish, just once, EON would come out and say "We've never spoken with or considered Gulshan Grover", and leave him with his :tup: in the breeze. It's one thing for the producers to be discreet, but it's another to see them utterly ignore blatant liars like Rikki Lee Travolta and Gulshan Grover. They'll prosecute fans for using screenshots, but won't bat an eye when an actor publicly and persistently uses the prestige of the franchise to advance his own career.

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Sony did issue a statement on Grover that he was just someone doing some "wishful thinking." It was rather funny. They also confirmed that Travolta was "in consideration" but wouldn't comment if the part was turned down or not. Then again, why would they?