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Grover: Set in the cold war era

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#1 medrecess



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Posted 09 December 2005 - 05:58 PM

Casino Royale will be set in the cold war era according to Gulshan Grover.I was thinking that it was to be adapted to the present times.These guys at EON have run out of ideas.Is this the reason why they have got Martin Campbell as he directed GYE.Why not get over your obsession with the cold war.Sometimes they say there is a middle eastern element involved.This is so confusing.When will they make Bond movies that are not clones of each other.Get over the Brosnan hangover and make a serious film.

#2 ComplimentsOfSharky


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Posted 09 December 2005 - 06:05 PM

All hail the mighty and wise Gulshan Grover.

You know I hear that not only is he starring in the movie, he's actually directing it (Martin Campbell is just a puppet). And also he called me last night and told me that Rupert Everet and Colin Salmon will take turns playing Bond like the Olsen twins did in Full House. His agent says CR is coming out tomorrow, get in line guys! He also told me that I am actually a 50 year old woman living in Tibet - I guess I just thought I was otherwise...thanks Gulshan! Oh oh, and he said he created the world...so I think that makes him god.....

#3 zencat


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Posted 09 December 2005 - 06:18 PM

I don't know what to make of this, especially that part about the film being set in the "cold war era" (wouldn't it be wild if the Haggis rewrite was about turning the film into a period piece?).

I'll laugh if after all this press this Bollywood blowhard turns out to have a Goldie/TWINE-like cameo.

Gulshan, the Bond baddie
Ruchi Srivastava
[ Friday, December 09, 2005 09:09:53 pmTIMES NEWS NETWORK ]

Gulshan Grover finally reveals that he is acting in the James Bond movie. Phew!

He's doing the Bond film. Then, he isn't. And then, he is! Okay folks, the suspense is over now and Bollywood's Bad Man has finally accepted that he is playing the baddie in the 21st James Bond movie Casino Royale.

In town recently, Gulshan said, "Yes, I'm doing a Bond film which is directed by Martin Campbell and will be starring Daniel Craig in the lead. The shooting will begin in January next year. It is set in the cold war era."

And would the man want to reveal why he turned his casting into a suspense-thriller? "Well, it saved me from answering so many questions about the movie that the media would have asked, and which may have led to a controversy.

Also, it safeguarded me from the bad vibes of the jealous lot!" Whatever you say, Mr Grover. So, does he plan to shift base to Hollywood?

"I'm the first person who has not left the country despite working in American and European films. Bollywood is my mother and Hollywood is my gori aunty... she just happens to like me!" he says.


#4 blueman


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Posted 09 December 2005 - 06:19 PM

Wow, over-react much?

What has EON said? Last time I checked, they're the ones making CR...

Edited by blueman, 09 December 2005 - 06:20 PM.

#5 blueman


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Posted 09 December 2005 - 06:22 PM

I'd love a true retro Bond movie, set in the 50s. Do it!

#6 K1Bond007


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Posted 09 December 2005 - 06:28 PM

IMHO Gulshan Grover is just the new Rikki Lee Travolta. I wouldn't put much stock in this at all.

Wait for EON.

#7 zencat


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Posted 09 December 2005 - 06:31 PM

Remember Pierce in his Playboy interview said "they want to make it a period piece." :tup:

#8 Shrublands



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Posted 09 December 2005 - 06:42 PM

And would the man want to reveal why he turned his casting into a suspense-thriller? "Well, it saved me from answering so many questions about the movie that the media would have asked, and which may have led to a controversy.

Just so long as he didn

#9 ComplimentsOfSharky


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Posted 09 December 2005 - 06:45 PM

Remember Pierce in his Playboy interview said "they want to make it a period piece."  :tup:

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I thought Pierce said he wanted to do a period piece..

#10 Loomis


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Posted 09 December 2005 - 06:47 PM

Wasn't there some talk here on CBn about the CASINO ROYALE budget seeming curiously high for a movie without an enormously expensive star, and with few gadgets and just one explosion? CR being a period piece would go some way to explaining the oddly high cost (having to dress up every frame with authentic detail of the era rather than just filming Craig and co. walking down regular streets).

Still, I think Dench's involvement rules out a period film. Not because of the continuity issues, but because---- well, would the head of the British secret service in the '50s or '60s have been a woman?

Regardless, I reckon a period Bond would be a mistake, although it's admittedly one of those ideas that does initially sound very cool. You can have a Cold War feel/retro atmosphere without actually setting the thing during the Cold War - look at the Bournes.

For some reason, I think there's a strong chance that Joe Public would tune out if they went period. The unconventional 007 that is Craig, coupled with a supposedly gritty new direction.... there's enough on the audience's plate as it is. Putting a hat on Craig and taking Bond back in time would just be asking viewers to accept too much radical new stuff all at once. It could also look as though Eon had run out of ideas and that the barrel was being scraped.

#11 Shrublands



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Posted 09 December 2005 - 06:52 PM

The latest Aston Martin will look a bit odd, perhaps it will be invisible again.

#12 Forever007



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Posted 09 December 2005 - 07:02 PM

The large budget for CR does not mean it will be due to costs related to a "period piece". The producers old and new have never strayed too far from the Bond mold or formula. CR will have loads of action, just more believable action and plenty of stunts to thrill fans once again. Do we really believe they are going to do a period piece with minimal action, stunts and the bulk of the film devoted to Texas Hold em game? With a new actor yet who hasn't been exactly embraced by the public or even hard core fans? No. EON will go grittier but there will be plenty of action to justify their large budget. Otherwise it wouldn't be a James Bond film.

Edited by Forever007, 09 December 2005 - 07:03 PM.

#13 Forever007



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Posted 09 December 2005 - 07:04 PM

Gulshan Grover should hire a better translator.

#14 Mister Asterix

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Posted 09 December 2005 - 07:05 PM

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#15 Forever007



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Posted 09 December 2005 - 07:18 PM

Mister Asterix,

Now that's too funny. The funny thing is Grover here is far more intimidating than Elliot Carver, Renard and Graves.

Edited by Forever007, 09 December 2005 - 07:19 PM.

#16 Stratus



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Posted 09 December 2005 - 07:55 PM

So let me get this straight.

Casino Royale is a restart/reinvention that takes place in the Cold War dealing with Islamic Terrorism (hello COLD WAR?) with Dench as M, whilst driving an Aston Martin AMV8 Vantage.


#17 Inner Bond

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Posted 09 December 2005 - 08:02 PM

If the Aston Martin isn't in it then it will be the invisible model.

#18 Qwerty


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Posted 09 December 2005 - 08:53 PM

Mister Asterix,

  Now that's too funny.  The funny thing is Grover here is far more intimidating than Elliot Carver, Renard and Graves.

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#19 Dr. Tynan

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Posted 09 December 2005 - 08:57 PM


"Gulshan Grover finally reveals that he is acting in the James Bond movie. Phew!

He's doing the Bond film. Then, he isn't. And then, he is! Okay folks, the suspense is over now and Bollywood's Bad Man has finally accepted that he is playing the baddie in the 21st James Bond movie Casino Royale.

In town recently, Gulshan said, "Yes, I'm doing a Bond film which is directed by Martin Campbell and will be starring Daniel Craig in the lead. The shooting will begin in January next year. It is set in the cold war era."

And would the man want to reveal why he turned his casting into a suspense-thriller? "Well, it saved me from answering so many questions about the movie that the media would have asked, and which may have led to a controversy.

Also, it safeguarded me from the bad vibes of the jealous lot!" Whatever you say, Mr Grover. So, does he plan to shift base to Hollywood?

"I'm the first person who has not left the country despite working in American and European films. Bollywood is my mother and Hollywood is my gori aunty... she just happens to like me!" he says."

Not sure how to take this.

#20 Qwerty


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Posted 09 December 2005 - 09:01 PM

Edited in the CBn QuickNews link. :tup:

#21 Mister Asterix

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Posted 09 December 2005 - 09:02 PM

Mister Asterix,

  Now that's too funny.  The funny thing is Grover here is far more intimidating than Elliot Carver, Renard and Graves.

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It is I, Le Chiffre, your blue furry arch-nemesis. Chiffre is a French word. It means number. Today

#22 Dr. Tynan

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Posted 09 December 2005 - 09:04 PM

Cheers Qwert :tup:

#23 Mister Asterix

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Posted 09 December 2005 - 09:07 PM

Topics merged.

#24 Johnboy007


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Posted 09 December 2005 - 09:16 PM

The publicity photo with the P99 doesn't make any sense then, neither does having the new DB7 Vantage.

#25 K1Bond007


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Posted 09 December 2005 - 09:17 PM

[quote name='Mister Asterix /with edits' date='9 December 2005 - 16:02']It is I, Le Chiffre, your blue furry arch-nemesis. Chiffre is a French word. It means number. Today

#26 Qwerty


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Posted 09 December 2005 - 09:24 PM

Yer going down Bond.

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#27 The Dove

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Posted 09 December 2005 - 09:29 PM

ROTFLMAO!!! Lets have Cookie Monster play one of Grover's henchmen!!

#28 trumanlodge89



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Posted 09 December 2005 - 10:04 PM

Still, I think Dench's involvement rules out a period film. Not because of the continuity issues, but because---- well, would the head of the British secret service in the '50s or '60s have been a woman?

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unless it is set in the 80s.

#29 dinovelvet



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Posted 09 December 2005 - 10:45 PM

Oh jeez, another week, another insane press release from Gulshan Grover. EON and Campbell have specifically said the movie will NOT be set in the Cold War era. We know that Le Chiffre will be funding a terrorist group and they'll be playing Texas hold 'em. That is strictly 2006 stuff. For God's sake, EON, cast someone already so this Grover nutcase can finally shut up!

#30 whitesox



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Posted 09 December 2005 - 11:40 PM

Grover is may be just trying to show EON that he's enough megalomaniac and mythomaniac to play a Bond villain? :tup: