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How the Producers Lost Clive Owen

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#31 Michigansoftball#1



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Posted 30 September 2005 - 04:47 PM

I don't see the "British or Irish" category Spoon. Lazenby wasn't British.

Personally I think the actor just has to have that Mid-Atlantic accent going for him.

#32 Bon-san


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Posted 30 September 2005 - 04:50 PM

Well, I did suspect Craig was "too big for Bond", but evidently he isn't. Which I'm very pleased about. Here's hoping he gets the role.

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Well, I don't know how Craig feels about it. But I wouldn't put him in the category of too big for Bond.

BTW, Goran definitely has a bigger fan base in the US. And as crazy as it sounds, I suspect Cavill does too. Craig just has very, very little name recognition in the States.

Doesn't mean he wouldn't make a damn fine Bond, though.

#33 avl



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Posted 30 September 2005 - 05:21 PM

[quote name='spynovelfan' date='30 September 2005 - 15:27'][quote name='Emma' date='30 September 2005 - 15:23']Well I never wanted Owen to be Bond in the first place. He's a great actor and I loved him in 'Closer'. But he's just not James Bond. He has no charisma and he's not elegant.

#34 Turn



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Posted 30 September 2005 - 05:30 PM

I think Eon won't pay points because they figure Bond's true value isn't the actor in the role but the 40 years of history the franchise. But guess what? They will make WAY MORE MONEY with an actor like OWen or Brosnan in the role than with a McMahon. BTW, it's my understanding that McMahon is out of the running, but he was a serious candidate. Eon should not underestimate the importance of having a strong actor in there.

Dalton didn't get points. But remember, LTK almost ended the series. It tanked. I remember when it showed on Fox a few years into the 1990s, and people were remarking what utter wank it was. It was understood when GE was being produced, that if it didn't hit, then it was over. No more James Bond movies. It would be off to a TV series. As it is, GE saved the series. Thank goodness Brosnan was a grade Z actor at the time, desperate for any work. But times have changed.

We are now at that crossroads again. They should pay a real actor for the role. Get Owen. Pay the man. You get what you pay for.

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Why does nearly every post you make have to have a personal attack on Julian McMahon? And can you please explain how is he less of an actor than any of the other four rumored candidates? He's the star of a hit TV series and was in a summer hit at the box office, something none of the other rumored candidates can say.

Besides that, he's not even in the running any more. Has he done something to you, personally? Get over it.

And what does Dalton getting points have to do with anything? Then again, you are apparently one of those people who believe he and LTK almost ended the series. But I guess that's what happens when you listen to people who talk about "what other wank" it was.

#35 SecretAgentFan



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Posted 30 September 2005 - 06:03 PM

This thread should be called "How Clive Owen fooled us all into thinking that he was considered as Bond".

#36 luciusgore


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Posted 30 September 2005 - 06:09 PM

If Owen wasn't even considered for the role, then it would mean we should all have even greater concern over where the producers are heading. He is the most obvious choice for the role, and has topped every poll on who the next actor should be.

#37 dinovelvet



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Posted 30 September 2005 - 06:25 PM

I can't speak for how things are anywhere else in the world, but in the USA Clive Owen is not as big a star as he's often portrayed on boards like this one.  I don't wish to start up that whole ruckus about how big a star X is vs Y, what makes a star?, If a star falls in the forest is there a publicist there to hear it?, etc.  But really, Owen is on the rise, well-respected, and fairly well known amongst the more informed sector of filmgoing society (i.e., Dukes of Hazzard fans probably have no idea).  But he's not A-list, not a household name. 

Craig is at least a notch, and probably two, below Owen on the star visibility scale in the US.

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As I said on another thread, Clive Owen is far more bark than bite when it comes to the box office. His biggest hit was Sin City, which despite all the hype, earned only $74 million the US, and he was about the eighth most famous person in it!! Imagine if a Bond movie made $74 million at the box office, people would be screaming BOMB. King Arthur tanked, and Closer didn't even make what a Bond film takes in an opening weekend. So he gets an Oscar nomination for his troubles, whoop-de-do, that puts him right up there with Pete Postlethwaite and Armin Mueller-Stahl. Who? Exactly.
This is why I don't believe this 'points' story for a second. Gross points are awarded to actors who can sell movies and guarantee a big opening weekend, we're talking Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson, Denzel Washington, Jim Carrey, etc. Owen hasn't carried one single movie to any kind of success at the box office, so who the hell is he to start asking for percentages? It's either the most arrogant display of fame-gone-to-his-head I've ever heard of, or there's the possibility that he really wasn't keen on Bond, but if he could get away with extorting a paycheck and a percentage, then he'd do it. In that case, why the hell should EON want him anyway? No doubt he'd be a Dalton-esque miserable Bond who would do the bare minimum of publicity, and grumble when anyone asks him about his personal life. I'd much rather have someone who's excited about being Bond, James Bond like Julian McMahon or Alex O'Lachlan.

#38 doublenoughtspy


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Posted 30 September 2005 - 06:36 PM

Would you say Sean's, George's, Roger's, Tim's, or Pierce's films were setting the world on fire pre-Bond?

Of course not.

And again - Variety's article is vague - they don't explicity state that Owen wanted points and that it was the only thing that prevented him from taking the role.

I'm not sure why you equate Owen's off screen persona to be the same as Dalton's.

From what I've seen he does plenty of publicity, and doesn't need to be as reticent as Dalton was about his personal life because he is happily married with two children.

#39 Stax



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Posted 30 September 2005 - 06:46 PM

Not to sound miffed but who the heck could think that Cavill has ANY recognition stateside and Craig doesn't? How many of you have even seen Cavill in anything? He's only known for the roles he HASN'T gotten rather than those he has. I don't recall Hellraiser: Hellworld and I Capture the Castle wowing the states.

#40 Seannery



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Posted 30 September 2005 - 06:55 PM

Not to sound miffed but who the heck could think that Cavill has ANY recognition stateside and Craig doesn't? How many of you have even seen Cavill in anything? He's only known for the roles he HASN'T gotten rather than those he has. I don't recall Hellraiser: Hellworld and I Capture the Castle wowing the states.

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Of course you are correct BUT only one person stated that(it's not like everyone is agreeing with that) and he is wrong in this case. That said Craig is known more but not by too much. At least he has a LITTLE cache in the USA unlike Cavill.

#41 Bon-san


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Posted 30 September 2005 - 10:30 PM

Not to sound miffed but who the heck could think that Cavill has ANY recognition stateside and Craig doesn't? How many of you have even seen Cavill in anything? He's only known for the roles he HASN'T gotten rather than those he has. I don't recall Hellraiser: Hellworld and I Capture the Castle wowing the states.

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Of course you are correct BUT only one person stated that(it's not like everyone is agreeing with that) and he is wrong in this case. That said Craig is known more but not by too much. At least he has a LITTLE cache in the USA unlike Cavill.

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I am wrong in this case??? :)

:) OK, maybe I am (and thanks for pointing it out, Seannery. :) :)

Both Craig and Cavill have exactly one tribute website that comes up when one google's their names. Both have 6 forum threads on IMDB. And Cavill was in "Monte Cristo" and "Hellworld", so I figured the teenyboppers are on to him, and they breed their gossip/info like lemmings. Craig's face may be known to many movie-goers, but not his name.

I stand by my assertion. :)

And, Stax, I wasn't trying to diss your guy, man! I like Craig, too.

#42 Triton


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Posted 01 October 2005 - 03:30 AM

Yet another great opportunity wasted by Eon Productions' stinginess. :)

#43 Quartermaster007


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Posted 01 October 2005 - 03:55 AM


Now I know Clive is done.... :)

Time to switch to Craig! :)

#44 Eye Of The Tiger

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Posted 01 October 2005 - 04:01 AM

[quote name='Bon-san' date='30 September 2005 - 12:27']
[quote name='Loomis' date='30 September 2005 - 11:20']
But isn't Craig a "name actor", a "star"?

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Here's where I break it to you gently...

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He's considerably more famous than the other so-called finalists, though (here in the UK, anyway). Okay, he's hardly Tom Hanks, but he's more or less in Owen's league, no? Or getting there, at least?

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I can't speak for how things are anywhere else in the world, but in the USA Clive Owen is not as big a star as he's often portrayed on boards like this one. I don't wish to start up that whole ruckus about how big a star X is vs Y, what makes a star?, If a star falls in the forest is there a publicist there to hear it?, etc. But really, Owen is on the rise, well-respected, and fairly well known amongst the more informed sector of filmgoing society (i.e., Dukes of Hazzard fans probably have no idea). But he's not A-list, not a household name.

Craig is at least a notch, and probably two, below Owen on the star visibility scale in the US.

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Very true!

Here in the USA Clive Owen and Daniel Craig are NOT big stars by any means at all! Owen is becoming somewhat of a star, but still definitely not even close to being a big star. And Daniel Craig is still a complete unknown outside of die-hard Bond fans, here in the USA that is!

Neither Owen or Craig are going to bring in big box-office numbers here in the USA, especially Craig! In the USA Owen and Craig are not even close to Pierce Brosnan as a box-office draw, not even close!!!

#45 Slaezenger



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Posted 01 October 2005 - 04:08 AM

He's not steel in a velvet glove which is what Bond should be. Too working class. Ditto for Craig.

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#46 Eye Of The Tiger

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Posted 01 October 2005 - 04:14 AM

Well, I did suspect Craig was "too big for Bond", but evidently he isn't. Which I'm very pleased about. Here's hoping he gets the role.

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Well, I don't know how Craig feels about it. But I wouldn't put him in the category of too big for Bond.

BTW, Goran definitely has a bigger fan base in the US. And as crazy as it sounds, I suspect Cavill does too. Craig just has very, very little name recognition in the States.

Doesn't mean he wouldn't make a damn fine Bond, though.

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I agree that in the USA Goran Visnjic is more known than Daniel Craig, but aside from ER fans Visnjic is also not very well-known here either.

But I disagree about Cavill, because I think he is every bit as unknown here as Craig is.

Even though Craig is still an unknown here in the USA, he may become somewhat of a star, similar to how Clive Owen is starting to become a little bit of a star. So with that being the case, you have to wonder if Craig would want to become type-cast because of Bond?

#47 Eye Of The Tiger

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Posted 01 October 2005 - 04:25 AM

[quote name='dinovelvet' date='30 September 2005 - 14:25'][quote name='Bon-san' date='30 September 2005 - 09:27']I can't speak for how things are anywhere else in the world, but in the USA Clive Owen is not as big a star as he's often portrayed on boards like this one.

#48 Alessandra



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Posted 01 October 2005 - 02:13 PM

[quote name='Seannery' date='30 September 2005 - 16:46'][quote name='Alessandra' date='30 September 2005 - 16:29']MAN.. THERE IS JUST ONE WORD FOR THIS.. IT'S LAAAAAMEEEEEEEE!!!

#49 Roger Moore's Bad Facelift

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Posted 01 October 2005 - 02:28 PM

He's not steel in a velvet glove which is what Bond should be. Too working class. Ditto for Craig.

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Not so sure about that. To me, Connery always looked very rugged, very blue-collar, very working class-ish.
Some say he used to be a coffin polisher by trade and by god, if he didn't look like it.

Edited by Roger_Moore's_Bad_Facelift, 01 October 2005 - 02:29 PM.

#50 Loomis


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Posted 01 October 2005 - 02:33 PM

[quote name='Eye Of The Tiger' date='1 October 2005 - 04:01']
[quote name='Bon-san' date='30 September 2005 - 12:27']
[quote name='Loomis' date='30 September 2005 - 11:20']
But isn't Craig a "name actor", a "star"?

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Here's where I break it to you gently...

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He's considerably more famous than the other so-called finalists, though (here in the UK, anyway). Okay, he's hardly Tom Hanks, but he's more or less in Owen's league, no? Or getting there, at least?

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I can't speak for how things are anywhere else in the world, but in the USA Clive Owen is not as big a star as he's often portrayed on boards like this one. I don't wish to start up that whole ruckus about how big a star X is vs Y, what makes a star?, If a star falls in the forest is there a publicist there to hear it?, etc. But really, Owen is on the rise, well-respected, and fairly well known amongst the more informed sector of filmgoing society (i.e., Dukes of Hazzard fans probably have no idea). But he's not A-list, not a household name.

Craig is at least a notch, and probably two, below Owen on the star visibility scale in the US.

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Very true!

Here in the USA Clive Owen and Daniel Craig are NOT big stars by any means at all! Owen is becoming somewhat of a star, but still definitely not even close to being a big star. And Daniel Craig is still a complete unknown outside of die-hard Bond fans, here in the USA that is!

Neither Owen or Craig are going to bring in big box-office numbers here in the USA, especially Craig! In the USA Owen and Craig are not even close to Pierce Brosnan as a box-office draw, not even close!!!

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But, Eye Of The Tiger, was Brosnan a big box office draw in the States (or anywhere) prior to GOLDENEYE? If Craig is "still a complete unknown outside of die-hard Bond fans" (and I'm not necessarily disputing that, especially with regard to his fame in America), then surely Brosnan was more or less known only to "Remington Steele" fans?

And GOLDENEYE did okay, no? Audiences have never needed a big name as Bond.

#51 luciusgore


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Posted 01 October 2005 - 04:27 PM

Brosnan was something of a household name before GE because he had done Remington Steele, and had appeared in a Bond-like television commercial. People knew who he was.

A lot of people are familiar with Owen. He was after all nominated for an Academy Award. He's a good lookin' star. Chicks dig him.

But Brosnan was better known in the U.S. before GE, although not as respected as Owen. He had been in some bad horror films.

Owen always pops up in people's minds as a guy who would be ideal to play Bond. Hence his appearance as a Bond-like characer in the "Pink Panther" remake. It's amazing Eon did not move mountains to get him the part.

I sense real arrogance from Eon. An attitude that they can hire anyone, that they don't need anybody, any actor will do. That isn't the case.

#52 Alessandra



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Posted 01 October 2005 - 09:42 PM

Brosnan was something of a household name before GE because he had done Remington Steele, and had appeared in a Bond-like television commercial. People knew who he was.

A lot of people are familiar with Owen. He was after all nominated for an Academy Award. He's a good lookin' star. Chicks dig him.

But Brosnan was better known in the U.S. before GE, although not as respected as Owen. He had been in some bad horror films.

Owen always pops up in people's minds as a guy who would be ideal to play Bond. Hence his appearance as a Bond-like characer in the "Pink Panther" remake. It's amazing Eon did not move mountains to get him the part.

I sense real arrogance from Eon. An attitude that they can hire anyone, that they don't need anybody, any actor will do. That isn't the case.

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I agree Luciusgore. Brosnan was famous not only in the U.S. but also in Europe because of Remington Steele (and don't underestimate this, the series was very popular..), when people saw him as Bond they perfectly knew who that so very good-looking guy was. Nobody even in southern Europe has the FAINTEST idea who on earth Craig is.. while of Owen people have AT LEAST heard. And yea CHICKS DIG HIM lol (am a girl, so.. LOL). So he's not very popular, but people do have an idea who he is.
If not Hugh Jackman (who would be the only perfect choice), then Owen. He should've been given the part right away. But no, we'll have blue collar and ugly-looking Craig or Croat Goran for Bond!! MAN, this is just INSANE!! :) :)

#53 Tarl_Cabot



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Posted 02 October 2005 - 01:18 AM

[quote name='luciusgore' date='30 September 2005 - 08:49'][box]James Bond Producers Lose Clive Owen Over Contract Points
According to a report by entertainment trade Variety correspondent Michael Fleming, producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson lost the chance to have Academy Award-nominated actor Clive Owen (41) assume the title role in the James Bond film empire when they refused to include gross profit points for the actor

#54 Eye Of The Tiger

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Posted 02 October 2005 - 02:55 AM

[quote name='Loomis' date='1 October 2005 - 10:33']
[quote name='Eye Of The Tiger' date='1 October 2005 - 04:01']
[quote name='Bon-san' date='30 September 2005 - 12:27']
[quote name='Loomis' date='30 September 2005 - 11:20']
But isn't Craig a "name actor", a "star"?

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Here's where I break it to you gently...

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He's considerably more famous than the other so-called finalists, though (here in the UK, anyway). Okay, he's hardly Tom Hanks, but he's more or less in Owen's league, no? Or getting there, at least?

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I can't speak for how things are anywhere else in the world, but in the USA Clive Owen is not as big a star as he's often portrayed on boards like this one. I don't wish to start up that whole ruckus about how big a star X is vs Y, what makes a star?, If a star falls in the forest is there a publicist there to hear it?, etc. But really, Owen is on the rise, well-respected, and fairly well known amongst the more informed sector of filmgoing society (i.e., Dukes of Hazzard fans probably have no idea). But he's not A-list, not a household name.

Craig is at least a notch, and probably two, below Owen on the star visibility scale in the US.

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Very true!

Here in the USA Clive Owen and Daniel Craig are NOT big stars by any means at all! Owen is becoming somewhat of a star, but still definitely not even close to being a big star. And Daniel Craig is still a complete unknown outside of die-hard Bond fans, here in the USA that is!

Neither Owen or Craig are going to bring in big box-office numbers here in the USA, especially Craig! In the USA Owen and Craig are not even close to Pierce Brosnan as a box-office draw, not even close!!!

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But, Eye Of The Tiger, was Brosnan a big box office draw in the States (or anywhere) prior to GOLDENEYE? If Craig is "still a complete unknown outside of die-hard Bond fans" (and I'm not necessarily disputing that, especially with regard to his fame in America), then surely Brosnan was more or less known only to "Remington Steele" fans?

And GOLDENEYE did okay, no? Audiences have never needed a big name as Bond.

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Well, OK, Pierce Brosnan wasn't a really big star, but I would say that at least in the USA almost everyone knew who he was, and most of those people who knew anything about the Bond films felt that he would make a great James Bond.

Plus, Brosnan had been in some successful films like Dante's Peak and MRS. Doubtfire before he became James Bond. Not only die-hard-Bond-fans, but even the general public had years to get used to the idea of Pierce Brosnan possibly becoming James Bond, which did help his case for being a successful Bond. Whereas die-hard-Bond-fans have only had a few months to try to get used to the idea of Daniel Craig possibly becoming James Bond. And the general public here in the USA do not even know who Daniel Craig is, much less getting used to the idea of him being Bond someday.

#55 K1Bond007


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Posted 02 October 2005 - 04:48 AM

But this is standard stuff, isn't it? Brosnan wasn't allowed to wear the tux in other films (though he got a special dispensation for THOMAS CROWN).

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I thought Brosnan confirmed this to be false?




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Posted 02 October 2005 - 05:20 AM

I quite agree. The doughy-faced Mr. Owen never really had the presence to be Bond, and the others that the press, not EON, have put in the running are all just horrid.

I think a good-looking, and adequate acting, late 20-something should fit the bill (for the new generation, he would ONLY be 007 and have no prior baggage like some of his predessors). From connery on, that is really all the role has ever called for and I do not think they should reach too high. It is the world of Bond is certainly more fun and interesting than Bond himself.

Well I never wanted Owen to be Bond in the first place. He's a great actor and I loved him in 'Closer'. But he's just not James Bond. He has no charisma and he's not elegant.  He's not steel in a velvet glove which is what Bond should be. Too working class. Ditto for Craig.

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#57 Onlooker



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Posted 02 October 2005 - 07:35 AM

Actually, in the fame game, Julian McMahon may well be better known than any of the other contenders, aside from Hugh Jackman. Talking about fan sites, he has them around the world, U.S.A., Germany, Italy and Nip/Tuck is shown all over. He's had any number of magazine covers in France. And that's all before Fantastic Four is even taken into account. So I'd say he's pretty well known.

A couple of you have mentioned that he's now out of the running. I don't know that I'd be quite so categoric about it, although he certainly hasn't been mentioned in the latest reports. I would imagine his commitment to Nip/Tuck might be the sticking point, bearing in mind Eon's attitude to Remington Steel.

#58 Alessandra



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Posted 02 October 2005 - 02:30 PM

[quote name='Tarl_Cabot' date='2 October 2005 - 02:18'][quote name='luciusgore' date='30 September 2005 - 08:49'][box]James Bond Producers Lose Clive Owen Over Contract Points
According to a report by entertainment trade Variety correspondent Michael Fleming, producers Barbara Broccoli and Michael G. Wilson lost the chance to have Academy Award-nominated actor Clive Owen (41) assume the title role in the James Bond film empire when they refused to include gross profit points for the actor

#59 dinovelvet



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Posted 02 October 2005 - 11:01 PM

Actually, in the fame game, Julian McMahon may well be better known than any of the other contenders, aside from Hugh Jackman.  Talking about fan sites, he has them around the world, U.S.A., Germany, Italy and Nip/Tuck is shown all over.  He's had any number of magazine covers in France.  And that's all before Fantastic Four is even taken into account.  So I'd say he's pretty well known.

A couple of you have mentioned that he's now out of the running.  I don't know that I'd be quite so categoric about it, although he certainly hasn't been mentioned in the latest reports.  I would imagine his commitment to Nip/Tuck might be the sticking point, bearing in mind Eon's attitude to Remington Steel.

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Well its a bit of a different situation than Remington Steele, as Nip/Tuck is on cable, not regular tv, so it wouldn't qualify for Cubby's rule of "Why hire someone who the audience can see for free". Plus it isn't a regular 22-episode series, I think they do 10/12 episodes so its only on 3 or 4 months at a time. And at this point, Julian McMahon has his schedule open for the Casino Royale shooting dates. He's obviously enthusiastic about doing it and wouldn't be averse to the publicity, the only question is whether he can do a suitable English accent. But then again they are apparently seriously considering Visjnic, so that doesn't seem to be a priority...